An Indiana General who was tendered a regular army appointment was Robert
Sanford Foster. He was born at Vernon, Jennings County, January 27, 1834, and
received a common school education at that place. At the age of 16 he went to
Indianapolis, and learned the tinner's trade with his uncle Andrew Wallace. He
went into the war at the beginning as Captain in the Eleventh Indiana;
reenlisted as Major in the Thirteenth Indiana; and was promoted for meritorious
service to Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel and on June 13, 1863, Brigadier General.
His service was chiefly with the Army of the Potomac, and the Army of the James.
He led one of the columns in the assault on Petersburg, and pursued Gen. Lee in
retreat so closely that he had the honor of making that great Confederate put up
his flag of truce, and ask for terms of capitulation. For this service he was
brevetted Major General, March 13, 1865. He was offered an appointment as
Lieutenant Colonel in the regular army, but declined. He was a member of the
Military Commission that tried the assassins of President Lincoln. Returning to
Indianapolis, he was elected City Treasurer for the term 1867-71. He was U.S.
General by Gov. Durbin, which office he held at the time of his death, March 3,
1903. He helped organized the G.A.R. in Indiana, and was the Department
Commander of the State.

Here is another biography from the G.A.R. Website by Stephen Bruce Bauer on Robert S.
Grand Army of the
Major General Robert S. Foster
First Department Commander
1866 - 1867 and 1868 -1869
Robert Sanford
Foster, was born at Vernon, Jennings County, Indiana January 27 1834. He
attended the public schools and academy of this native place, receiving a
liberal and practical education. When sixteen years old he came to Indianapolis,
where he entered the grocery house of his uncle, Andrew Wallace.
During his
business period he received his first instructions in the "School of the
Soldier" as member of the "City Greys of Indianapolis", a military company that
graduated many good soldiers who served with honor and distinction through the
entire war of the rebellion.
At the outbreak of the
war he was Lieutenant of the Vernon Greys and was one of the first to enlist in
the service after the firing upon Fort Sumpter. He enlisted April 14 1861, as a
private. Recruiting a company he was unanimously elected captain and
commissioned by Governor O. P. Morton April 17, mustered into the United States
service April 22 1861 and assigned to Company A, Eleventh Regiment, Indiana
Volunteer Zouaves, three months service under the first call of President
He was married
May 1 1861 to Margaret R. Foust of Indianapolis and departed for the seat of war
on the 8th. This union was blessed with two children, One son, Clarence Foster,
of Chicago and a daughter who died September 1898, from an accident. He also had
three brothers, all living in Indianapolis, Indiana. Captain Wallace Foster,
Chapin Foster and Edgar J Foster.
First Baptism of
Captain Foster
received his first baptism of fire in a skirmish at Romney, Virginia June 11,
1861. His company being in advance was fired upon form a bridge when he charged
through the bridge routing the enemy who fled to the
He remained with
his regiment until the latter part of June, when he and other officers were
ordered home on recruiting service.
July 3, 1861, he was
commissioned by Governor Morton major of the Thirteenth regiment Indiana
Volunteer Infantry, receiving marching orders on the same day to go to the
front, leaving July 4th for service in West Virginia. On the morning of the 10th
he joined General McClellan's forces at Roaring Run. On the next day he
participated in the battle of Rich Mountain, West Virginia under General
Rosecrans, Foster commanding two companies of his regiment, charging the enemy's
infantry and artillery, capturing two brass Napoleon guns form Pergram's forces.
He participated with his regiment in all the battles, skirmishes and marches of
the West Virginia campaign. In September 1861, was appointed Captain in the
Nineteenth regular infantry, but declined.
Commissioned a Colonel:
October 25,
1861, he was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, vice Horace Heffren. Transferred
to the Fiftieth regiment Indiana Volunteers. Colonel Foster commanded his
regiment during the campaign of General Shields in the Shennandoah valley, being
engaged in the battles of Winchester, Strausburgh, Fisher Hill, Burnt Bridge,
was also in the memorable campaign against Stonewall Jackson when pursued by
General Banks, Freemont and McDowell down the Shennandoah and Rappahannock
valley to Port Republic and Luray.
General foster was the
only officer complimented personally on the field of battle by President
Lincoln. At the engagement at City Point Virginia, General foster led the Union
forces. President Lincoln was present. After the action General Foster was
highly complimented by the president, who took from his coat a flower and pinned
it on General Foster's breast.
It was March 22
1862, at the battle of Winchester when Foster displayed his first great military
ability and generalship in maneuvering a body of troops when exposed to an
enfilading fire from artillery and infantry. His superb knowledge of military
tactics in the hour of extreme peril was brought into practice and won for him
the perpetual confidence and admiration of every officer and enlisted man in his
regiment and Shields division. It was so well and coolly done that he received
cheer after cheer form the troops engaged in the battle. It was at the critical
point in the battle when Stonewall Jackson's forces were driving the union
forces. General Sullivan's brigade of Shields division was supporting the left,
and before he had received orders form General Kimball for reinforcements,
ordered Colonel Foster and his regiment to report to Kimball.
