Family of Willoughby & Rachel (Johnson) Conner

Vernon Banner - July 28, 1859
John Byrd Conner - Editor - Candidate for County Recorder
September 29, 1864 - Vernon Banner
Died, at North Vernon, on the 17th September inst., Willoughby Conner, aged seventy-nine years and six months.
The event which caused his death adds the more poignant grief to his family friends, who are bereaved of a fond husband, and endeared
father, than if his death could have spared him the excruciating torture and suffering which followed the fatal casualty. Mr. Conner,
on the day of the accident, had left North Vernon where he had been visiting his son, to return to his home near Butlerville, traveling
upon the Rail Road. He had reached near a curve in the road, and being of defective hearing, did not perceive his danger in time to
secure his escape from injury; but by his efforts had so far retreated from the track that only his right arm came in contact with the
locomotive, by which it was so lacerated and crushed that amputation, as the only means, although with faint hope of prolonging his life,
was adopted, and after languishing under his sufferings but a few hours, death came to his relief. The deceased was born in Prince William
County, Virginia, and was the son of Rev. Philip Conner, who in the year 1820 accompanied his son to Jennings County, then an almost unbroken
forest, and who was among the earliest pioneers of Methodist Episcopal ministers in the vicinity. This aged and venerable minister of the
Gospel was not permitted long to prosecute his religious labors, but was summoned to appear before his Master whom he had faithfully served
to receive his reward. In the review of the past life of the dead, their eulogy does not exclusively belong to those who had attained at
an eminence of military, literary or other fame, but that "virtue which exalteth a nation," will ever have its advocated in the humble, the
meek and unaspiring, the pious and self sacrificing spirit , which our departed friend may rightfully and eminently claim for memory. Mr.
Conner among his acquaintance, has ever been regarded as a man of piety. The love and spirit of Christ taught by his venerated father had
made an early lodgement in his heart, and ever dwelt upon his lips, and characterized his conversation and conduct through life.
As an ardent and devoted patriot and supporter of our Government, no one could have made a greater sacrifice, than
that of a father who cheerfully yielded up five sons, to sustain a war which threatened the liberties of his country, which he cherished,
and upon whom he had relied as a staff to support him in his feebleness of age. A short time before his death, the writer of this article
was present at a conversation between a citizen of Vernon and the deceased, when the citizen congratulated him that he had been enabled to
furnish so many of his family for the support of the war and that all had yet escaped death; to which the deceased replied, "my children
were a gracious gift of the Lord, and I early dedicated them to Him in baptism, and when my country needed their service I felt it my duty
to give them up for the preservation of its rights, hoping and expecting the blessing of God upon them and our nation." *.*. B.
March 1, 1866 - Vernon Banner
At Beaver City, Newton County Ind., on the 14th inst., of Typhoid Fever, Julia, eldest daughter of J. B. and
A. M. Conner, after a short illness.
February 4, 1869 - North Vernon Plain Dealer
S. P. Conner esq., formerly of the Versailles Dispatch, is in town, looking decidedly well. He is visiting his
brothers at this place and Vernon.
June 3, 1869 - North Vernon Plain Dealer
Mr. A. S. Conner, our new postmaster, has just taken possession of the office, and has located it in Love & Dayton's
stove and tin store, in the Plain Dealer building. Mr. King retires with the good will of all, having filled his office faithfully and well.
Mr. Conner is popular to begin with, and we presume will continue to serve the people in his present capacity until passing years warn him,
with silvered locks and furrowed cheeks, that the hour for retirement has come.
October 7, 1869 - North Vernon Plain Dealer
On Monday evening as Deputy Auditor S. P. Conner was driving, soon after dark, between Vernon and North Vernon he
was set upon by two ruffians who attempted to seize the reins of his horse. By close attendion to business, and by fast driving, he
succeeded in escaping them.
October 14, 1869 - North Vernon Plain Dealer
Oct. 7th, Howard L., eldest son of A. S. and M. J. Conner, of typhoid fever, after an illness of three weeks; aged
8 years, 11 months and five days.
Farewell departed one,
The gentle, good, farwell;
We feel, we know that thou hast gone
Among the blest to dwell.
Loving and much beloved,
By all who knew thy worth,
Thy spirit, like a sinless dove,
Has passed to Heaven from earth.
God gave thee for awhile,
And then he took thee home;
A home amid angelic hosts
Where death may never come.
October 20, 1872 - North Vernon Plain Dealer
For State Librarian
The State of Indiana has again come into the hands of the party which has given to it whatever high standing
it has in the nation. This will give to the same party those offices of the State which are filled by the direct choice of the Legislature,
including that of State Librarian, a place which should be filled by a person of affability and integrity, and industrious habits.
Richard A. Conner, of this place, possesses these qualifications, and beside has rendered to the country services which entitle him to
the position. We accordingly present his name of the Legislature as a candidate for State Librarian.
Mr. Conner was a soldier in the late Union armies. He enter the service at this place in April, 1861, under Mr.
