Labeled Uncle Charlie Wrapp's Hearse
From Ross Family Pictures, Jennings County Public Library
The name Rapp is also spelled Wrapp in local records.
Charles Rapp
North Vernon Sun - April 30, 1909
This well known furniture and undertaking business was established thirty two years ago by the
present owner and is probably the best known establishment of its kind in Jennings county. Twenty seven years ago he
moved to the site he now occupies and his trade increased so rapidly that he has been compelled to make additions to
accommodate his large stock until today he occupies a floor space 50x75 in area as well as a building across on Fifth
street which is used for the display of stoves and for general storage purposes.
Charles Rapp carries in his store a large and very complete assortment of furniture of every
description, from the common kitchen table to fine parlor suites as well as leather couches, iron and brass beds, go
carts, kitchen cabinets, bookcases, carpets, mattings, rugs, curtains, shades, etc., and in fact everything in the
furniture and house furnishing line to be found in a modern and up-to-date store of its kind.
In connection is conducted an undertaking department, and they are prepared and fully equipped
to take entire charge of funerals, from the time of death until the last rites are performed.
Charles Rapp has been in business for so many years in North Vernon and his manner of treating
his customers has been so satisfactory to them that he enjoys a large and ever increasing trade, not only in this city
but from the surrounding county as well.
The furniture store and undertaking establishment of Charles Rapp is on the corner of Fifth and
Hoosier streets.
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