15th Indiana

Civil War
Losses in the 15th Indiana
Source: THE JOURNAL, Crawfordsville, Indiana
Thursday, December 10, 1863
In the recent battles before Chattanooga, Company "E", 15TH Ind., which is composed principally of men from this county, sustained the following loss:
Killed - Sergeants, Rob't B. Gilbert, musket shot in heart; Fred Walz, musket shot in breast; Solon Bower, musket shot in bowels; Privates, Wm. R. Cank, musket shot in breast.
Wounded - Lieutenants, 1st Wm. M. Graham, slight in bowels; 2nd Jas. T. Harvey, severely in side; Corporals, Silas Cooley, severe in leg; William L. Hess, slight in arm; Privates, Henry H. Mercer, severe; Wm. W. Campbell, slight in hand; Wm. Hartman, slight in shoulder; Albert Robinson, slight in chest; J.C. Tyson, severe in hand.
This company went into the fight with only 28 men, rank and file; and came out with a loss of just one-half - 5 killed and 9 wounded. The wounds of a majority of the boys, we are pleased to learn, were but slight. Lieutenant Graham is now in this city, and is doing well - his wound being in the left side and not at all serious.
We also sojourn a list of the killed and wounded of Company "I", same regiment. This company, though recruited in and about Liberty, in this State, have many relatives and friends in our county:
Killed - W.D. Sering, 2nd Lieutenant, rifle ball in head; A. Crist, Sergeant, rifle ball in head; H.H. Orman, rifle ball in the breast; W.J. Stanton, rifle ball in the breast.
Wounded - Sergeants, A.B. Cole, in neck, slight; Victor Miller, in the side, slight; G.B. Cliff, in head, severe; Corporals, A.H. Conover, hand, severe; M.J. Salsan, in shoulder, slight; Henry Aldor, in foot, severe; Jas. Mullen, in thigh, severe; Privates, Isaac Allen, in thigh, sever; Moses Cory, in side, severe; John Dunton, in thigh, severe; A.J. Hiller, in nose, slight; J.B. Macy, in shoulder, severe; George Banks, in thigh, severe, S.J. Wylie, in left ankle, severe.
File Created: 2006-Oct-15