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    The high school was erected in 1925. The enrolment for the beginning of the first semester of 1925 totaled 231 pupils. Modern in construction, the school has three laboratories; a domestic science laboratory; a manual training work shop; and a general science laboratory equipped with modern electrial motors and other devices used in scientific courses offered in the school curriculum.
    The school is accredited and was granted a continuous commission in 1925. The teaching force now consists of ten teachers.
    A complete commercial course is offered and a course in safety was added this year.
    Last year a new gymnasium was erected adjoining the high school building. This building, with a seating capacity of nearly 3,000, was constructed at the cost of $45,000.
    The number of students enrolled in the school in the year of 1937-38, is 283.
Eighth Grade

Front Row:    Martha Brown, Frances Miles, Florence Day, Winifred Thomas, Paggy Haworth, Yvonne Ricketts, Louella Driver, Mabel Hart, Martha Dickerson, Martha Miller, Letha Harvey, Myra Brewer, Laura Rickman, Alpha Rickman, Martha Jane Eberts, Margaret Waller.

Second Row:    Mary Ann Andrew, Mary Hudson, Patricia Gilmer, Edna Pearl Smith, Mary Alice Updike, Glenelda Scudder, Margaret Ellen Hole, Ruby Lee Ahrmann, Pauline Shull, Marjorie Engel, Mildred Toldbert, George Brooks, Harold Shepherd, Cecil Phillips, Raymond Derringer, William Day, Miss Arbuckle.

Third Row:    Charles Tungett, William Lynn, Ray Gong, Chester Klingner, Roy Wilson, Max White, Robert Cannon, Franklin Day, Eugene VanCleve, Robert Wasson, Norman Swengal, Edward Staten, James Easton.

Fourth Row:    Harry Evans, Dick Rice, Lawson Williams, Russell Hartwell, Loren Short, Allan Clarkson, Arthur Driver, Robert Colbert, Leon Robbins.
Freshman Class

Front Row:    Kenneth Day, William Barlow, John Huffman, James Purkhiser, Mary G. Dowd, Helen Ferguson, Margaret Amick, Robert Delay, Christine Plummer, Helen Louise Dorsett, Roberta Finchum, Louis Hendricks, Mary Schuck, Jean Marie Dieringer, Mildred Stout.

Second Row:    Emma Jane McDowell, Miss Eunice Brubaker, sponsor, Betty Jean Ricketts, Patricia S. Hill,, Dorothy Jackson, Faith Henry, Lavon Randall, Martha Robertson, Thelma Buchanan, Mary Jane Clerkin, Mary A. Staublin, Colletta C. Lauth, Geraldine May, Norma Harmon.

Third Row:    William Staten, George F. Carson, Kenneth Beatty, Robert Louiis Miller, Homer Thurston, John McCauley, James Edison Dickerson, Donald Lancaster, Wilber Downs, Raymond Ertel, Charles Dowling, Alvin Hess, Hugh Wickens.

Fourth Row:    William H. Gilmer, Robert Shepherd, Robert Harold Alexander, Roy Leeds, John Arthur Beck, Thomas B. Fletcher, Chester Spillman, George Simmons, Robert Bowen.

Sophomore Class

Front Row:    Karl Johnson, Marvin Heller, Kenneth Green, Robert Dorsett, Marvin Clark, Edwin Youngblood, Bernard Terrell, Wodrow Juett, Max Lee, Edward Doran, Billy Barlow, Robert Anderson.

Second Row:    Alma Schumaker, Gertrude Huggins, Thelma Johnston, Elizabethh Smith, Pauline Grossman, Thelma Phillips, Ruth Phillips, Edith Miles, Jeannette Smith, Julia Easton, Mary Morgan, Virginia Young, Florence Juengst, Marjorie Weber, Joyce Dowell.

Third Row:    John Hudson, John Dollens, O. R. Platter, William McGrath, Ruby Thompson, Agnes Ferguson, Georgeanna Letchfield, Marjorie Euler, Emma Marie Wilson, Virginia Beach, Mabel Lane, Marie Felton, Billy McLeod, Mr. H. B. Kyser, sponsor.

Fourth Row:    Lorrane Moore, Betty Clifford, Mary Buehler, Dale Miller, James Schuck, Charles Hart, Robert Smith, Mary Virginia Corya, Mary Frances Hooker, Rita Horstman, Ethel Boardman, Catherine Barlow, Mary Robertson, Mary Herr, Mary Downs, Virginia Sprickerhoff.

Back Row:    Joseph Colbert, Delmer Downing, Earl Lloyd Booher, Curtis Brown, Chester Gong, Harold McCauley, Edward Dixon.
Junior Class

Row One:    Ilene Swengel, Norma Ertel, Marilyn Hopkins, Mafa Runyan, Belma Purkhiser, Margaret Miller, Betty Tech, Dorothy Thompson, Laurel Bullock, Jack Fox, Dennis Grein.

