Baker Bible

This Bible was transcribed by Gina and is in her possession.
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Left Side:
William Huls he was born December the 4 day 188
Mary Foster following the 14 day
William (illegible) Huls and Mary Foster was married September the 16th day 1829 (illegible) William Huls OCCS
Andrew Baker he was married to Marhewann Grigg the fifteenth day of June in the year 1829
Right Side:
Andrew Baker was bornd 7 January 1801 Martha Ann Baker was bornd July 19 1812
Jesse Baker was bornd February the 28th 1830
Sarah Baker was bornd Oct the 24th 1831
Becka Baker was bornd Dec the 23th 1833
Rachel Baker was bornd Jan the 20th 1836
(All transcription completed as represented in document. No corrections or alterations.)
William Huls and Mary Foster was married the sixteenth day of Septtember 1829 this tenth this day of November 1829.
William Huls was born December the eight day 1808
Mary Foster was born February the fourteenth day 1810
Joseph Baker decest in the month of October and in year 1825
Elizabeth Hanley Decest the in month October 23 Day 1830
Rebeckah Grigg Decest the in month of October the 2 Day 1830
(All transcription completed as represented in document. No corrections or alterations.)
Moses Baker was marryed to Sarah Murphy in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy six agust 26
Jacob (illegible) and there in the year 1806 is 13 children
Jacob Morris he was married in the year 1797 in October 19th and there No is nine children
James Fitchens he was married to Marthey Baker in the year of our Lord 1798 July the 2 day and has 7 children 1814 in February In April the 23 1819 they had ten children
Michael Hanley was married to Lisabeth Baker in the year 1803 July 22 day and they had four John Henley born in 1804, which was born in year 1805/Jeptha he was born in year 1810
Joseph Baker he was married in the year 1810; October th 30 Day
Michael Baker he was married in the year 1811 august
Susana Baker she was married to Spencer Sneed in the year 1815 in the month of November
Jesse Hanley he was born in the year 1812 and in the month of April
(All transcription completed as represented in document. No corrections or alterations.)
Mary Baker she was born in the year of our lord 1777 august the 24 day
Martha Baker she was born in the year 1779 in the month of October the 15th day
Elisabeth Baker she was born in the year 1782 geneuary the 6 Day
Michael Baker he was born in the year 1784 in the month of march 2
Joseph Baker he was barn in the year 1786 in the month of October the 8 Day
Susanna Baker she was born in the year of our Lord 1788 in the month of November the 8 Day
Jeremiah Baker he was born in the year 1791 and in the month of march the 14 day
Jonathan Baker he was born in the year 1793 and in the march month the 8 Day
Ann Baker she was barn in the year 1795 in the month of august the 25 Day
Sarah Baker she was born in the year 1798 in the month of July 24
Andrew Baker he was born in the year 1801 in the month of genuary the 7 day
Rebeckey Baker she was barn in the year 1803 in the month of march the 21 Day
Palina Baker she was barn in the year 1800 and (illegible)
(All transcription completed as represented in document. No corrections or alterations.)
Moses Baker died January the 30th 1844
Moses Baker was born in the year of our Lord 1755 and in the month of June the 23 day
Sarah Baker the wife of Moses Baker was born February the 12 Day in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty of the the Decesd of (faint "1824") Sarah Baker the wife of Moses Baker and in one year he was married to Sarah Forster in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five and in July six day 1825
Jesse Baker was Bornd 1830 february the 28 day
Sarah Baker was Bornd October the 24 day 1831
Rebeca Baker was Bornd 23 day of December 1833
Rachel Baker was Bornd 20 day of January 1835
Lucy Ann Baker was borned August the 9 1838
David Samuel Baker was Borned October the 20 day 1840
Palina Baker was borned October the 8 day 1842
Elisa Jane Baker was borned August the 9 1844
Vancy Baker was bornd August the 3 day 1846
Martha Francis Baker was borned July the 16 day 1848
Edward Smith Baker was borned the 1 day of April 1850
James Alen Baker was borned September the 29 1852
Mary Andrew Baker was bornd January the 19 1856
Andre Baker dide August the 2 1855 Age 55 years 7 months and 26 days
(All transcription completed as represented in document. No corrections or alterations.)
File Created: Jan 19, 2008