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Where what was written on the stone was documented I have included it here in italics


Spencer, Geo. F.                               10-24-1849                                  3-19-1900
Spencer, Samuel M.                           1-17-1843                                  5-12-1904
Spencer, Georgia A.                             7-9-1847                                    1-7-1934

Spencer, Ursula M.                             6-28-1851                                11-19-1887
Aged-33 yrs. 4 months 21 days
Gone are the paths and the hours
Where on thy sweet smile has gone,
But oh a brighter home than ours
In heaven. Is now thine own.

Spencer, Jonathan                              6-26-1847                                  4-23-1887
Aged-39 yrs. 9 months 27 days
When we leave this world of change
When we leave this world of care,
We shall find our missing loved ones
In our Father's mansion fair

Shuck, Leland E.                                3-19-1883                                    8-5-1911
Gone but not forgotten
Daughter of Leland E. Shuck                     1911                                          1912

Shuck, Arthur B.                                 5-1-1885                                   3-27-1906
Shuck, Abigail                                    5-20-1825                                          1890
Shuck, Abraham B.                              7-7-1821                                  7-18-1901
Shuck, Sarah E.                                          1849                                          1936
Shuck, Wm. A.                                           1849                                          1925
McDowell  ?
McDowell, Mary F.                                     1852                                          1935
McDowell, Wm.                                          1848                                          1936
Silver, Etta D.                                             1866                                          1937
Silver, Cassius M.                                       1867                                          1952

Stanley, Everett M.                             9-28-1886                                   5-22-1887
Infant son of W. H. & Mary Stanley
Budded on earth to bloom in heaven

Sullivan, Harry C (A?)                      12-25-1821                                    1-4-1895  
Sullivan, John                                     1-15-1819                                    3-2-1887
Burchill, Solomon                                4-1-1818                                     6-7-1893

Stanley, Bertha May                            4-3-1893                                    1-31-1901
It is a little grave
But oh have care
For world wide hopes
Are buried there.
Stanley, Mary                                   12-11-1818                                   1-3-1900

Spencer, Infant son                                      1887                                         1887
Spencer, Irl G.                                             1888                                         1890
Spencer, Geo. J.                                          1899                                         1900
Spencer, H.A.G.                                          1895                                         1897
Spencer, Jonathan                                       1818                                         1890
Spencer, Eliza                                              1821                                         1893

Spencer, Emmet A.                            10-11-1886                                  9-14-1887
Son of Jonathan and Ursula Spencer
Sleep on in thy beauty
Thou sweet angel child
By sorrow unblemished
By sin undefiled

         , Leland                                              1911                                          1911
Vinson, Meredith  Infant                       4-8-1925 
McDowell, Annie                                               ?                                          1894                                       
McDowell, Albert                                              ?                                          1927
Sullivan, Mary E.                                   6-7-1894
Sullivan, Julius                                   ??-20-1894                                12-13-1965

Leight, Clyde M.                                   9-15-1885                                  10-3-1885   Son of C.L. & L.C. Leight
Leight, Lillian                                         4-5-1867                                  5-14-1887
Heidt, Jane R.                                             1822                                          1898
Heidt, Chas.                                                1821                                          1890
White, Mary H                                            1826                                          1906
Crawford,    ?                                                ?                                                ?
Miles, Mary H.                                            1859                                          1893
Miles,    ?                     
Schonfeld, Frank                                 9-17-187                                      3-2-1970
Schonfeld, Phila E.                                      1876                                    7-?-1959
Silver, David                                       1-29-1831                                   4-18-1913
Silver, Elizabeth his wife                      3-31-1830                                    1-5-1920
Fewell, Alice D.                                                                                     5-17-1890   Aged 26 years, 11 months, 22 days
Fewell, Garrett                                                                                      7-13-1890   Aged 27 years, 2 months, 12 days
Lough, Hattie I.                                          1884                                          1927
Silver, Stella                                                                                         7-19-1888    Daughter of A.G. & M. Silver aged 2 months
                                                                                                                                28 days 
Silver, Matilda                                     1-12-1863                                    3-6-1888   aged 25 years 8 months 21 days
Sullivan, Thomas J.                             2-20-1894                                 10-??-190
Sullivan, John                                             1850                                          1943
Sullivan, Mollie                                           1860                                          1931 

Heidt, C. Thomas                                        1863                                          1929
Heidt, Margaret                                           1859                                          1910
Heidt, Rebecca D.                                        1865                                          1943
Silver, F. M.                                         4-12-1882                                  9-10-1883

