From an old book printed in 1858 giving an account of professions and trades for
each town in Indiana, the following was given for Vernon, Indiana

The county seat of Jennings County, on the
Madison & Indianapolis Railroad, 1 1/2 miles south of the crossing of the
Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, and 63 miles southeast of Indianapolis;
and is situated at the confluence of the north and south forks of the
Muscatatuck creek, which stream affords abundant water priviledges. There are
extensive stone quarries and lime kilns at this place; the stone is unsurpassed
for building purposes by any in the State. A new courthouse and jail are
now being consturcted, to cost about thirty thousand dollars. It contains two
large steam and water flouring mills, capable of manufacturing one hundred
barrels of flour each, every fourteen hours; eight general stores, three grocery
stores, one banking house, and one newspaper office, the Vernon Weekly Banner;
one book seller and stationer, one clothing store, two drug stores, one hade and
leather dealer, two stove & tin stores, two flour and grain dealers, one
lumber yard, one baker & confectioner, four blacksmith shops, five boot and
shoe makers, two brick yards, four carpenters and builders shops, two cabinet
makers and furniture dealers, three carriage and wagon factories, one express
office, two millineries, two harness makers, one saddler, one watchmaker and
jeweler, two paint shops, one tailor & clothier, one wheelwright
and plow manufactory, two lime dealers, one gunsmith, one dentist, three
daguerrean artists, one plasterer, one livery stable, two stone cutters, one
Italian towy shop, one lare wool carding -spinning and weaving factory,
five ministers, eight physicians and surgeons, one attorney at law, two
notaries, two magistrates, four churches - one Methodist Episcopal, one Baptist,
one Presbyterian, one Reformer; an Academy called the "Jennings Academy", with
about one hundred and fifty students in attendance, and two district common
school houses, built of brick.
Vernon has an active trade, which
is rapidly on the increase. Considerable Manufacturing is done, and it is yet
destined to become one of the best business points in the State. Population
Mayor ...................................Abram G.
Recorder ...............................Merritt Read
....................................Merritt Read
..............................P.S. Basnett
American Hotel, Thomas J. Story, Prop.
S. S.
Ball, surgeon dentist
Wm. K. Bantz, Justice of Peace
P. D. Baughn, cabinet
maker & furniture dealer
P. S. Basnett, Marshall
W. J. Beachly,
attorney at law & notary public
Abram Bishop, brick maker
Robert W.
Brauharn, carpenter & builder
Wm. A. Bullock, Attorney at Law &
Notary Public
Wm. A. Bullock, Justice of Peace
W. A. Bullock, Banker &
Exchange Broker
J. Bundy. Attorney at Law & Notary Public
Bundy, Judge of Common Pleas Court
James C. Burt, Physician &
Butler, McGannon & Co., Blacksmiths & Plough
Sidney Butler, County Commissioner
William Cook,
J. B. Conner, Book Seller & Stationer
J. B. Conner, County
Chas. J. Coryelle, proprietor steam saw mill
S. B. Cowell,
hide & leather dealer
Rev. Crawford, Methodist Minister
James B.
Curtis, County Commissioner
L. Denham, wheelwright & chair
Thomas B. Denham, painter
Jas. Dixon, lime dealer
Eckstine, Prop'r livery stable
Joseph Ewings, County Commissioner
Fall, stone cutter
Joseph Fettig, general store
John Gasper, general
George Gazaway, plasterer
Jesse Haney, carpenter &
Jno. Henberger, general store
F. L. Henninger, general store
B. Hill, attorney at law & notary public
W. B. Horgins,
notary public
S. D. Huckleberry, County Sheriff
Wendell Knockle,
baker and confectioner
Jas. W. Kyle, physician & surgeon
W. Lattimore, county prosecuting attorney
Alex W. Lattimore, attorney at
law & notary public
Finley C. Lattimore, physician & surgeon
Leavitt, mfg. of spokes, felloes and hubs
Rob. Lavitt, mfg. of fanning
Jacob Leiniger, tailor and clothier
B. F. Lewis, clerk circuit &
common pleas court
William Love, boot and shoe maker
Robt. D. McGammon,
county recorder
John McMahan, stone cutter
E. McMindes, lime
Stephen Marvin, boot and shoe maker
John Meek, attorney at law
& notary public
Meline & Cassimens, Italian toy shop
Moore, brick maker
Mullen & Goddard, carriage & wagon makers
M. Nelson, county auditor
Newton & Schofield, proprietor of woolen
George W. New, stove & tin dealer
J. B. New, attorney at
law & notary public
Joseph B. Newcomb, proprietor water & steam
flouring mill
Joseph B. Newcomb, flour & grain dealer
Rev. Hickman
New, Christian Minister
Hickman New, cabinet maker & furniture
Andrew Patrick, blacksmith
Andrew Patrick, carriage & wagon
H. Read, city recorder & attorney
A. G. Read, mayor
S. S. Read, dressmaker & milliner
A. G. Read, general store
A. G.
Read, agent-Adams Express Co.
