WWI - died in action article - Putnam

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WWI - died in action article

Source: Daily Banner 10 Nov 1930 p 1
Twenty-three Putnam County young men who lost their lives in the world war will be honored in Armistice Day services to be held Tuesday under auspices of the American Legion.

A list of the soldier dead, with their war records, has been prepared by John A. Friend, a member and officer of the local post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. In addition to the twenty-three Putnam county soldiers who lost their lives, ten DePauw students were killed in action or died over seas.

During the World War Putnam County sent 985 men to the colors while DePauw University furnished a total of 150 soldiers. Between fifty and seventy-five saw overseas duty and about fifteen were wounded or gassed.

Putnam County citizens did their share by buying $2,975,400 worth of liberty bonds and $400,000 worth of War Savings Stamps. Money donated to welfare organization- by Putnam County residents amounted to $50,000.

Putnam County’s war dead together with a short record of their service, follows:

Daniel P. Freeman, private—born in Gas City, printer, enlisted Feb. 1827 (sic – assume 1917), in 28th Infantry First Division A. E. F. Mexican Border. Killed in action July 18, 1918, at Soissons.

Byford Montgomery, private— born in Seymour, bank clerk, enlisted Oct. 5, 1917, 318th Auxiliary Remount dept., died of pneumonia Dec. 13, 1917.

Perry B. ’Snider, sergt.—born in Greencastle, florist, enlisted May 8, 1917, Co. G. 7th Infantry, 3rd Division, wounded in battle June 18, died June 19, 1918.

Ralph D. Boone, private—born in Greencastle, laborer, enlisted May 11, 1917, Co. L, 10th Infantry, killed in action July 4, 1918.

Charles. Lasley, private—bom in Danville, farmer, enlisted Dec. 23, 1917, Co. ID, 18th Infantry, 1st Division, killed in action July 20, 1918, near Soissons.

Lawrence E. McCammack, private —born in Putnam County, enlisted Sept. 21, 1917, Co. F., I6th Infantry, 1st Division, killed July 22, 1918, at Soissons.

Harry R. Moore, Corporal—born in Greencastle enlisted May 8, 1918, Co. D. 18th Infantry, 1st Division, killed in action July 22, 1918.

Lee R. Collins, corporal—born in Cloverdale, enlIsted July 28, 1917, in Battery A., 151st Field Artillery, 42nd Division, killed in action July 22. 1918.

Andrew Hays, private—born in Indianapolis, enlisted Doc. 31, 1916, Co. K., 26th Infantry, 1st Division, killed in action Aug. 22, 1918.

Ralph E. Arnold, Corporal—born in Cloverdale, enlisted Jan. 29, 1917, Marine Guard Co. , 6th Infantry, transferred and sent overseas to 1st Division, killed Sept. 14, 1918, near Thraucourt, St. Mimeul.

Ernest McVay, private—horn at Groveland, enlisted in Navy, 1911, served 4 years, enlisted Aug. 16, 1918 Co. G. 136th Infantry, died of pneumonia, Sept. 30, 1918, Camp Dix, N. J.

Clarence Arthur Patrick, private born Morgan County, enlisted May 1918, Co. G., 125 Inf., 32nd Division, killed in action Oct. 9, 1918.

Clyde Austin Hurst, private—born Belle Union, clerk, enlisted July 1, 1918, 46th Co. Signal Corps., died of Pneumonia, Oct. 12, 1918.

Michael A. Ader, private born in Putnam County, farmer, enlisted Aug 26, 1918 Co A, 337th Tank Corps, Camp Colt, PA died of pneumonia Oct 17, 1918.  

Fred Adkins, private born Fontanet, foreman, enlisted May 1917 ,HDQ Co 10th FA, wounded in action Oct 10, 1918 died Oct 19 near Thraucourt.

Elbert Thomas, private born in Putnam County, farmer enlisted Aug 5, 1917 Co F 101st Infantry, 25th Division, killed in action Oct 25, 1918 at Argonne Forest.

Dwight Ford, Corporal born Bainbridge; laborer enlisted Sept 1, 1917 Co E, 6th Inf.  Killed Oct 4, 1918 Argonne Forest.
Levi F. Akers, Pvt. Born Reelsville. Barber. Enlisted 19 Jan 1917 Headquarters Co 6th Infantry.  Sent overseas in April of 1918, serving as a messenger.  Killed Nov 10, 1918, buried in France.  

Millard E. Gibson, fireman U. S. N. —born Greencastle, student, enlisted in Navy June 8, 1918, served on Battleship Maine, died of pneumonia, Dec. 15, 1918.

Homer B. Austin—born  Lancaster, Ky., farmer, enlisted April 17, 1917, Battery A., 14th Field Artillery, Fort Sill, Okla., died of pneumonia Jan. 1, 1919.

Carl W. Scribner born Russellville, enlisted Aug. 6, 1918, 15th Co., Coast Artillery Corps. Accidentally killed while cleaning his gun at Brest, France, Jan. 29, 1919.

Garnie Timmons, master eng., U. S. A.—born Groveland, enlisted July, 1913 in California, sent to Panama Canal, sent to France with Co. F., 30th Engineers, died Feb. 14, 1919, from accident.

John Henry Sanders, private—born Wayne County, taxi driver, enlisted June 16, 1918, died of disease overseas Feb. 21, 1919.

Source: Greencastle Herald 19 May 1919 p 1

Clinton Township resident on Sunday paid tribute to the memory of Elbert Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thomas, the only Clinton Township boy killed in the recent war. The memorial service was held in connection with an all-day meeting held at the Union Chapel Church, the afternoon service being dedicated to the memory of the war hero.  One of the largest crowds that ever assembled at the church was present to pay tribute to the memory of Elbert Thomas, who was the only Clinton Township boy to lose his life during the war. The news of his death reached Greencastle during the time of the influenza epidemic, which prohibited the hold of memorial services at that time. The Rev. AM Hootman of Greencastle delivered the memorial address. – kbz

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