toole, carl - letter - Putnam

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toole, carl - letter

Source: Crawfordsville Review Aug 6, 1918 p 4

Greencastle Herald: Rev. and Mrs. RH Toole have received a letter from their son, Carl N. Toole with the Rainbow Division in France, dated July 1, 1918 which is in part as follows:

Today I am in charge of quarters. I am speaking lots of French these day, Sam Purdue (a DePauw man) and I study French together often. He can talk it about as well as any American soldier anywhere. A few nights ago while we were  hiking I walked by Sam and we passed away a few weary hours by practicing French. It's just like getting a free lesson to talk French with Sam.

Woody (Glenn Woodward of Bloomington, Ind) my "pal" is a fine, clean fellow. I am with him practically all the time.

My own belief concerning the end of the war is this: It will come in a flash, just as the whole thing started. I look for one decisive battle or one powerful internal uprising to bring about the close. I am well and happy. I wouldn't want to come back to take up the pursuits of civil life knowing that the boys were still over her fighting. Love to all, Carl.

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