M. Reed, attorney at law & notary
S. E. Read, gunsmith
N. Richardson, physician & &
Thomas J. Riley, Postmaster
Rev. ______ Roop, Methodist
Ezra Rose, surgeon dentist
Ezra Rose, Watchmaker &
John Rowlen, boot & shoe maker
Rodger Rowley, carpenter &
Frederick Saupe, Harness & saddle maker
P. & H.
Scipel, boot & shoe makers
Wm. Sharpe & Co., druggists
John T.
Shields, physician & surgeon
Sheilds & Kyle, physicians &
John Specht, grocer
George Specht, boot and shoe maker
Steine, clothing dealer
Thomas J. Story, prop'r of American Hotel
S. W.
Story, druggist
Rev. Wm. T. Stott, Baptist Minister
E. D. Sumpter,
carpenter & builder
Geor. W. Swarthout, prop'r steam & water
flouring mill
George W. Swarthout, flour & grain dealer
Rev. Robt. F.
Taylor, Presbyterian minister
Jacob Thenis, grocer
J.H. Vawter, notary
Kendrick Vawter & Co., general store
Vernon Weekly Banner, J.
S. Conner, publisher
Uriah Wagner, Blacksmith
John E. Wagner, carriage
& wagon maker
Washington Hotel, S. S. Wilder, proprietor
E. Wells, store and tin dealer
S. S. Wilder, Prop'r American
Joseph Woolsefer, grocer
Robert W. Worthington, surgeon
PLEASE NOTE - Here in 1858 there were over 100 businesses in the Town of
Vernon, Ind. From an 1876 Atlas - just 18 years later -and from the business
directory contained therein, we find that the town of Vernon shows less than 20
businesses. This was after the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad (Now the B &
O) was built approximately two miles north of Vernon, and the people and
prosperity shifted northerly to North Vernon, Ind.
The county seat of
Jennings county, on the Madison Branch of the Jeffersonville, Madison &
Indianapolis railroad, twenty-two miles from Madison, and two miles from the
crossing of the Ohio & Mississippi and the Jeffersonville, Madison &
Indianapolis railroads. It is located in the midst of a good grain and grazing
county, has two woolen mills, a hub and spoke factory, foundry and machine shop
and various other shops. It has a splendid court house, churches, good schools
etc. Population about 1,200.
Bachelor T. C. -
Pike St.
Basnett A. D., corner Pike and Jackson
Devore E. C., -
Brown St.
Hagins, W. B., over J. W. Hill's
Hill, J. M., over J. W.
Huckleberry J. H., - Pike St.
White W.
Earwood & France - Jackson St.
Files J.
L., - Brown St.
Wagner J. H. & Co.
Boots and
Hiller R. M. - Pike St.
Specht Geo. - Pike
Osburn W.W., near railroad
and Builder;
Spaulding E. O.
Carriages and Wagons;
Files J.
L. - Brown St.
Whelan F. - Pike
Armstrong R. C. - Brown St.
Drugs and
Dole & Peabody, - Pike St.
Storey R. & Co.,
near Depot
Express Company;
American, J. Henninger Agent - Pike
Fanning Mills;
Leavitt R. & Co., near Depot
Devore N. A. - Brown St.
Wagner J. H. &
Co. - at the foot of Brown St.
Treeback Geo., -
Jackson St.
General Stores;
Basnett J. B. - Pike St.
Cook, Stott
& Co., - corner Pike & Brown
Fink John, - Pike St.
& Lett, - Pike St.
Hill J. W., - sw corner Pike & Brown
H. Q. & W. M. - nw corner Pike & Jackson
J., - Brown St.
Smyth J. S., - corner Pike &
New G. W., - Pike
Harness and
Bantz W. K., - Brown St.
