Dr. James F. Mitchel
November 23, 1887 - Vernon Banner
In Memoriam
James H
(F). Mitchel, M.D., was born in Jennings County, Indiana, December 14th, 1837. He completed all the courses
at the common school in the neighborhood where his parents resided. At the age of nine months he was left fatherless by the death of his
father and was reared to manhood by his maternal grandfather. After his primary course in the common school he took a three years' course in the
State University at Bloomington; and subsequently a medical course at the Ohio Medical College and received his diploma as a gratuate of
that Institution in March 1860 and continued in the practice of his profession till the day of his departure, a period of 27 years.
While a youth, 18 years of age, in the year 1855, at Dupont, he united with the Methodist Episcopal church under
the pastoral labors of Rev. Wm. H. Sweets, and retained his membership in the church militant until his recent removal to the church triumpant.
From the time that he first witnessed the good confession, he maintained and unwaving friendship for the chruch, and the other members of the
church cherish a fond memory of his appropriate confessions and testimonies, as in our class and love-feast meetings he has with becoming
humility witnessed for Jesus the Saviour.
In his physical proportions, Dr. Mitchel was of medium stature, symetrically formed and was comly in personell; of
amiable disposition, never coarse or cross, remarkably free from fretting and stewing, even amid the ever occuring vexations of the daily
routine of human life; polite in his deportment, never glorying in sin or shame and never reproching others with faults or foibles that were
consciously his own; a gentleman by nature, and a generous, friend by culture. And this
tout en senble was reciprocated by his extended
circle of acquaintances, and was appreciated by the numerous families who were his patients and patrons in his profession. "He that would have
friends must show himself friendly." He carried this refinement of manhood with him in his professional visits and was a favorite among the
people. His personal interest in his patient, and tender sympathy with the afflicted made him a welcome visitor in the home where the sable
wings of the dark angel are so often heard to rustle amid the hopes and fears of the distressed and anxious household. How much he will be
missed by the families included in the wide circle of his partrons, can be better realized in the deep feeling of a public loss than expressed
in words. The well to do families and the humble home of the poor share alike in this sense of bereavement, for he was the sympathizing friend
of all regardless of the accident of poverty or wealth.
The lady whom he wedded Sept. 3rd, 1861,
(In Jennings County, Indiana), Miss Maggie
(Margaret) Hilton, with whom he had lived in loving harmony for 26 years, and
the son to them born an now attained to manhood and bearing the professional mantle of the departed father - these objects of his unwavering
affection and subjects of his undying interest, have the consolation in their sad bereavement, to feel assured that the great public heart throbs
in sympathy with their own sorrowing sensations.
When I say that Dr. Mitchel was a justly esteemed and valuable citizen I only uter what many lips are ready to repeat.
When I say that he was a success in his profession his numerous patrons are ready to emphasize the testimony. The members of the profession are
ready to bear testimony to his honorable observance of the rules of etiquette belonging to the proctice. In a word, if the faults of each and
every citizen was reckoned up in order, and numerically stated, Dr. J.H. Mitchel's list would compare favorably with the best, the most faultless.
He commenced the practice of medicine in Crothersville in 1860, but at the end of one year he removed to Dupont and
remained till 1871, when he removed to Vernon. where he continued to reside the remainder of his natural life.
His last illness was of brief duration and was diagnosed as blood poison. On Thursday evening he sank into a comatose
condition and remained unconcious till the last. On Wednesday morning, Nov. 15, 1887, at 1:30 o'clock, his spirit departed and he rested from
his labors and his works follow him. A favorite verse of scripture with him was the 18th of the 30th chapter of Isiah. It is worthy to be commented
and remembered by the multitude of the living, and is a fitting conclusion to this brief sketch.
"And therefore will the Lord wait that He may be gracious unto you; and therefore will he be exalted that he may have
mercy upon you; for the Lord is a God of Judgement; Blessed are all they that wait for him." Amen. W.W.S.
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