Lincoln's call for 75,000 men, in Capt. Tripp's Company, of the 6th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served through the three month's campaign.
He came home and again enlisted in the same regiment as a private in Captain C. D. Campbell's Company, ("I"), and participated in the battles,
victories, and hardships of the regiment, until at the battle of Chicamauga, where on the 19th of September, 1863, in the battle fought after
nightfal of that day, he was wounded and taken prisoner by the rebel forces of General Bragg, along with many others of our soldiers. From
the battlefied with the others captured at that time, Mr. Conner was taken to Belle Isle in the James River near Richmond, Virginia, where he
remained exposed alike to weather and starvation, without tents or covering for some weeks, and from there he was taken to Richmond and placed,
with other prisoners, in an old tobacco warehouse, where he remained till the latter part of December, 1863. From there he was taken by the
rebels to Danville, Virginia, where, through an unusually cold winter for that climate, he was again placed in a building and suffered from
December, 1863, to April, 1864, with cold and hunger, remaining there all winter without fire, and but very scantily clothed.
From Danville Mr. Conner was transported to Andersonville, Ga., the infamous slaughter pen of the rebel Confederacy.
Here were ill treatment, starvation and disease in all their various forms. During nearly six monthas that Mr. Commer remained in that
loathsome prison, he saw with his own eyes from 8,000 to 10,000 Union prisoners passed out of the gate to the last sad sleep of death, himself
all the while expecting the "pale horse and his rider." While in that prison pen Mr. Conner became so diseased from the cruel treatment and
exposure to inclement weather, that today it has such a fast hold on his constitution, that his family physician states, that it cannot be
shaken off.
From Andersonville, with others of our brave boys, he was taken to Charlestown, S. C., in the latter part of September,
1864,and remained there for a few weeks, out upon the open commons, without tent or covering, until a new prison pen could be completed at
Florence, South Carolina. After its completion he was taken to Florence during the month of October, and remained there in disease and hunger
until the 15th of December, 1864, when, through a little cunning and watchfulness on his part he was paroled along with 600 others of our prisoners
whose terms of service had expired and who were so broken down with disease as to be entirely unfit for any further service in our armies. Those
paroled were each examined by a rebel physician, and it was for the Doctor to say who should and who should not be paroled. Mr. Conner and one
other of his company, watched carefully for half a day to ascertain which of the two doctors seemed the most liberal. They made up their minds,
went to company quarters, got in the rank the more liberal doctor would examine, and the result was the two were allowed to be paroled. A happy
moment no doubt. In December, Mr. Conner returned from prison to his home in this county, but so emaciated, so broken down so poor was he, that
his friends scarcely recognized him. His constitution was undermined, and presented but a mere wreck and shadow of his former self. Having lain
15 months in the prison pens of starvation, of exposure and disease, he returned scarcely known and recognized as the same person, and to-day he
has not regained his strength and never can.
This is the man we propose for State Librarian with his services and sufferings. Shall he receive the reward.
February 16, 1882 - North Vernon Plain Dealer, Page 3
Death of Mrs. Rachel Conner.
The death of Mrs. Rachel Conner, at the residence of her son, in Indianapolis, on February 10th, reminds us of the rapid
passing away of the old residents of the State. Mrs. Rachel Conner was the widow of Willoughby Conner, who died in North Vernon, 2d of September,
1864. She was born near Cincinnati, Ohio, July 19th, 1797; was married to Willoughby Conner, October 3d, 1815, and removed to Jennings county,
Ind., April 9th, 1819. They were among the early residents of this section of the State. When they removed to this county Indians were in abundance
in all this section of Indiana. None of us can tell and never will be able to realize the struggles, hardships and privations which the pioneer
settlers here had to endure. Few of them are left to us. We may forget them, in the narrow view of mere memory, but they are not and cannot be
forgotten in the wider view of their impress upon our civilization. They have made an impress upon this newer generation by their heroic energy
and virtue which has given shape to our very civilization. That impress cannot die, but will through all posterity go on perpetuating the good
and the true, perhaps improving through experience, but always retaining the impress of goodness and virtue taught us by our heroic pioneers.
Our old residents will remember Willoughby and Rachel Conner. Kind and true friends, loving neighbors, unswerving in their
integrity and faith in God, no one ever went to them who was deserving and in need, and was turned away empty. Their very name is a benediction to
their hosts of friends. Mrs. Conner has been for several years residing with her children at Indianapolis and in the northern part of the State.
She died as she had lived, with full trust in Christ, fully conscious of her departure to the hour of death, and was 84 years, 6 months and 22 days
February 27, 1912 - Indianapolis Star
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Conner celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage last evening at their home on Park avenue.