Cowell S. B. - Jackson St.
Smyth J.
A., - Jackson St.
American House, T. J. Storey, prop.,
- corner Pike and Brown
Insurance Agents;
Hagins W. B.,
- over J. W. Hill's
Vawter H. F., - Pike St.
Justices of the
Read Sam, - n e corner Pike and Brown
White W. O., - s e corner
Pike and Brown
Livery Stable;
Somerfield J. W., - Pike
Burnard Mrs. C. M., - Pike St.
Smythe &
Hill Mrs., - Pike St.
Vernon Banner, Smith Vawter
& Co, prop., - Brown St.
Notaries Public;
Bachelor T. C.,
- Pike St.
Devore E. C., - Brown St.
Hagins W. B., - over J. W.
Hill J. M., - over J. W. Hill's
Storey S. W., -
corner Pike and Brown
Patent Planing Mill Duster;
Leavitt R. &
Co., near railroad
Patent Hay Rake;
Butler M., - Brown
Jackson L. R., - Brown
Burt J. C.
Richardson N., - corner Mulberry
and Wertz
Wiles & Woodward, - Brown St.
Plow Factory;
Wagner J.
H. & Co., - foot of Brown
McClellan J. E., - corner
Jackson and Pike
Kimball J., - Jackson St.
& Bundy, - Jackson St.
Railroad Agent;
Twaddle H., -
Fetter M., - Pike St.
Hadner N., - Pike
Shafer A., - e public square
Specht P, - Pike St.
Spokes and
Leavitt R. & Co., - near depot
Stoves and Tinware;
New G.
W., - Pike St.
Tresback Geo., - Jackson
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry;
Doll J. L., - Pike
Jackson L. R., - Pike St.
Woolen Factories;
Walker & Co., - Pike St. near railroad
Richards & Wilson, -
near railroad
Wm. B. Hagins,
Attorney at Law and Real Estate
Nicholas DeVersy, Dry Goods, Notions,
Groceries, Qweensware and Glassware, General Flour and Feed Store, opposite Courthouse
P. E. Wills, Dry Good, Notions, Groceries, Confections &
a general Feed and Provision Store, west side of Public Square
C. E. Wagner,
Editor Vernon Banner
F. Saupe Harness and Saddles
Amos Thomas,
James E. VanSickle, Stone Dealer
Anthony Dausch, Stone
H. C. Harman, Stone and Lime, Dealer in All orders for Stone or Lime,
will receive prompt attenction; Blue Stone, Line Stone and Bridge Stone, all
orders promptly filled near Vernon.
Mayor - Ulysses B. Hill
Treasurer - Francis F. Frecking
Recorder - Patrick D. Baughn, Sr.
First Ward-Alfred Walt
Second Ward-Silas Bolser
Third Ward-Samuel J. Pearce
Fourth Ward-Willard New
Fifth Ward-John E. Wagner
Judge Circuit Court-Jeptha D. New, office Court House, term expires 1888.
Clerk-Irby S. Wagner, office Court House, term expires 1888, C. Wagner, Deputy.
Auditor-John Calvin Cope,office Court House term expires 1888. Francis Frecking, Deputy.
Treasurer-John Kidd, office Court House, term expires 1888.
Recorder-John S. Morris, office Court House, term expires 1888.
Sheriff-James H. Meek, office Court House, term expires 1888. Wm. Welker, Deputy.
County Commissioners-John R. Hayden, Pres; Eli Wells, James McManaman.
Secretary-Charles H. Green
President-Thomas C. Bachelor
Trustees-Adolphus G. Cotton, T. C. Batchelor, Henry Carney
State Bank of Jennings County, west side Pike St. near Brown, Incorporated Dec., 1885, Capital Stock, $25,000. President-T. C. Batchelor, Cashier-James W. Hill
First Baptist Church
Rev. J. C. Burroughs, pastor
Presbyterian Church
Washington Street-Rev. Samuel Barr, pastor
Mount Ida Lodge No. 73
Meets Wednesday evening of each week.
K. OF P.
Rescue Lodge No. 26
Meets Tuesday evening of each week in Castle Hall.
Abbett Wm. R. physician north side Brown St., residence west side Poplar
Adams Express Co, C. L. Wagner agt., Poplar St. north west corner Brown St.