Stanley,   ?
Massing, John                                     4-18-1888                                             ?
Massing, Alicta, his wife                      4-19-1887                                  8-30-1921
Boyd, Ollie                                                ?                                                ?
Boyd, Joseph S.                                         ?                                                ?
Ryan, Wm. Harve                                5-24-1858                                  8-14-1893
Hough, Rachel                                             1871                                          1942 (April 17/18 1942)
Hough, Bert                                                 1870                                          1944
Runyan, Nathaniel J.                                   1855                                          1934
Wiley, Mary                                       12-12-1879                                   6-22-1901
Hand, Ellenor                                              1848                                           1928
Hand, James M.                                          1844                                           1922
Conboy, Mary E.                                         1858                                           1945
Conboy, Samuel W.                                     1856                                           1908  
Murdered near Bridgeport, IL
Schlottman, Thomas H.                               1879                                           1955
Schlottman, Naomi D.                                 1880                                           1953

Spaulding, Jennie                                  5-1-1843                                   8-18-1919
At Rest
Spaulding, John F.                                3-3-1840                                   3-13-1895
He made home happy

Conboy, Ann                                       6-19-1841                                   8-23-1917

Schlottman, Elizabeth                          11-9-1843                                   1-10-1889
Gone Home

Conboy, Margaret                                       1861                                           1945
Conboy, Thomas                                         1852                                           1928
Spaulding, Geo. W.                                     1834                                            1915
Spaulding, Elizabeth                                    1834                                           1921

Carson, Margaret E. (Shaw)                 6-15-1855                                   11-1-1896 
Aged 41 years -17 days
Blessed are the pure in heart
for they shall see God
Carson, Patterson D.                           7-27-1849                                    4-11-1930
Mix, Henry A.                                             1870                                            1905
Mix, Geo. F.                                        4-13-1841                                    7-14-1908
Mix, Lucy                                             5-1-1846                                    11-4-1920
Callicott, Jasper N.?                                    1847                                            1937  CO. B.  9 Ind. Inf.  Fifer Co. G. 137 Ind.

Callicott, Isabelle (Woolman)                      1846                                            1929
I have fought a good fight,
I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith.

Goins, Henrietta                                    6-4-1866                                       4-2-1896
Goins, John                                         5-21-1860                                     4-18-1927
Dixon, Jesse B.                                            1878                                             1953
Dixon, Frank E.                                           1877                                             1960
Fellows, Infant son                                                                                           1897
Harrison, Greene                                         1886                                             1959
Harrison, Lillie A.                                        1896                                             1966
Russell, Jane C.                                           1845                                             1937
Russell, Jacob                                                                                                              Co. A  22 Ind. Inf.

Callicott, Charlotte                              5-10-1818                                     4-22-1893
wife of Riley Callicott
Aged 79 years 11 months 12 days

Goins, Gladys                                        2-6-1901                                     7-19-1966
Goins, Jonny                                        1-29-1887                                     5-23-1971
Lawrence, Emerson J.                          1-21-1911                                     6-25-1940
Lawrence, Mary R.                                      1887                                             1956   "Mother"                             

Hall, Franklin                                      4-25-1875                                     8-21-1880
Bundy, Alice Ann                                              ?                                            1951?
Hall, Thomas E.                                  11-23-1837                                    1-28-1908
Hall, Eliza C.  (Bland)                         11-29-1836                                    9-10-1912

Hall, Francis H.                                     4-25-1873                                   9-31-1896
Son of Thomas E. & Eliz Hall
Weep not Father and Mother
for me, For I am waiting in
Glory for thee.

Hendricks, L.D.                                       4-7-1851                                                 ?
Hendricks, Lottie                                  5-29-1857                                    1-28-1900
Heid, John W.                                      12-3-1880                                       6-6-1905
Heid, John M.                                       9-22-1835                                      4-9-1916
Heid, Sofronia                                     11-28-1846                                  12-23-1921  
Clark                                                               ?                                                 ?
Anderson, Mary E.                                        1864                                           1949
Anderson, John E.                                         1862                                           1929

Farran, Ruth                                                                                               5-9-1903  daughter of V. & S. Farran
Thomas, Nina A.                                           1898                                            1926
Heid, Emerson                                      10-8-1888                                      2-4-1889
Heid, George                                                1885                                            1916
Heid, Tula (Lula?)                                        1896

