robert whitehead - Putnam

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robert whitehead

NOTE: 1762-2-20-1852 buried Monroe Twp, near Bainbridge. Holstein River Western NC Oct 1770 and served until Oct 1782 - Gen George Rogers Clarke Virg Line
WHITEHEAD – thanks to Mary Lou Hazelrigg for this helpful info on Robert Whitehead
North Carolina, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-1890 about Robert Whitehead – According to Larry Slavens, his 3rd great grandmother, Barbara Perks Leaton Slavens married Robert after her husband, Isaiah Slavens died.  Robert died in 1852; she in 1861
Name:     Robert Whitehead
State:     NC
County:     Orange County
Township:     No Township Listed
Year:     1755
Database:     NC Early Census Index
U.S. Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 about Robert Whitehead
Name:     Robert Whitehead
Rank - Induction:     Private
Roll Box:     113
Roll State:     VA

Tennessee, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1810-1891 about Robert Whitehead
Name:     Robert Whitehead
State:     TN
County:     Grainger County
Township:     No Township Listed
Year:     1799
Record Type:     Tax list
Database:     TN Early Census Index
U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907 about Robert Whitehead
Name:     Robert Whitehead
Issue Date:     10 Jul 1832
Acres:     80
Meridian:     2nd PM
State:     Indiana
County:     Putnam
Township:     16-N
Range:     4-W
Section:     13
Accession Number:     IN1180__.076
Metes and Bounds:     No
Land Office:     Crawfordsville
Canceled:     No
US Reservations:     No
Mineral Reservations:     No
Authority:     April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Document Number:     15380

1840 United States Federal Census about Robert Whitchead
Name:     Robert Whitchead
[Robert Whitehead]
Home in 1840 (City, County, State):     Franklin, Putnam, Indiana
Birth Year:     abt 1761
Age:     79
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14:     1
Free White Persons - Males - 70 thru 79:     1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14:     1
Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69:     1
Persons Employed in Agriculture:     4
Free White Persons - Under 20:     2
Total Free White Persons:     4
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves:     4

1850 United States Federal Census about Robert Whitehead
Name:     Robert Whitehead
Age:     89
Birth Year:     abt 1761
Birthplace:     North Carolina
Home in 1850:     Russell, Putnam, Indiana
Gender:     Male
Family Number:     1068
Household Members:     
Name     Age
Robert Whitehead     89
Barbara Whitehead     78

Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots about Robert Whitehead
Name:     Robert Whitehead     
Cemetery:     Greencastle Cem
Location:     Putnam Co IN 24

U.S., Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900 about Robert Whitehead
Name:     Robert Whitehead
Pension Year:     1833
Application State:     Indiana
Applicant Designation:     Widow's Pension Application File
Second Applicant Name:     Barbara Whitehead
Second Applicant Pension Year:     1853
Second Applicant Application State:     Indiana
Second Applicant Designation:     Bounty-Land-Warrant Application File
Archive Publication Number:     M804
Archive Roll Number:     2561
Total Pages in Packet:     43
Surname Range : Whitecar, Joseph - Whitehouse, Thomas
Source Information U.S., Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
Original data: Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files (NARA microfilm publication M804, 2,670 rolls). Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Source Description
This data collection contains an estimated 80,000 application files from officers and enlisted men who served in the Revolutionary War in all branches of the American military: army, navy, and marines. The files that make up these records consist of 10" x 14" cards or 10" x 14" envelopes that can contain documents relating to an application for a pension or bounty-land warrant by a Revolutionary War veteran, his widow, or his heirs. The files can contain a wide variety of records submitted to support an application. Information of genealogical interest includes the application itself, which can provide the soldier’s name, rank, unit, time of service, age, date of birth, residence, and sometimes birthplace.
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U.S., Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900

Image 534-

13904 Indiana
Robert Whitehead of Putnam Co. in the State of Indiana who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Baily of the Reg commanded by Col. Montgomery in the NC Milita for two years from 1778.