Almond, W. S., principal Vernon Public School
American House, Abraham E. Rust, property, north side Brown St,
Arnold, Henry, blacksmith J. H. Wagner & Co. residence Poplar St.
Bailey, Ellard D., dentist residence at J. S. Bailey's
Bailey, Joseph S., dentist north side Brown, residence north west corner Montgomery and Jackson
Baker, Benjamin C. pump manufacture west side Jackson St.
Baker, Benjamin C. pumps, residence corner Washington and Pike
Baker, Miss Nettie, residence Benjamin C. Baker's
Baker, Mark, pump maker, residence Benjamin C. Baker's
Baldwin, E. F., restaurant, west side Pike St.
Batchelor, Thomas C. president State Bank
Baughn, Patrick D. laborer, residence north side Jackson
Baughn, Patrick D.Jr. carpenter, residence Patrick D. Baughn's
Baughn, S. J., millinery north side Jackson, residence same
Bell, A. J., grinder, J. H. Wagner & Co. residence Brown St.
Bevis, John, engineer H. Goff
Bolden, Ab Bolden, works spoke facotry
Bolser, Charles, dry goods, west side Pike, residence Gaines St.
Bolser, Edward, works rake factory, residence Pike St.
Bolser, John, painter, J. H. Wagner & Co., residence Pike & High
Bolser, Miss Lyda B., residence Silas Bolser's
Bolser, Thomas, works J. H. Wagner & Co., residence Pike St.
Bolser, Silas, teamster, residence west side Pike St.
Boner, Mrs. Electa, widow, residence north side Jackson St.
Boulding, James, (colored) laborer, residence John Boulding's
Boulding, John, (colored) laborer, residence north side Jackson St.
Boulding, William, (colored) laborer, residence John Boulding's
Brown, Miss Martha, residence Henry Sullivan's
Bundy, Miss Josie, residence Mary A. Bundy's
Bundy, Mrs. Mary A., widow, residence north side Jackson St.
Bundy, Miss May, residence Mary A. Bundy's
Burt, Miss Abbie, residence James C. Burt's
Burt, James C., minister, residence north side Washington St.
Burt, Mrs. Martha E., widow, residence J. C. Burt's
Butler, Miss Bertha, residence Mark Butler's
Butler, Manlove, laborer, residence north side Jackson St.
Butler, Mark, carpenter, residence north side Jackson St.
Carlisle, Miss Lena, teacher, Vernon Public School, residence north side Jackson St.
Carlisle, Miss Lizzie, residence north side Jackson St.
Carlisle, Miss Lula, residence north side Jackson St.
Carney, Henry, residence forner Washington and Montgomery Streets
Collett, Miss Annie, millinery, north side Jackson St., residence north side Gains St.
Collett, Miss Mary, teacher Vernon Public School
Conliffe, William, carpenter, residence north side Jackson St.
Cope, James Calvin, auditor Jennings county, residence Brown St.
Cotton, Adolphus G., assistant cashier State Bank, residence Brown St.
Cox, Miss Susan, residence north side Jackson St.
Curtis, John, blacksmith, J. H. Wagner & Co., residence Poplar St.
DeVersy, Nicholas, groceries and dry goods, west side Pike St., residence same
Ditlinger, Charles, teamster, H. Goff
Ditlinger, Mat, molder J. H. Wagner & Co., residence Gains St.
Ditlinger, Nicholas, engineer, J. H. Wagner & Co., residence Pike and Ripley Streets
Ditlinger, William, molder, J. H. Wagner & Co., residence Gains St.
Dowd, Harry H., assistant agent J.M.& I.R.R.
Durrett, Warren, (colored) teamster, J. H. Wagner & Co., residence, Poplar St.
Egan, John, saloon east side Pike St. residence Pike St.
Eitel, Nicholas, clerk, residence same
Fetter, Michael, works spoke factory
Fervel, Sarah, domestic for Allen Stott
First Baptist Church, north side Washington St., Rev. Burroughs
Foebel, Albert W., clerk, residence west side Pike St.
Foebel, Jacob Jr., dry goods, west side Pike St., residence Pike St.
Frecking, Francis "Frank", Deputy Auditor, residence Jackson St.
Gilcrest, Edward, clerk, residence Brown St.
Gilcrest, Frank, works spoke factory, residence Brown St.
Goff, Herbert, flour mill, east side Pike St.
Hall, A. O., dentist, north side Brown St., residence Allen Stott's
Harlow, Edward, printer, residence Jackson St.