ROW 10
Hoffman, C. H.                                            1872                                            1927
Hoffman, Ida                                               1873                                            1952
Conboy, Emerson Ray                                       ?
Conboy, Harriett Agnes                                     ?
Conboy, Ella Lee                                               ?
Nolan, Ella Jane (Conboy)                                 ?
Conboy, Henrietta                                        1855                                            1928
Conboy, John                                               1850                                            1928
Conboy, Joseph Richard                                    ?
Bundy, Elnora                                       5-22-1886                          
Bundy, Elmer                                        6-26-1878                                     1-29-1948
Bundy, Elsworth                                           1917                                             1934
Bundy, Theo. M.                                           1904                                            1929
Bundy, Edis                                           10-8-1906                                   10-21-1951
Bundy, William A.  (Wilamina?)                   1852                                             1938
Bundy, Miles                                                1835                                             1906
Sullivan, Chas. A.                                 5-29-1886                                     9-14-1908
Wright, Mariah H.                                4-11-1886                                     4-19-1917
Ream, Mathias                                             1844                                             1919
Ream, D'Ett Phelps-his wife                          1849                                             1921
McDowell E. W.                                           1876
McDowell, Rosa Mary                                  1874                                             1942
McDowell, George W.                                  1873                                              1960  

ROW 11
Boggs, Chas.                                                 1867                                            1924
Boggs, Anna                                                 1878                                             1941
Boggs, Francis Elsworth                        2-17-1909                                   10-17-1965   Indiana Tec. 5  U.S.   Army  World War II    
Stout, Ida P.                                         1-20-1860                                     1-13-1929
Stout, Robert                                                1886                                             1952
Stout, Cleo                                                   1880                                             1955
Schonfeld, Frank H.                              8-17-1841                                      4-7-1910
Schonfeld, Marie                                   1-16-1855                                     9-21-1935
Schonfeld, Wm. A.                                        1889                                             1959
Schonfeld, Alvin E.                                        1893                                               ?
Wonpoli, Mary                                      2-20-1878                                     7-15-1914
Schonfeld, Florence                                       1897                                             1935
Little, Katherine                                            1844                                             1924
Stewart, Fannie L.                                         1866                                             1941
Stewart, James A.                                          1862                                             1943
Stark, W. P.                                                   1864                                             1943
Stark, Mary E.                                               1914                                             1951
Stark, Louie                                           7-20-1882                                     8-12-1958  "Father"
Lummis, Geo. W.                                          1860                                             1909
Wilson, Goldie Irene                                     1911                                             1934
Losey, Solomon E.                                  6-2-1888                                     7-21-1958

Losey, Lola A.                                      10-19-1903                                     3-19-1938
Rest in Peace

Losey, Chas. M.                                      1-7-1935                                     7-31-1964

Shoemaker, Evelyn                                10-5-1879                                       9-5-1943  "Mother"
Shoemaker, Acie C.                               12-6-1912                                    12-13-1966 "Son"   
Indiana ???, 445 Bomb Gr. AAF  W.  War II
Not my will but thine be done

Scudder, Julia H.                                           1887                                             1937
Scudder, Geo. E.                                            1888                                             1962
Scudder, Ruth C.                                           1892                                             1957
Scudder, Infant son                                7-13-1946                            
Names not listed by row but in another transcription

Mary, wife of Henry Stanley                  12-11-1861                                     7-8-1904
Asleep in Jesus

Ella May Sullivan                                                                                       7-30-1894  
Daughter of J. & M. Sullivan
Aged 5 months 21 days
Our baby gone home

Cox, Marion                                          4-5-1899                                       9-18-1900
son of L. T. & E. Cox

Harris, Ward    Infant son of Wm. A. & Ida M. Fellows                                     1897

Hand, Ellenor                                             1848                                               1928
Hand, James M.                                         1844                                               1922   Co. M. 7th Indiana, Cavalry

Grinstead, George B.                          7-16-1896                                        10-6-1901
Grinstead, Veida M.                          12-10-1903                                         9-7-1905   

William H. Lett                                     3-2-1888                                       4-18-1928  

Stark, Edna Opal                                        1902                                               1926  

Boyd, Ollie
Boyd, Joseph S.   

McDowell, William D.             Born 5 month 21 day 1889                 Died 11 month 23 day 1889  

Solomon & Lula Losey

Charles Malcom Losey

Charlotte wife of Wiley Callicott

Margaret & Patterson D. Carson

Mary wife of Lewis Wiley

James Miles

Mary Ann Miles

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