Inscribed on the Roll of Indiana at the rate of 80 dollars---- Cents for amount to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831

Certificate of Pension issued the 11th day of July 1833 and sent to Tilgh ?? man A.Howard at Rockville.

Arrears?  to the 4th of March 1833               $ 160
Semi-Anl allowance ending   4 Sep 1833           40

Revolutionary Claim Act
June 7, 1832

Recorded by Wm. Allison, Clerk
Book        , Volume       ,  Page 134
Need to make sure Robert & William Whitehead both listed and all the info on both (well except specifics like the Claim below for Robert
Image 535
Revolutionary Claim
Robert Whitehead


Image 536


In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress 7th of June, 1832.  
State of Indiana, County of Putnam

On this 22nd day of April, 1833 personally appeared before this present? judge and // judges of the circuit court in said county, the same being written in the seventh judicial of the said State of Indiana, Robert Whitehead, a resident of said county, in the said state, aged seventy -one years, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the 7th day of June, 1832.  That he enlisted under Captain Bailey, and served in what was called the Illinois Regiment, as he thinks of this Virginia line under the following named officers.  He served under Gen  George Rogers Clarke, _____ McCarty was a major in said regiment.  He entered the service on Holston River, in what he believes is now a part of Tennessee, then the western  part of North Carolina.  His first enlistment was for one year which expired in the month of October 1780.  He then again entered the service in the same Regiment for two years and his time for this enlistment ended in October 1782. and he was discharged at that time and received a discharge /// by Major ??Baley? or Waly?  as he thinks.  His discharge he transferred shortly after to an individual to whom he sold his right to his wages that were due him for his services and the same is now beyond his control and he does not know where the individual lives or if he is living--  His name was Armstrong.  The services of this applicant were rendered in what is now called Indiana, Illinois at Kaskaskia ,Vincennes and at the Falls of the Ohio.  He was not engaged in any battles, but was in several sqirmishes

Image 537

He relinquises every claim to a pension or an annuity except the present and he declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agencey of any state.

Sworn to and subscribed this day and year aforesaid

   signed  Robert Whitehead

(Thanks again to Mary Lou Hazelrigg for this nifty info) – Source: Scotch-Irish Settlers in America 15—1800 Immigrant Records The Scotch-Irish Vol. 1 Chapter III Scotch-Irish in American Politics p 53- Inc July 10, 2005
The names of the following Scotch-Irismen and others are taken from a list of the Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Illinois Regiment and the Western Army under the Command of General George Rogers Clark (full list appears in the Virginia Historical Magazine vol. I, p 131-14) – John Allen … p, 54 – Robert Whitehead; William Whitehead …
Source: Life of Gen. George Rogers Clark by William Hayden English – Bowen-Merrill Company Indianapolis, 1896
Pvt Whitehead, William
Pvt Whitehead, Robert

Source: Roll of Officers and Soldiers
Whitehead, Robert – 8 acres in 196 and 100 acres in 20
Whitehead, William – 8 acres in 196 and 100 acres in 20
Recapitulation – Brig – General 8,049 acres; Lt. Col 4,851 acres; 3 Majors (4,312 each) – 12,936; Capts. 14 (3,234 acres each) 45,276.  20 Lts (2,156 each) 43,120; 23 Sgts (216 each) – 4,968; 1 Ensign 2,156; 1 cornet 2,156; 236 privates (108 acres each) 25,488 acres – 300 men receiving 149,000 acres of government land
Claims sold before deeds issued – William Whitehead, private to James Francis Moore – whole claim
Robert Whitehead, private to James Francis Moore, whole claim

Source: Indiana DAR Soldiers of Indiana
Putnam County – ROBERT WHITEHEAD born 1762 – service: Enlisted near Holstein River, Western NC; Oct 1779 and served until Oct 1782 as a private under Capt. Bailey in Col. John Montgomery’s Regiment of Illinois; also under Gen. George Rogers Clark in the Vir Line Regt.  Proof: Pension Claim S 25999. Died Feb 20, 1852.  Buried Monroe Twp near Bainbridge.  Collected by Miss Minetta Wright, Greencastle, Ind.

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