Harlow, Harry, farmer, residence William Harlow's
Harlow, William, shoemaker, residence north side Jackson St.
Hartwell, George W., works spoke factory
Hartwell, Harvey, grinder, J. H. Wagner & Co., residence Jackson St.
Hartwell, James, grinder, J. H. Wagner & Co., residence Jackson St.
Hartwell, James Jr., grinder J. H. Wagner & Co., residence High & Perry Streets
Hartwell, Mrs Mary A., widow, north side Jackson St.
Hartwell, Simon, grinder, J. H. Wagner & Co.
Hengstler, John, blacksmith, corner High and Jackson Streets, residence south side Jackson St.
Henneger, George, printer, residence north side Jackson St.
Henneger, Miss Ida, residence north side Jackson St.
Henneger, Jacob, laborer, residence north side Jackson St.
Henneger, Jasper, teamster spoke factory
Henneger, Miss Millie, millinery north side Jackson St. residence same.
Hill, Frank, res Ulysses Hill's
Hill, J. W. cashier State Bank, residence Jackson St.
Hill, Ulysses R., groceries and dry goods, west side Pike St. residence Jackson St.
Hinchman, Charles, works rake factory, residence High St.
Hinchman, Dalton, post master, residence east side High St.
Hinchman, Mrs. Sinah, widow, residence Dalton Hinchman's
Hutchings, James A., hardware, west side Pike St.
I.O.O.F Hall, north west corner Pike and Jackson
Ingle, Kate, domestic, Ulysses Hill's
Jenkins, Miss Hattie, residence Sarah Jenkins
Jenkins, James, residence Sarah Jenkins
Jenkins, Mrs. Sarah, widow, residence north side Jackson
Jenkins, William, works, spoke factory
Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis Rail Road, freight and passenger depot, south side Railroad, west of Poplar, John E. Wagner, agent
Jennings County Court House, east side Pike St. between Brown and Jackson
Jennings County Jail, east side Pike St. between Brown and Jackson
Johnson, Joseph, turner, spoke factory
Johnson, Mahlon, turner, residence Poplar and Brown.
Johnson, William, works spoke factory
Kidd, John, County Treasurer, residence South
K of P Hall, south west corner Brown and Pike
Law, L. C. vice-president State Bank, residence country
Lawrence, Miss Maggie, residence Thomas A. Lawrence's
Leavitt R. spoke factory north side Gains, residence north west corner Poplar and Gains Streets
Leavitt, Alvin E., bookeeper, residence corner Poplar and Gains Streets
McGammon, George, molder J. H. Wagner & Co. residence Poplar
Martin, Miss Ida, residence north side Brown St.
Meek, James H., sheriff Jennings county, residence Brown St.
Morris, John S., county recorder, residence Brown St.
Nauer, Fred, foreman Vernon Banner, residence west side Pike St.
New, Jeptha D., judge circuit court, residence Brown St.
New, Willard, lawyer north side Brown St.
Osborn, Richard, clerk, residence west side Pike St.
Parker, Charles, hostler (stableman, especially at an Inn) residence Riley Parker's
Parker, Miss Emma, residence Riley Parker's
Parker, Herman, residence Riley Parker's
Parker, Riley, teamster, residence north side Jackson St.
Peabody, Miss Julia, residence corner Washington and Pike Streets
Perry, John, engineer, residence Gains corner Poplar Streets
Pettiford, Jesse, grinder J. H. Wagner & Co. residence Jackson St.
Pierce, Samuel, molder J. H. Wagner & Co. residence Jackson and Poplar Streets
Postoffice, Dalton Hinchman, Post Master, residence Pike St.
Presbyterian Church, north side Washington, Ref. Samuel Barr pastor
Reed & Rogers, (Thomas B. Reed and George Rogers) rake factory north side Brown St.
Richardson N., (Richardson & Son) residence Washington
Richardson & Son, (N. and W. H. Richardson) druggist Brown north east corner Pike St.
Richardson W. H., (Richardson & Son) res Montgomery and Jackson Streets
Riley, S. G., livery north side Jackson, residence north side Brown St.
Rogers, George, (Reed & Rogers) residence Brown St.
Rowan, Bartholomew, truner spoke factory
Rowan, George B., wood turner, residence north side Jackson
Rowan, John, machine hand, residence corner Montgomery and Jackson Streets
Rowan, Mathew B. foreman, residence north side Jackson St.
