Vernon Journal - Friday, September 4, 1903

The marriage of Miss Annette Stearns Batchelor, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. T.C. Batchelor and Mr. Joseph Marion Coryell,
son A.B. Coryell took place at the home of the bride's parents in Vernon, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The ceremon which was pronounced by Rev.
Arthur Douglas Batchelor, brother of the bride and pastor of the Weir Memorial church, Salem, Ind., was witnessed by nearly a hundred invited guests.
Mrs. Thomas Green of Scipio played the "Mendelssolm Wedding March" for the entrance of the bridal party and "Faithful as the Stars Above," by Petrie,
during the ceremony. Mrs. Charles Croup of Union Mills and Miss Gertrude Batchelor, sister to the bride, were the attendants and entered the room
immediately followed by Mr. Coryell and Miss Batchelor. Rev. Batchelor in an unusually impressive manner read the ceremony and presented the ring.
The room was decorated with palms, Boston ferns and white asters. A large bank of palms, topped by ferns formed the background
before which the wedding party stood. The bride wore a suit of white taffeta over which was a gown of white mousseline and carried a shower bouquet
of bride's roses. The maid of honor wore a suit of white organdy and carried bride's maids flowers. After congratulations the party was ushered into
the dining room where a luncheon was served. The decorations were lace flowers and maiden hair ferns and pink tapers in gold candelabra. After the
luncheon the party again appeared and after a few moments spent in conversation, took a carriage and were driven to North Vernon where they left vis
Big 4 for Chicago. Their relatives and friends treated them to a rice shower upon leaving. They will be at home in Union Mills after September 24.
The bride is an estimable young lady and has hosts of friends. She is a graduate of the Indianapolis Kindergarden school and a former student of
Moore's Hill College. Mr. Coryell is a leading druggest in Union Mills.
After the departure of the bridal couple the guests were served to luncheon in two courses, consisting of coffee, sandwiches
and pickles for the first course and cream and cake for the second. The bride's cake was given out in boxes. Miss Mary Batchelor presided over the
punch bowl, while Mr. & Mrs. Batchelor, A.B. Coryell, Miss Carrie Francis and Mrs. C.W. MyCrantz assisted in receiving the guests. Many beautiful and
useful presents were received.
The guests from a distance were:
Mrs. C.W. MyCrantz, Ashland Ohio, Miss Julia Daughtery, Dallas Texas, C.A. Croup, Union Mills, George Batchelor and family,
Indianapolis, Rev. A.D. Batchelor and wife, Salem, Ind., Miss Carrie Francis, Indianapolis, Miss Opal Elwyn, Kent, Ind.
Letters of regret were received from relatives in California, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York and Texas. Many of Miss Batchelor's
school friends from Scipio, Hayden and other points were present.
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