Henry Demaree, Transcription - 1888
Dalmazzo Family Index, 1815 - 1848
Following is an index of the names of people who purchased "Indiana Lands" (in Switzerland County) from the U.S. Government between 1822 and 1849. For details about the purchase, see the complete file in the USGenWeb Archives.
Allen, Andrews, Armstrong, Atkinson, Atthiser, Austin
Baird, Baker, Banta, Bays, Blodget, Bocock, Boisseau, Bossean,
Bowman, Boyd, Bradford, Brandon, Bright, Brown, Bryant,
Burcham, Burroughs
Cain, Campbell, Carter, Chamberlin, Champion, Chandler, Chittenden,
Choat, Clarke, Cochron, Cole, Conaway, Coombs, Craig, Cunningham,
Dailey, Dalmozzo, Davis, De Forest, Demaree, Dickison, Dilman, Douglas,
Dow, Downey, Dunlap, Dunn, Dunning
Elliott, Emanuel
Ford, Forwood, Fredenburgh, Froman
Garard, Gardener, Gazlay, Gibson, Gilbert Goddard, Goodner, Graham,
Gray, Green, Griffith
Lampton, Lancaster, Lassell, Lawrence, Leap, Leatherbury, Lesuer, Lewis, Lientz, Lillard, Limeback, Lindley, Linebah, Lock, Lonney, Losey, Lostutter, Loudon, Lyons
Malcolmson, Malin, Matts, McCormick, McIntire, McKay, Means, Merit,
Miller, Mitchell, Montanye, Moore, Morris, Morse, Mounts, Murphey
Ogle, Orr
Park, Pasquier, Pavy, Peabody, Pearson, Peck, Pelsor, Peters, Pickett,
Pleasants, Porter, Potter, Prewitt, Protsman
Rayl, Reese, Reilly, Reno, Rhynesbolt, Richards, Ricketts, Riley,
Roberts, Robinson, Rogers
Schenck Scott, Scudder, Sebastian, Seymour, Shadday, Shaw, Sherman, Shuff,
Shull, Sigmon, Silvers, Sisson, Slawson, Slayback, Smith, Spears, Spore,
Stevens, Storey, Stow, Sutton
Tapp, Teague, Thomas, Traver, Truitt, Turner
Vandusen, Voris
Walker, Walton, Warenski, Watson, Weist, Whitmore, Wilcox, Wiles, Wiley,
Williams, Willis, Wilson, Woodruff, Wright