COLLINS, C C - M.D. -1918 - Putnam

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COLLINS, C C - M.D. -1918

Dr. CC Collins

Source: Crawfordsville Review Sept 17, 1918 p 4

Roachdale, Sept 13 - the demand of the world war has caused Roachdale to surrender one of her physicians. Dr. CC Collins, who volunteered his services a few weeks ago received a message last Thursday telling him to report for duty at once as he had been appointed Capt. in the Medical Corps with headquarters at Camp Oglethorpe, GA.  He left Saturday morning to assume his duties.

Dr. Collins came to Rachdale in Sept 1894 and for 24 years has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine during which time he built up a lucrative business and established for himself an enviable reputation. Yet in the face of the demand for doctors, and answered the call.

Mrs. Collins and daughter Marion will have charge of the office, until the business affairs can be adjusted after which the office will be closed.  At the close of the war the doctor hopes to return and resume his practice here. Should he be stationed in the states for an indefinitely time, his family will join him later on.

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