Row Two:    Mr. L. O. Brown, sponser, Charles Fleming, William Gregory, Mary Emma Grunert, Bettie Kysar, Richard Vance, Eleanor Hill, Georgeine Denny, Louise Modesitt, Margaret Hester, Irene Weber, Ruby Martin.

Row Three:    George Leach, Robert Finn, Walter Coryea, Robert Woods, Marvin Watkins, Oneita Brewer, Helen Colbert, Lavenne O'Neal, Ruth Robins, Clara Louise Harper, Mabel Stout, Marion Krein.

Row Four:    Kenneth Roseberry, Glenn Miller, Harold Greathouse, Floyd Leeds, Roy Arnold, Morton Haworth, Joe Lawdermilt, Lawrence Lee, Frances Gilmer.
Senior Class
Helen Jean Amick
Melburn Baker

Dennis Beach

Lovetta Brewer
Louise Clerkin
Milton Criscillis
Arnold Day
Betty Delay
Catherine Dickerson
Viola Doran
Maxine Dowell
Donald Eder
George Finn
Julia Gottwalles
Richard Heller
Charles Helm
Harold Hendricks
Harry Hooker
Carmel Joslin
Chester Klayer
Dorothy Klett
Frances Large
Russell Link
Tom Markin
Roy May
Mary K. Miller
Ruth Marie Miller
Walter Modesitt
Flora Jane Ogden
Bud O'mara
Marjorie Peck
John Phillips
Ralph Pickett
Robert Rice
Charles Robertson
Ann Russell
Ralph Shuck
Charles Smith
Alva Spillman
Gordon Stearns
Ladona Stearns
Thomas Stewart
James Tolbert
Rosemary Verbarg
Shirley Meeks
Kathleen Wilber
Leo Zohrlant

PANTHERS    1937 - 1938
Front Row: Ralph Schuck, Donald Eder, John Dollens, William Barlow, John Phillips
Back Row: Milton Criscillis-manager, Harold Greathouse, Glenn Miller, William Gregory, Marvin Watkins, C. F. Englehardt-coach.
PANTHER CUBS    1937-1938
Front Row: Robert Delay, William McGrath, Richard Vance, James Schuck
Back Row: James Purkhiser, Robert Shepherd, Dale Miller, Mr. C. R. Englehardt, coach, Edward Doran, O.(Orval) R. Platter


Front Row: Dale Miller, Walter Coryea, Marvin Clark, John Phillips.
Second Row: James Tolbert, Kenneth Roseberry, Richard Heller, Roy May, Russell Link, Donald Eder, Tom Stewart, Marvin Watkins.
Third Row: John Huffman, Kenneth Day, Robert Miller, Coach C. H. Englehardt, Arnold Day, James Schuck, Robert Shepherd, James Purkhiser.

North Vernon's baseball team, coached by Mr. Englehardt, played in twelve scheduled games this spring. Link and May did the Pitching.

Row One:    Miss Grossman, Miss Darley, Mable Stout, Gertude Huggins, Ilene Swengle, Ruby Martin, Frances Gilmer.
Row Two:    Flora Jane Ogden, Thelma Buchanan, Helen Fergason, Louise Clerkin, Rosemary Verbarg, Ruby Thompson, Eleanor Hill, Mary K. Miller, Julia Gottwalles, Georgeine Denny, Mafa Runyan, Catherine Barlos.
Row Three:    Miss Arbuckle, Mary Emma Grunert, Morma Ertle, Marilyn Hopkins, Clara Harper, Mary Alice Staubllin, Coletta Lauth, Marian Krein, Betty Kysar, Laurel Bullock, Pauline Grossman, Margaret Miller, Mrs. Sandefur, Virginia Young.
Row Four:    Miss Kelly, Rita Horstman, Mary Hooker, Mary Virginia Coryea, Betty Ricketts, Patty Hill, Louise Dorsett, Alma Shumaker, Marie Felton, Virginia Sprickerhoff, Mary Catherine Downs, Maxine Dowell, Katherine Wilbur.

Row One:    Mary Robertson, Lorene Moore, Norma Harmon, Christine Plummer, Geraldine May, Mary Herr, Dorothy Klett.
Row Two:    Lola Mae Hendricks, Mary Schuck, Jean Marie Derringer, Jane Clerkin, Dorothy Thompson, Betty Tech, Martha Robertson, Faith Henry, Lavon Randall, Betty Harmon, Virginia Bench.
Row Three:    Mildred Stout, Emma Jane McDowell, Georgeanna Litchfield, Agnes Fergason, Irene Weber, Margaret Hester, Louise Modesitt, Mary G. Dowd, Margaret Amick, Mary Buehler, Betty Clifford, Edith Miles.
Row Four:    Miss Brubaker, Ruth Phillips, Arlene Phillips, Roberta Finchum, Emma Marie Wilson, Marjory Euler, Elizabeth Smith, Thelma Johnston, Belma Purkhiser.


