Indiana Volunteer Infantry
10th Regiment Co. E



DATE of 
RUSSELL, Jasper N. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Promoted 2d Lieutenant
CLARK, William R. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
LUDLOW, William E. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Promoted Adjutant
MATHLER, Peter Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
SHOFSTALL, Jacob Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 App'd 1st Serg't; mustered out Sept. 19, '64
BREWER, Charles A. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged Nov. 19, '62; disability
CLEMENT, Charles T. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 App'd Serg't; must'd out Sept. 19, '64
CORCORAN, Lewis A. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged Nov. 19, '62; disability
DEFFERBAUGH, Charles Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Deserted at Lebanon, Ky., Nov. 19, '61
DEMERLY, Jacob Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
HEPPENHAMER, John Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
SEIFERT, Alexander Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Veteran; died at Marietta, Ga., Sept. 7, '64
RUSS, William Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Reduced; mustered out Sept. 19, '64
HAWKINS, Allison Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
WALGEMOUTH, S. White Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Died at Louisville Feb. 18, '62
WASHER, William Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Reduced; must'd out Sept. 19, '64

DATE of 
ADKINS, Elijah M. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged Feb. 5, '62; disability
ADKINS, William H. H. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Veteran; transferred to 58th Regt.
ALLEN, John S. [or Jas. S.] Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged June 25, '62; disability
ANDERSON, Nelson D. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Killed at Mills Springs Jan. 19, '62
ANDERSON, William W. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Deserted at Decherd, Tenn., Aug. 18, '62
ASBELL, Charles S. [or H] Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
BAKER, Samuel W. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
BARCUS, Nelson S. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Died at Lebanon, Ky., Jan. 5, '62
BARCUS, William Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
BARE, Gen'rous [Jenners] Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Disch'd June 25, '62, wo'ds rec'd,
Mills Springs.
BEMAN, Benjamin Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Died at Louisville April 6, '62
BIANCA, Louis Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
BOOHER, Daniel Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 App'd Wagoner; mustered out 
Sept. 19, '64
BOWERS, Jacob Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
BRAINERD, James Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Deserted at Lebanon, Ky., Oct. 29, '62
BROGA, John Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
BROWN, Harrison Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
BROWN, William S. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 App'd Corp'l; mustered out Sept. 19, '64
CALHOUN, John S. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
CALLOW, Richard F. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
CAMARD, John Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
CLARK, John Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
COLLINS, William W. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Disch'ed June 10, '62, w'ds rec'd, 
Mills Springs
CUMMINGS, John Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
DILLMAN, John Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
DOUGHERTY, Michael Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Veteran; transferred to 58th Regiment
DYE, John E. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Died Feb. 22, '62
ELLIS, Thomas  Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 App'd Serg't; mustered out Sept. 19, '64
EWING, William M. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged Feb. 15, '62; disablility
FELIZ, Lorenzo Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged June 25, '62; disability
FELTON, George Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
FOX, Gideon Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged Jan. 24, '64; disability
GOAS, Asa F. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
GOODMAN, Jacob Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
HARVEY, John Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
HOLLIDAY, Andrew Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged Feb. 10, '63; disability
HOLT, William Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 App'd Corp'l; must'd out Sept. 19, '64
HURLEY, Martin Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Deserted, Decherd, Tenn., Aug. 18, '62
JENNINGS, Eli Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
JENNINGS, Jasper N. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
JOHNSON, Thomas N. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged Nov. 19, '62; disability
JONES, Elisha [Elihu] Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
JONES, Timothy Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Transferred to 7th Battery Feb. 17, '64
KALBERER, Louis Tippecanoe County Sept. 18  App'd Corp'l; mustered out Sept. 19, '64
KRIECHELDORF, Henry Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Woun'd Mills Springs; disch'd June 25, '63; dis'y
KURTZ, Frank Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Veteran; transferred to 58th Regiment
LAMB, Clark Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Transferred to Signal Corps, Oct. 22, '63
LEHMONASKY, Sylvester Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Deserted, Danville, Ky., Oct. 13, '62
LEWIS, Samuel Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
McFARLAND, John W. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Died, Louisville, Feb. 25, '62
MILLS, Noah W. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Died, Nashville, April 16, '62
MORGAN, William H. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Veteran; transferred to 58th Regiment
MULRINE, Thomas P. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Deserted, Duck Creek, Jan. 14, '63
MACKESSEY, John Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
MARIOTTE, Leon Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
MILLER, Theodore H. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
NEIHART, Adam Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged, accidental wound, Feb. 28, '63
NOLES, Wilson Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
O'ROWKE, Michael T. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Deserted, Indianapolis, Feb. 20, '63
PAYNE, Hiram B. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Veteran; transferred to 58th Regiment
PAYNE, Milo Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
PAYNE, William E. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Died, Nashville, Sept. 16, '62
PRATT, Jeremiah R. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
REAGAN, William Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Died, Stewart's Creek, april 20, '63
REYNOLDS, Singleton Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
RIDENOUR, George Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
RISLEY, Reuben R. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 App'd Corp'l; mustered out Sept. 19, '64
RUBY, William F. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Appointed Commissary Sergeant
SELDMILLER, Valentine Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Died of poison, Bridgeport, Ala., Sept. 5, '63
SEWELL, Homer Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged June 25, '62; disability
SPRING, Abner [or Alba] Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
STEWART, John Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
STRICHT, Albert C. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Veteran, transferred to 58th Regiment
TUPPER, James W. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Veteran; transferred to 58th Regiment
VAUGHN, William Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged June 25, '62; disability
WALLACE, William Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
WATKINS, Clement Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
WATKINS, Samuel Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64
WENKLER, Henry Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Drowned, Battle Creek, Tenn., Sept. 2, '63
WILLIS, Joseph D. Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Discharged Feb. 7, '63; disability
YOUNG, Henry Tippecanoe County Sept. 18 Mustered out Sept. 19, '64 

BLACKMAN, Collins Tippecanoe County Mar. 1 '62 Transferred to 58th Regiment
CLEMENT, Henry Tippecanoe County Dec. 23, '63 Died, Chattanooga, Aug. 18, '64
HARRIS, James M. Tippecanoe County Mar. 12, '64 Transferred to 58th Regiment
HUNT, Edgar C. Tippecanoe County Mar. 1, '62 Transferred to Signal Corps, Oct. 22, '63
JOHNSON, Edwin W. Tippecanoe County Feb. 15, '62 Transferred to 58th Regiment
MAHAN, Matthew Tippecanoe County Feb. 15, '62 Discharged July 12, '62; disability
MENSCHING, Lewis Tippecanoe County Dec. 22, '63 Transferred to 58th Regiment
PACKER, Andrew J. Tippecanoe County Mar. 6, '62 Transferred to 58th Regiment
WHEALAN, Joseph Tippecanoe County Mar. 8, '62 Transferred to 58th Regiment
WOODWORTH, Albert F. Tippecanoe County Dec. 23, 63 Transferred to 58th Regiment

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