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July 30, 1863 - Vernon Banner

Died-At the residence of her father, in North Vernon, on Thursday the 23d day of July, 1863, Mrs. Elma E. Dugan, daughter of Dr. J. P. Hinshaw, after an illness of several months.
    Mrs. Dugan was born in Randolph county, N. C. on the 22d day of October, in the year 1840. She, with her parents, moved to this State in 1843-When about the age of 14, she, with her parents, moved to Carrolton, Ky., where, contrary to the council, and much to the regret, of her parents and numerous friends, with whom she was a great favorite, she was induced to elope with a young Mr. Dugan to Cincinnati, in order to consummate marriage, which was accomplished on their arrival at the city, a practice too much indulged in those days when young dandies were thus permitted to steal the fair daughters of the country and seal them to a fate forever humiliating. They lived for a time in Carrolton, under the parentage of his parents, until it was thought advisable to remove him from his former associates. Accordingly the father of the diseased prevailed upon them to remove to North Vernon, where they remained until about the time this unnatural rebellion broke out, when he, rebel like, not content with the Government- the very vine and fig tree under which he was reared-resolved to go back to "Old Kentucky" in order to prepare himself to fight for his rights. Consequently, when Bragg made his celebrated tour into Kentucky, this famous "Genius at Liberty" joined his band and today he is in rebellion against the best government the world ever knew.
    Thus abandoned by her husband, with whom she once expected to see a life of pleasure-left with two interesting children, to the mercy of friends and relatives-having now become an invalid from disease, physically as well as mentally, she grew emaciated, consumption set in, which ended her life of affliction.
    Mrs. Dugan, when a girl, was beloved by all her acquaintances, and lost none of the esteem of friends and associates in womanhood. She was patient in her trials and afflictions; when a child lovely and obedient. She was reared up to a young lady of rare virtues. She made no religious profession until about four weeks prior to her death, at which time, upon her own election, and in view of the uncertainty of her life, a matter she fully contemplated, she was made a member of the First Universalist Church, a doctrine which she had been proselyte to while living in Kentucky, after her marriage. She became a member of the church while on her death bed by confession and baptism, expressing an abiding faith in the doctrine of the Universal Salvation of the whole human family. From time to time, till the very last hour and moment of her life, she gave every evidence that she had made a full reconciliation with God, believing in the ultimate redemption and salvation of the whole of Adam's race.
    We have often read of death-bed confessions and declarations when about to pass through the valley of the shadow of death; but in no instance was it the fortune of any of the by-standers in this case to see and feel that which is often seen in print regarding the satisfactory evidence of a dying subject so fully verified as was in the present case.
    Thus died one of the fairest of the handy works of God.
    We would say to the young, beware of a snare. Suffer no man to take your hand who is not a sober and industrious man.
    The friends of Mrs. D. have no cause to mourn, for their loss is her gain. She has gone to that better clime.

This obituary is another case where it was unusual enough to cause me to do a little digging. There were few obituaries from the 1860's and especially those for a woman. I found where this young lady shows as being buried here in Jennings County in Hillcrest Cemetery Findagrave Link At the time she would have been buried the cemetery was known as "City Cemetery." After some research her father seems to be Jonathan P. Hinshaw a Dentist who later moves to Michigan. The "interesting children" he refers to in this obituary are William T. Dugan and Elma Louetta Dugan. The husband, who was obviously not approved of by J. P. Hinshaw, was a William J. Dugan. In the process of finding more on Elma Dugan I also found her mother is buried at Hillcrest - obituary below. Hopefully this obituary will help fill in some blanks on these families. Sheila Kell
July 30, 1909 - Indianapolis Star
Also same obit
August 5, 1909 - North Vernon Plain Dealer
Woman, 95 Years Old, Had Use of All Her Faculties Until Last Illness a Week Ago
    Mrs. Jane C. Hinshaw, 95 years old, died yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. B. Alley, 3229 Central avenue. She had the use of her faculties until a week before her death, and though she had been an invalid for three years she sewed and read until her final sickness.
    She was born of Quaker parentage, in Salem, N. C. Her father, William Coltrain, at one time was the owner of a hundred slaves, but becoming convinced of the evil of slavery, gave each his liberty, a cabin and a portion of ground. She settled in Thorntown, Ind., in 1840, making the trip over the mountains in a wagon with her husband and two children. She moved to North Vernon in 1859, and to Indianapolis in 1891. Her husband, Dr. J. Parker Hinshaw, served as lieutenant in the civil war.
    The funeral will be held at North Vernon tomorrow, where the body will be sent by Flanner & Buchanan, undertakers. Two children survive, Mrs. Alley and Mrs. Charles Cole of Detroit, Mich. Findagrave Link

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