North Vernon Plain Dealer - January 13, 1910, pg.3
In the eastern part of our villiage,
Stands our school house tall and grand.
It cost us ten thousand dollars,
Including specifications and plans,
It is a beautiful well built mansion,
Built of brick and chimneys high,
And tis heated with two furnaces,
Which keep the interior warm and dry.
Broad cement walks lead from this structure,
And you'd be proud, and so are we,
For they were all built by the efforts,
Of A. J. Hulse, our present trustee.
In the foreground stands a giant oak,
And each fall its leaves do fade,
But in the summer when its warmer,
The children seek its cooling shade.
Around the buildings are planted maples,
Fine young trees they are indeed.
And the ground is kept in order,
Free from stones, brush and weeds.
In a few short years these young trees,
Will a fine young forest be,
One which you will no doubt envy,
And one worth coming miles to see.
The students could not be in danger,
Should a fire break out you see.
For the building is equipped with a fire escape,
To be used in an emergency.
The building has seven rooms,
Three above and four below.
Besides the basement where the children play,
When the winter winds howl and blow.
L. L. Gnoss is our professor,
He comes from near St. Paul,
He's a graduate of Terre Haute,
And is like by one and all.
Yes ladies he is single,
For how long we cannot say,
As the report has been circulated,
That Miss Adams has named the day.
Miss Wickens his assistant,
Near North Vernon she does dwell.
She is a number one instructor,
And she serves us exceedingly well.
She has a pleasant disposition,
And has a smile for those she meets,
It would be difficult to find her equal,
As she would be very hard to beat.
The third room teacher is a home product,
But with all that he is a star.
He is known throut the county,
As William A. Hutchings Jr.
He is what we call our stand-by,
If his task is hard he never wails;
He is a chip off the old block,
He always wins where others fail.
Miss Wilma Watson near our villiage,
Also teaches here this year.
Blue-eyed Wilma, the children call her,
And to them she is very dear.
She loves her work among the children,
And teaches them them the way
Lettle folks should be corrected,
As they advance day by day.
Our other lady instructor,
Who gave her age as double then;
Is Miss Sullivan near Queensville,
And she said she's bound to Winn.
And she's mighty pretty,
And a first class teacher too;
So if you think her otherwise,
You will have to change your view.
We have a first class janitor,
Who is careful with his work.
His name is John Miller Sr.,
And he was never known to shirk,
His wife assists him daily.
With his work which is always neatly done,
For things that are hard for a man to do,
For a woman is just mere fun.
Now readers of the P.D.
Call and see this mansion grand;
It is one of the finest buildings,
If not the finest in the land.
The Students marchto the music of drums,
Which is one of our best rules.
Now all together, hurrah! hurrah!
For Scipio's Certified High School.
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