Life Long Resident of Jennings County
Newspaper Editor, Merchant and Banker
March 6, 1924, North Vernon Sun

On Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 P.M. services were held at the Baptist church for the remains of J.C. Cope, aged 82
years, who died at his residence on Walnut street Saturday.
Banks and business houses were closed as well as schools during the services and the immense crowds which attended
both at the church and cemetery, bore proof of the esteem in which the deceased was held.
Mr. Cope had retired from active business life several years ago, having resigned as president of the North Vernon
National Bank of this city, altho he frequently found time to call on his many friends, both at the bank and in this city.
He was the first mayor of the city; the founder, editor and publisher of the Plain Dealer; he helped build and was
the first casier of the North Vernon National Bank, and was an active worker in party and civil politics.
His services were conducted by Rev. Duncan, a life long friend of the family and a very worthy tribute to this departed
citizen was the paper read at the services by Rev. Duncan of which the following is a part:
John Calvin Cope, son of Evan Cope and Harriett Townsend, was born near Damascus, Columbia county, Ohio, Sept. 6th, 1841,
and died at his home in North Vernon, Indiana, March 1, 1924, aged 82 years, 5 months and 24 days.
In 1852 his parents moved from Demascus to a farm near Butlerville, Indiana.
During the Civil War he served as a corporal in Company K, 148th Regiment, Indiana Infantry. At the close of the Civil
War Mr. Cope left the farm and came to North Vernon which has been his residence until the time of his death.
His has been a busy and useful life, in this, our home city. He has been a guiding factor in his community for more
than half a century. His influence has always been constructive, he has taken a deep interest in municipal and county improvements, both
material and moral betterments have received his full support. His fight has always been on the side of right. His position has always been
tempered with a rare sense of sound judgement and an understanding of sound business principles. North Vernon will long feel the effects of
the untiring efforts of this modest man who deemed it a privilege to serve his fellow man.
Shortly after his arrival in North Vernon he became probrietor and editor of the North Vernon Plain Dealer. He then
became postmaster and later a merchant known for his fair dealing. He served as county auditor, and in 1891 helped organize the North Vernon
National Bank, of which he became president intil his retirement to private life a few years ago. Findagrave link
Eva (Whitcomb) Cope)
North Vernon Plain Dealer - February 3, 1916
COPE-Relatives, friends and neighbors were shocked Wednesday morning, when it became known that Mrs. Eva Cope, wife of J.
C. Cope, had passed away suddenly at 8:20 o'clock. Mrs. Cope had not been feeling wel, but was able to attend to her household duties and retired
late Thursday night, feeling no worse than usual. Early Thursday morning she was taken violently ill and death releived her after she had suffered
for about an hour. Mrs. Cope was one of North Vernon's most highly esteemed women. She was born near Hayden, Ind., and spent her entire life in this
county. She was sixty-three years old and was a member of the Baptist Church from early childhood and was an ernest worker in the church. Ahe
has been a member of the Wednesday club since its organization, having been the first president of the club. Her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Alice
Davenport, of this city, and one son, Howard Cope, of San Francisco, survive. Three grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Warren Huckleberry, of this
city and Mrs. L. L. Hall, of Chicago, and one brother Fred Whitcomb, of Oxford, Ohio, also mourn her death. Funeral services will be held at the
Baptist Church at two o'clock, Sunday afternoon, and will be conducted by Rev. P. O. Duncan, of Waynetown, Ind., a former pastor of the church here
and a friend of the Cope family. A host of friends extend sympathy to the bereaved husband, daughter and little grandchildren, who are bereft of the
one whom they looked for the comforts of home.
February 4, 1916 - Indianapolis News`
NORTH VERNON, Ind., February 4-Mrs. Eva Cope, age sixty-three, wife of J.C. Cope, president of the North Vernon National Bank,
is dead of pneumonia. She was born in Hayden, Ind., January 27, 1853. Survived by the husband; one daughter, Mrs Alice Davenport, of this city, and
one son, Harold W. Cope of San Francisco.
January 10, 1916 - North Vernon Plain Dealer
Eva Whitcomb, daughter of Isaac G. and Eliza (Carroll) Whitcomb, was born near Hayden, Indiana, January 17. 1853, and died at
her home in North Vernon on February 2, 1916, having lived sixty three years and six days.
She was a graduate of North Vernon public schools. On August 23, 1874 she was united in marriage to J. C. Cope, with whom she
continued to live in the same house until her death.
During her childhood she united with the Baptist church of which she was ever afterward an active member. She was a member of
the North Vernon church from the time of its removal from Zoar in 1886, a member of its Aid Society from its organization a generation ago, its president
at the time of her death.
She was a member of the Women's Relief Corps while it existed in North Vernon, a charter member and at one time Worthy Matrom of
the Order of The Eastern Star, and a charter member and first president of the Wednesday Club. In all these she was much interested.
Throughout her life she was devoted to charitable work and assisted many. Always kind, of thoughtful disposition,
companionable, she had many friend who will long remember her. Her devotion to her children was exemplary, and at the time of her death she was greatly
interested in the training of her grand children who were partially under her care. She is survived by her husband, two children, Harold W. Cope of
Pittsburgh, Pa., Alice Davenport of North Vernon, and by three grand children all the children of her daughter. Find A Grave Link
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