JONES, James - Putnam

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JONES, James

JAMES JONES - Co F 4th Infantry 3rd Division - KIA

The source used for these is: Indiana World War Records: Gold Star Honor Roll, A Record of Indiana Men and Women who died in the service of the United States and the Allied Nations in the World War, 1914-1918

JONES, James Nathan  ...  Private
Son of James S. and Eva Jones; Born August 6, 1899, near New Maysville, Indiana, delivery boy.  Enlisted in Company C, 2nd Infantry, Indiana National Guard, June 16, 1917, Crawfordsville, Indiana.  Sent to Gary, Indiana; then to Camp Shelby, Mississippi, Overseas in June 1918.  Assigned to Company F, 4th Infantry, 3rd Division.  Fought at Chateau-Thierry.  Killed July 25, 1918, while acting as a scout messanger.  Buried in National Cemetery, Aisne, France.
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