Hannah, Lyle
LYLE HANNAH -- USAF 1970-1990
Tech Sgt E-6

The picture above is Lyle being sworn in 1990 for his last stint before heading for retirement!

Lyle grew-up in Waveland, Indiana, the son of Raymond Dewight and Mildred Evelyn Stewart. He graduated in 1969 from Waveland High School.
While in the service, he met his future wife, Sompsong Sritinghome who was born in the Phillipines. They were the parents of Michelle, Michael and Laura.
He said, "I was in Southeast Asia . I was stationed at Udorn Thailand. In 1973 I volunteered to look for downed pilots in Laos. I was almost captured by four Viet Kong. We never found the USAF Major."-- thank you Lyle, for serving.

LOVE this pic of Lyle - he says, "I was 31 yrs old and Becky was 32 yrs old. Photo was taken on 3 July 1981 one day before we went to Disneyland. Photo was taken at Malibu Beach, Malibu, CA. Two months later we were married in Glendale, Arizona."