CARNEY-At his residence near Butler's Switch, on Friday. January 5th, 1883,
Mr. Henry Carney,Sr, in the 71st year of his age.
Mr. Carney was one of the early settlers of Vernon township, and was well known throughout the county.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Spillman, in the Vernon Baptist church, on Sabbath morning, after which the remains were interred in the Vernon Cemetery.
CARNEY-At his residence, in Vernon, on Saturday. November 13th, 1880.
Mr. John Carney, aged 37 years.
The remains were interred in the Vernon cemetery on Sunday, after appropriate service at the Baptist church, and were followed to their final resting place by a host of
mourning friends and relatives.
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North Vernon Republican-February 15, 1905
In the death of
Mrs. Nancy Patrick Carney, Jennings county loses one of its oldest and most esteemed residents; her church a faithful and loyal member and her children and
grand-children a kind and loving mother.
Mrs. Carney was born September 27, 1821, near Watson, Clark county, Indiana, and was the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William Patrick.
While attending school when a mere child, the streams often became swollen and as there were no bridges in those days, she was compelled to stay with neighbors until the river subsided.
On December 18, 1838, she was married and at once came to the farm on Carney's branch, two miles east of Vernon, where the older Carney families had settled, having emigrated from Kentucky
at an early date. There being no railroads in Indiana at the time of her marriage the trip from Clark county was made on horseback. Deer and wild cats and other animals of the other large game were common in this
county. A few years after Mr. and Mrs. Carney were married the Freedom Baptist church was founded. Both were charter members and active workers in the church as long as their health permitted.
To Mr. and Mrs. Carney were born 8 children: Mary, Mrs. Joseph Hinchman; Elizabeth, Mrs. James Myers; Sarah, Mrs. Edward Hendricks; Lucy, Mrs. Albert Barnum; and John Carney preceded their mother to the Great Beyond.
Mrs. Albert Emma Barnum of Butlerville, Thomas B. Carney of Grayford and Henry Carney of Franklin are surviving children.
Besides these three, there are twenty-three grand-children and fourteen greatgrand-children.
Mrs. Carney Died January 26, 1905, the cause of her death being pneumonia.
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Capt. Carney McGannon,(Pleasant Carney McGannon) whose funeral occured just a week later at North Vernon, was a nephew of the deceased and had spent part of his boyhood days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carney.
DIED.-Near Butlerville, Sunday evening, February 3rd.
Mrs. Lizzie Carney, wife of T. B. Carney, in the 26th year of her age. Funeral discourse by Eld. W. Y. Monroe, on Tuesday the 5th.
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FRANKLIN DEMOCRAT - MARCH 31, 1899, page 2, column 4
CRIST, Mary J.,
Date of birth: 9 Apr 1822
Date of death: 24 Mar 1899 - Vernon, Jennings County, Indiana
Mrs. Mary J. Crist, mother of
Mrs. Henry Carney of this city, died Friday at her home in Vernon and was buried Sunday afternoon. [Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry to Johnson County INGenWeb - thank you Lois Johnson]
Same person as above-
Mrs. Mary J. Crist, of Grayford 76 years old and for 53 years a resident of this county, died on Friday, of Pneumonia and after funeral services conducted by Rev. Grimes, on Saturday, her remains were interred in the Vernon cemetery.
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Mrs. Parie Carney, aged 69 years, died at her home at Vernon, Friday morning, October 23. Although she had been ailing for many months, and the members of her family realized that her condition was quite serious, the end came as a great shock to them,
her death occurring while her daughters and son were ministering to her. The deceased was one of the most respected and highly esteemed women of the county, and a host of friends mourn her death, and extend their sympathy to the bereaved family. Funeral services
were conducted at the residence, Sunday afternoon, by Rev. W. D. Cole, of the Vernon Presbyterian Church, and the remains were laid to rest in the Vernon Cemetery. She is survived by two daughters, Misses Annie and Cora, of Vernon; and three sons, John R., of
Vernon; Frank, of Indianapolis; and Roscoe, of St. Louis. The relatives from a distance who attended the funeral were: John Ross, wife and daughter, and Dr. James Shields, of Seymour; George Duncan and wife and Omar Duncan, wife and family, of Sharpsville; Miss
Dora Newby and Mrs. Susan Hoback, of Goldsmith, Ind.; Jack Shields and wife, of Seymour; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McHaffee, of Coastville, Ind.; and Henry Carney, of Franklin.