While the affair was entirely informal, it was of unusual interest and was largely attended by a number of relatives and friends. The rooms were
trimmed with a profusion of lovely flowers and plants, which were gifts from friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Conner were assisted by their children, Mrs. J. D. George of Memphis, Tenn., Miss Adah Conner of New York, Miss
May Conner of Indianapolis, W. H. Conner of Pittsburgh and their niece, Miss Edna B. Gunckle; Mrs. Conner's sister, Mrs. S. J. Ewan of Cincinnati, and
also by the Rev. and Mrs. Albert B. Storms, Mrs. George M. Chandler, Mrs. Fanny Bacon, Mrs. Braxton Baker and Mrs. Bernard Griffey and a group of
young people. Among the guests from out of the city were, Mrs. Theodore Bush, Miss Adah Bush and George Ade of Kentland.
Mr. and Mrs. Conner were marraed at Shelbyville, Feb. 26, 1852, by the late Rev. John H. Sullivan of the Methodist Church.
They moved to Indianapolis for residence early in 1874, and were members of the old Trinity Methodist Church, now the Central Avenue M. E. Church and
are prominent in church circles.
April 8, 1912 - Indianapolis Star
Head of Indiana Farmer Company Expires, Following Two Weeks' Illness
Well-Known Republican Also Served in Legislature-Led Company in Civil War
John B. Conner president of the Indiana Farmer Company and the second state statistician of Indiana, died at 6 o'clock yesterday
morning at his home, 1514 Park avenue following an illness of two weeks.
Mr. Conner was stricken two weeks ago and forced to take to his bed. For the last few days his condition had shown an improvement
and it was believed that he would recover. He awoke at 5:30 o'clock yesterday however complaining of hampered breathing. A physician was summoned but
death ensued an hour later, due primarily to heart disease.
Mr. Conner was 80 years old and known to many farmers and members of the Republican party in Indiana. For nearly forty years he had
been identified with the Indiana Farmer Company, which publishes a farmers' weekly magazine. He was formerly a member of the Indiana General Assembly and
was a member of the Indianapolis Board of Public Safety under Mayor Denny.
Funeral arrangements will not be made until today or tomorrow when it is expected all Mr. Conner's children will be here. Mr. Conner
is survived by a widow, one son and three daughters. The son is W. Herbert Conner, Pittsburgh, Pa., and the daughters are Miss May Conner, Indianapolis,
Miss Adah B. Conner, New York, and Mrs. J. H. George, Memphis, Tenn. Two brothers, Allen S. Conner, Indianapolis, and S. P. Conner, San Diego, Cal. also
Mr. Conner was born April 28, 1831, in Jennings County, near Vernon. He was reared on his father's farm and when 15 years old learned
the carpenters' trade, which he followed for ten year. Mr. Conner on Feb. 26, 1852, married Anna Maria Weidman of Cincinnati, O. Mr. and Mrs. Conner settled
at Vernon and for ten years Mr. Conner was editor and publisher of the Vernon Banner. In 1862 he resigned the position of county recorder of Newton County to
enlist in the Union army. Six months after his enlistment he was made captain of Company A, Twelfth Indiana Infantry, and served throughout the war.
Mr. Conner early identified himself with Republican politics in the Seventh District and in 1878 was state representative from Marion
County. He was author of the bill establishing the Bureau of Statistics. He was appointed chief of the bureau under Governor Albert G. Porter, in 1881, succeeding
John Collett, the first statistician. He served as the bureau head until 1883 and was appointed again in 1897 by Governor Mount to fill a vacancy in the same
office. At the Republican state convention in 1888 he was nominated for the place again and served another two-year term.
Mr. Conner was a member of the Indianapolis Board of School Commissioners from about 1880 to 1891, and was president of the board several
years. He was a charter member of the Board of Trade, belonged to the G. A. R. and was a member of the Central Avenue M. E. Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Conner celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Feb. 26, when all of their children were home for a family reunion.
April 19, 1912 - North Vernon Sun
Allen S. Conner, a former citizen of North Vernon died at his home in Indianapolis last Sunday after an illness of many
months. It is thought that the shock caused by the death of his brother J. B. Conner, just a week previously had weakened him a great deal and
hastened his death. He was born on a farm near Vernon, January 28, 1833.
At the out break of the civil war he enlisted in the twelfth Indiana and was captured with the entire regiment at Richmond
Ky. The regiment was exchanged and it was for bravery at Vicksburg, that Mr. Conner was promoted to a second lieutenacy. He was postmaster of this
city under General Grant's administration and was the editor of the Plaindealer for several years. He was also a member of the city council.
Mr. Conner was twice married. A widow and one brother survive him. The remains were brought to this city Wednesday and
taken to the home of the late F. L. Conner, West Walnut street from which place the funeral was held at 2 o'clock.
January 11, 1946 - Indianapolis Star
Miss May Conner
Funeral services for Miss May Conner, 72 years old, who was found dead in her home at 1534 1/2 Central Avenue, Wednesday will
be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Moore Mortuaries Peace Chapel. The Rev. F. Marion Smith, pastor of the Central Avenue Methodist Church,
of which Miss Conner was a member, will officiate. Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery.
Miss Conner was born in Kentland and had lived here most of her life.
Survivors are two sisters, Mrs. J. H. George and Miss Adah B. Conner, both of Memphis, Tenn., and several nieces and nephews.
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