Close the brown eyes so tenderly,
Fold the pale hands to rest,
Life's sun has set o'er earthly hills,
But yet its radiant glory fills
With light, the golden west,
O, eyes that ne'er again shall weep!
God "giveth His beloved sleep."
Rest weary feet that never more
Earth's toilsome paths shall tread,
O, breathing heart, so full of pain,
No aching throb may come again,
All pain and anguish fled,
Thank God for rest so calm and deep!
"He giveth His beloved sleep."
O, form laid tenderly away,
Where sweet flowers bloom and song birds come,
And dew tears fall and low winds grieve,
In this your rest and home?
Ah, no, though here love comes to weep,
Not here shall His beloved sleep
But entered into heavenly rest
From toil and pain set free,
As glory gilds a setting sun,
"His works do follow him," "Well done,"
"O, faithful in thy misistry."
"Tis thus God calls,-we may not keep!"
"He giveth His beloved sleep."
I desire to thus publicly thak the good people of North Vernon for their kindness and attention during the recent illness of my husband. LIZZIE W. McCOY