Parie Stokes Newby was born March 17, 1845, on the Newby farm one and one-half miles west of Vernon. She was a daughter of James Hobbs and Mary Ellen Newby. Her mother's maiden name was Sheilds. Her half brother on her mother's side,
Jesse L. Cain, while fighting for the Union during the Civil War, was killed in battle at Champion Hill, before the siege of Vicksburg. Her half sister on her father's side, Georgianna Logan Chase, of Center, Howard County, is a surviving sister. An older sister,
Sarah Jane Johnson and a younger sister, Susanna P. Chase Hoback, of Goldsmith, Ind., and two younger sisters, Miss Dora LaBoone Newby and Mrs. Mary Florence Asche and her brother Harry Howard Newby, of
San Rafael, California, survive her. In early life she attended school at the Brick school west of Vernon, also at North Madison at Indianapolis and at Vernon. When but thirteen years of age, while attending school at Indianapolis, because of her proficiency in
mathematics and reading, she acted as supply teacher. For several years before her marriage she was a successful school teacher in Jennings County. On September 27, 1866, she was wedded to John Carney, a most worthy gentleman and scholar. To this union were born
six children, two daughters, Annie F. and Cora M., four sons, Jesse Howard, James Frank, John Ralph and Henry Roscoe. Mrs. Carney was a great helpmate to her husband in his active career as a school teacher, attorney-at-law, county superintendent of schools and
county auditor. On November 12, 1876, her eldest son, Jesse Howard Carney, a lovely child, died in the fifth year of his age. On November 13, 1880, soon after he was elected county auditor, Mr. Carney was suddenly called by death, leaving this beloved mother at
the age of thirty-five, a widow with five children, the eldest being thirteen years of age and the youngest eighteen months old. But with a mother's love and devotion she raised her children to be successful men and women. For several years after her husband's
death, she taught school in Jennings County, a part of the time being at North Vernon, where her late husband had been the first superintendent of schools. She departed this life on Friday morning, October 23, 1914, at seven o'clock. The cause of death was a
complication of diseases. During her early life she united with the Presbyterian church of Vernon, but later in life, owing to home cares and partial deafness, she was not an active member, but was always a devoted Christian mother and a noble Christian woman.
Mrs. Carney was a deep student and a great reader and loved good literature. She was an exact student of history. She was always loyal to her town and her country and always rejoiced at the progress of the people, institutions and industries of Vernon and Jennings

October 4, 1917 - North Vernon Sun
Vernon and Jennings County citizens were shocked at the sudden death of
Miss Annie F. Carney, which occurred at nine o'clock Monday evening. While she had not been in the best health during the spring and summer, and was taken worse a few
weeks ago, but by the assistance of her physicians she recovered and appeared better in every way, in fact she had been bedfast little of her time.
Sunday afternoon she was seized with an attack of the heart but regained her strength, but suffered some until later Sunday when she went into a deep sleep and passed away Monday evening.
Annie Finley Carney, the eldest child of John and Parie Newby Carney was born in Vernon, Indiana, July 7, 1867, and departed this life September 24, 1917, age fifty years, two months and eighteen days. She received her education in the Vernon
Schools, Jennings County Normal and Indiana University at Bloomington, Ind., besides taking extension courses and work in other schools and colleges. On April 23, 1886, she was graduated from the Vernon High School. Then she at once took up the profession of teaching,
specializing as teacher in primary work, to which she devoted the greater part of her life work. In 1887 she was selected primary teacher of the Vernon City Schools in which position she taught for twenty-one consecutive years, then for the next four years she taught
the primary grades of the Grayford schools, then taught two years in the Laporte City Schools, when she returned to her home to help care for her invalid mother. In all she taught twenty-seven consecutive years. Many times she refused positions elsewhere to be at home
among her relatives and friends. During all her teaching work she did extra study work pursuing extension course of colleges and colleges and attended in person Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana. Hundreds of children, many now grown to manhood and womanhood
were started in their school life by her painstaking efforts. Many children of her former pupils became her new pupils. Her pupils are scattered over the whole world, she always keeping a keen interest in the successes and progress of her boys and girls as she liked
to refer to her pupils. At an early age she became a worker in the Sunday School and church and later uniting with the Presbyterian Church of Vernon, February 1, 1891, where she was a successful teacher and worker, and where she was an efficient Secretary of the Sunday
School at the time of her death. She was always doing what she could for the Sunday School, the church and work of God.