Rowan, S. Bart, wood turner, residence north side Jackson St.
Rowley, Francis W., teamster, residence north side Jackson St.
Rust, Abraham E. proprietor American House, north side Brown St.
Rust, Samuel, clerk American House, boards same
Saupe, August, barber corner Pike and Jackson Streets, residence north side Jackson
Shank, Chris, residence corner Washington and Jackson Streets
Smith, Stephen P., turner spoke factory
Specht, Charles, shoemaker residence west side Pike St.
Specht, Charles, printer residence west side Brown St.
Specht, Frank, works spoke factory residence residence Pike St.
Specht, George, shoemaker west side Pike St. residence same
State Bank of Jennings Co., Thomas C. Barchelor president, Lewis C. Law vice president, James W. Hill cashier, west side Pike St. near Brown St.
Stemm, William H., physician residence corner Washington St. and Pike St.
Storey, Smith W., druggest north west corner Brown St. and Pike St. residence Brown St.
Stott, Allen, proprietor Sherman House north side Jackson St., residence same
Stott, Charles B., turner spoke factory residence Jackson St.
Sullivan, Henry, residence south side Washington St.
The Vernon Banner (weekly), C. E. Wagner, proprietor, north side Brown St.
Thomas, Amos, grocer, west side Pike St, residence Pike St.
Thomas, Jepthe M., clerk residence Pike St.
Turner, Miss Florence, residence north side Jackson St.
Turner, Mrs. Sarah, widow residence north side Jackson St.
Vernon Public School, corner Montgomery and Washington Streets
Wagner, Chapin, deputy county court clerk, residence Perry St.
Wagner, C. E., proprietor The Vernon Banner, residence west side Poplar St.
Wagner, C. L., agent Adams Express Co. residence Poplar
Wagner, Clyde, messenger, residence Mary Wagner's
Wagner, E. L., bookeeper, residence Poplar
Wagner, Elmer, plows, residence Mary Wagner's
Wagner, Miss Eliza, residence Mary Wagner's
Wagner, Miss Elsie, residence Henry Wagner's
Wagner, Frank, clerk J. H. Wagner & Co. residence Poplar St.
Wagner, Haggerman, farmer, residence north side Jackson St.
Wagner, Irby S., clerk county court, residence Gaines St.
Wagner, John E., agent J. M. & I. R. R.
Wagner, J. H. (J.H. Wagner & Co.) residence Ripley St.
Wagner, J. H. & Co. (J. H. Wagner, estate of Uriah Wagner), manufactures agricultural implements nowth west corner Poplar and Brown Streets
Wagner, Louis, foreman, residence corner Jackson and Water Streets
Wagner, Mrs. Mary, widow, residence west side Poplar St.
Wagner, Wibur, blacksmith, J. H. Wagner & Co. residence Poplar St.
Wallin, Thomas, clerk, residence west side Pike St.
Walk, Albert, works spoke factory
Weaver, Jacob R., blacksmith, north side Jackson St. residence same
Wenzel, John, stoves, west side Pike St. residence same
Wenzel, William, tinner, residence west side Pike St.
Welker, William, deputy sheriff Jennings county, residence Gains St.
Wells, James H., farmer, residence east side Pike St.
West, W. C., miller for H. Goff
Western Union Telegraph Office, in J. M. & I. R. R. Depot, John E. Wagner, agent
Westover, Charles, works rake factory
Worthington, Miss Carrie, residence north side Jackson St.
Worthington, Miss Lillie, residence north side Jackson St.
Worthington, Miss Minnie, residence north side Jackson St.
Worthington, Robert W., taylor, residence north side Jackson St.
(The first two articles written above, about the business in the Town of Vernon, Indiana were copied verbatim from their respective
sources. With the 1887 Sutton Publishing Co's Directory - I have added to location descriptions to make it possible to find where they were in town.)
Note that many of the people in the first section are duplicates, in other words a
person may have had a number of businesses or talents and each were listed separately, someone was promoting and expanding the business base in Vernon
(just goes to show promoters have not changed much over the years). With the number of businesses listed Vernon would have been truly stuffed and bustling.
This also shows the importance of the Railroad, for a number of years, to the prosperity of any area. To many of us now railroad tracks are just bumpy things
you drive over or a dangerous place to cross but in history they brought people and products easily to the areas they served.
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