Front Row: Tom Markin, Charles Helm, Bud Spillman, Leo Zohrlaut, William Gregory, Donald Eder, Gordon Stearns, Robert Woods, Dennis Beach, William McLeod, Karl Johnson.
Second Row: Mr. Brown, Sponsor, Lawrance Lee, Walter Coryea, Jack Fox, James Schuck, Bennis Grein, Russel Link, Walter Mosesitt, Loyd Booher, John Phillips, James Tolbert, Thomas Stewart, John Dollens, O. R. Platter.
Third Row: Roy May, George Leach, Robert Anderson, Harold Hendricks, Dale Miller, William Barlow, Robert Dorsett, Ralph Schuck, Chester Klayer, William McGrath, Marvin Heller, Bud O'Mara.
Frourth Row: Charles Robetson, Ralph Pickett, Richard Heller, Chester Gong, Charles Smith, Edward Dixon, Floyd Leeds, Woodrow Juett, Kenneth Green, Clarence Miller.
Absent: Melbourne Baker, Milton Criscillis, Marvin Watkins, William Littrell (decesed), John Hudson.


Front Row: Norman Spengel, Row Wilson, William Barlow, Robert Miller, Kenneth Beatty, Chester Spillman, John Arthur Beck, William Gilmer.
Secont Row: Mr. M. J. Webb, sponsor; Lawson Williams, Dick Rice, Max White, Cecil Phillips, russell Hartwell, Kenneth Day, Roy Leeds.
Third Row: Raymond Ertel, Ray Gong, William Lynn, Alvin Hess, John Huffman, Charles Dowling.


Left to Right: Pauline Grossman, Tom Stewart, Miss Darley, coach, Walter Modesitt, William McLeod.


Front Row: Louise Clerkin, Ruby Thompson, Mary E. Grunert, Betty Kysar, Mary K. Miller, Julia Gottwalles, Arlene Phillips, Edith Miles.
Second Row: Marie Felton, Alma Shumaker, Flora Jane Ogden, Virginia Beach, Pauline Grossman, Margaret Miller, Rosemary Verbarg, Ruth K. Miller, Dorothy Thompson.
Third Row: John Phillips, Ralph Schuck, Jeannette Smith, Georgianne Litchfield, Ethel Boardman, Catheerine Barlow, Mary K. Downs, Charles Helm, Harry Hocker. Fourth Row: George Leach, Harold Hendricks, Roy Arnold, Harold McCauley, Walter Modesitt, Charles Smith.

Front Row: Walter Modesitt, Tom Markin, Charles Helm, Tom Stewart, Leo Zohrlaut, Betty Delay, Gorden Stearns, Ruth M. Miller, Flora Jane Ogden, John Phillips.
Second Row: Helen Jean Amick, Betty Tech, Rosemary Verbarg, Robert Wood, Dennis Beach, Donald Eder, Karl Johnson, William McLeod, Julia Gottwalles, Miss Kelly.
Third Row: Helen Ferguson, Margaret Amick, Pauline Grossman, Ariene Phillips, Gertrude Huggins, Thelma Buchanan, Faith Henry, Lola Hendricks, Mary Schuck.
Left to right:    William Lynn, Karl Johnson, Robert Anderson, Charles Helm - Drum Major, Robert Woods, Harold McCauley, John Huffman, Max White, Robert Dorsett, Kenneth Beatty, Ray Gong, Norman Swengel, Richard Heller.


J. G. Clerkin, President

Mrs. O. J. Eberts Eberts, Secretary

H. L. Matthews, Treasurer

C. E. Sandefur, Superintendent
Ph. D. Franklin College
Graduate Work, Chicago University

Merrill J. Webb, Principal
A.B. Franklin College
M.A. Indiana University

Joy Arbuckle
A.B, M.S. Ind. Univ.
Home Ec., Social Science, English

Charles H. Englehardt
A/B. Wabash College,
Health, Phys. Ed., Safety, Social

Lloyd O. Brown
B.S. Purdue Univ.
Manuel Train., Math

Wilma Grossman
B.M. DePauw Univ.
Art, Music

Eunice Brubaker
A.B. Manchester
French, Geometry, Phys. Ed., Latin

Lella Kelly
A.B. Franklin
Journ., English

Mary Darley
A.B. Manchester
Public Speaking
Typing, Shorthand, Bookeeping

Harold B. Kysar
A.B. M.A. Indiana University
Social Science, Mathematics

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