She was not only a scholar but was a natural teacher, and held the love of all her former pupils and others she helped and knew. She was a noble woman, and her life was given for her relatives and friends, always enjoying herself in helping others.
She was a literary woman of much ability and because of her wide study and reading and kindness was a reader of beautiful stories for children. Frequently children would come to her home and ask for "Miss Anna" to tell them some good story, which she would always be willing
to do.
She had written considerable of the local history of Jennings County having been selected this last year to write a short historical sketch of the Jennings County schools for the Centennial Report of the Department of Public Instruction of Indiana.
She was an efficient member of the Vernon High School Alumni Association and the Ida Rebekah Lodge of Vernon. She suggested the Vernon Home Coming of 1911. She has filled various offices of these and other organizations for work of general improvement
and charity. Recently she was selected by Judge Robert A. Craigmile as a member of the recently organized Jennings County Library Board. In fact because of her broad education, and efficiency she was a useful member of society, doing well everything she attempted, for at time
she had successfully acted as Deputy County Clerk of the Jennings Circuit Court, and assistant editor of the Vernon Times and correspondent to various newspapers and magazines.
In her whole life she seemed to carry out the theme of her commencement address of April 23, '86, which was, "He most lives who thinks the most, feels the noblest, acts the best."
Because of her life of sacrifice and kindness and artful recitation of children stories she was often called "The Little Mother."
Funeral services were held from the Carney home at 2:00 o'clock Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev. W. D. Cole pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Interment in Vernon Cemetery.
As a mark of respect the Vernon city schools were closed during the funeral and the school children attended in a body.
Jesse Howard Carney age four departed his life in 1876, her father in 1880, her mother in 1914, her sister Cora and three brothers, Frank, Ralph and Roscoe Carney survive.
The pallbearers were from her former co-workers.
Mr. Monroe Thomas, her high school class-mate and Vernon city school trustee.
Mr. Everett Bemish, secretary Jennings County Library board.
Mr. John Clerkin, her former Jennings County school superintendent.
Mr. Fred Fetter, her former school trustee.
Mr. George C. Ale, teacher Vernon city schools.
Mr. Shepherd Whitcomb, present Jennings county school superintendent.
Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 26, 1917 "There never was a more faithful and competent teacher than Miss Annie Carney." Horace Ellis State Supt. Pub. Instruction.
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January 19, 1941 - Indianapolis Star, page 29
John R. Carney Dies In Vernon
Served at Judge of the Old Fifth Circuit - Former Teacher
North Vernon, Ind., Jan. 18 - (Special) - John Ralph Carney, 65 years old, former judge of the old Sixth judicial district, died suddenly today at his home in Vernon.
Mr. Carney announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for state Supreme Court judge from the Second district, in 1940 but later withdrew from the race.
A practicing attorney more than 30 years in Jennings county, Mr. Carney was secretary-treasurer of the Jennings County Bar Association, a member of the Indiana Bar Association and for many years had been a member of the American Bar Association
Born in Vernon, he was a graduate of Vernon High School and was graduated from Indiana University in 1903. He taught school for a number of years, serving as principal of high schools at Brewersville, Paris Crossing, Zenas, Butlerville, Scipio and Loogootee, and taught history in Vincennes High School.
Served as County Clerk.
Abandoning teaching, Mr. Carney entered law practice with Frank E. Little of North Vernon. He served four years as county clerk and 12 years as judge of the old Sixth Judicial circuit.
Mr. Carney donated the mill site which formed the nucleus of the Muscatatuck state park near here, when he was president of the Jennings County Historical Society, president of the Vernon Chamber of Commerce, a trustee of the New Albany Presbytery and a member of the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Masonic lodges.
Unmarried, Mr. Carney is survived by a sister, Miss Cora Carney, with whom he lived, and a brother, Frank Carney of Springfield, Ill.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at the Vernon Presbyterian Church.
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