The following article is from a special edition of the North Vernon Plain Dealer - printed Dec. 1897
Tripton Mills was built and first operated in 1857 by Edward Pitt Hicks who was assisted by Pleasant C. McGannon, who later
became his son in law and proprietor of the business. The mill continued under Mr. McGannon's ownership unttil May 2, 1896, when it was
purchased by Conrad and Jacob Eberts, doing business in Jeffersonville under the firm name of Eberts & Bro., who are recognized as the
leading millers of this section of Indiana. In addition to the enormous plant at Jeffersonville and the mill here, they own and operate
flour exchanges at Henryville and Nab Station. Both members of the firm are careful and conscientious business men. The mill at this
place is of 100-barrel capacity, and is in charge of John P. Eberts, a cousin of the proprietors. As a manager a better selection could
not have been made, as he has had fourteen years experience in the business and besides is very popular. Since Mr. Eberts took charge of
the North Vernon Mill the business has shown a marked increase. The present firm after getting possession of Tripton Mill thoroughly
overhauled it and added much new machinery, among other things the latest improved make of corn mill and a new set of boilers. The brands
of flour manufactured are: "Full Roller Patent," "Full Roller," "Cream of the Wheat" and "Family." They also handle a full line of bread
meal and mill stuffs. In concluding this sketch it is but just to urge the propriety of every citizen of Jennings county to use the
output of this mill in their home consumption for it is safe to say that no concern or industry has had more to do with the up-building
of the town, and nowhere can better, purer or more wholesome flour be found.

J.P. Eberts
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