Difficult Flank
In crossing a
large open field in front of a long stone wall fence, in which the enemy were
entrenched, it was necessary to charge the position of the regiment at least six
or eight times to protect the flank from the enfilading fire of the enemies
artillery, his military maneuvering was consummated by Colonel Foster without
the least excitement or difficulty, and with as much ease as though he had the
regiment on battalion drill or dress parade. The command was given to charge
with fixed bayonets, and the boys responded with a yell pouring forth a terrible
volley, followed with a charge over the stone wall upon the swarming mass who
broke and fled into the woods leaving the Thirteenth victors of the field. Four
times the Thirteenth's colors went down in the bloody charge, but only for a
moment to rise again more beautiful than ever, as the Old Guard christened by
Governor Morton after the battle, gained the crest of the hill, in front of the
stone fence.
General Sullivan's
General Sullivan
in a letter several years ago said: "it is an acknowledged fact, expressed on
all sides, and from both officers and enlisted men, that Foster and the
Thirteenth Regiment were in the thickest of the fight and had a good deal to do
in routing the enemy form behind the stone fence and finishing up one of the
most important battles of the war. If Shields division had not defeated
Stonewall Jackson at that time or rather, if Shield's division had been defeated
and Stonewall Jackson had moved on to Harper's Ferry and Washington. It is fair
to believe that certain political movements in agitation at that time might have
resulted differently. I have heard since the war that Jackson's defeat was a
greater blow to southern sympathizers in New York and Washington that it was to
the leaders of the confederacy."
May 2 1862,
Lieutenant Colonel Foster was promoted to Colonel of the Thirteenth, vice
Sullivan, promoted to Brigadier General. June 25, General Foster was transferred
with his regiment to the army of the Potomac, joining that army at Harrison's
Landing July 4 the day after the battle of Malvern Hill.
He remained with
the army of the Potomac until ordered to re-enforce Pope's army when his command
was assigned temporarily to the Fourth Army Corps on the peninsula. After a
short sojourn with the Fourth Corps he was transferred with his regiment to
Suffolk Virginia on the Nansemond River and border of the great Dismal Swamp,
between Petersburg and Norfolk, known as the Blackwater. Here he was placed in
command of a provisional brigade. First Division, Seventh Army Corps organized
for him by Major General Peck commanding the post.
Raids into Enemies
His brigade was
engaged with the enemy almost daily making frequent raids into the enemies
lines. He was placed in command of a large body of troops, consisting of
cavalry, artillery and infantry, and assigned to the difficult task of
destroying the railroads between Petersburg and Suffolk; this he accomplished to
the entire satisfaction of all of his superior officers, tearing up and removing
to Norfolk Virginia over twenty miles of the Petersburg & Norfolk and
Seaboard & Roanoke railroad.
It was while in
command of a provisional brigade, doing service between Suffolk and Petersburg,
Virginia, that he attracted attention by especially meritorious service. It was
this command that pursued Longstreet, during his retreat, infliction great
damage to his army and capturing many prisoners. For this he was promoted June
12 1863, to brigadier-general, and in July of that year was assigned to the army
in front of Richmond.
His command was
sent in advance to destroy the railroads and burn some important railroad
bridges, succeeding in tearing up a large portion of rails between Richmond and
Fredericksburg and all the bridges except on across the South Ann river. After
his return to Norfolk he was made president of military court-martial to try
Doctor D. M. Wright of Norfolk for the murder of Lieutenant A. S. Sanford of the
First United Stated Colored Regiment.
On the 28th if July he
was ordered with his command to Morris Island South Carolina, and took part in
the siege of Forts Wagner, Gregg and Sumpter.
From here he was ordered
to Florida. Arriving at Jacksonville, he was placed in command of a division
under General Seymour and soon as the Florida campaign closed was ordered to
reinforce Grant in the advance on Richmond.
In June 1864, he
was assigned the difficult and dangerous duty of crossing the James River below
Richmond at midnight, with 2,000 infantry, a battery of artillery and two
squadrons of cavalry. This was noiselessly accomplished by floating 1,500 of his
command down the river on pontoons. They were safely landed and took the enemy
by surprise, driving them back. A pontoon bridge was laid. He crossed with is
cavalry and artillery and by daylight was entrenched within seven miles of
Richmond on a main road, able to defend his position against four times his
number of men.
Complimented By General
For the
successful and daring work, so gallantly done, General Grant officially
complimented him. He held this position for nearly two months against numerous
attacks. He was next ordered to Petersburg to take command of the Second
Division, Tenth Army Corps. He was engaged day and night during the siege of
Petersburg and lost nearly half of his effective force.
He was assigned
to duty as chief-of-staff of the Tenth Army Corps during the battles of Drury's
Bluff, Rude's Hill, Chesterfield Heights, etc. and in all its operations against
the enemy around Richmond, during which time he commanded the cavalry that made
the attack on Beauregard's supply train between Richmond and Petersburg.
Sent to Petersburg:
He was relieved of this
command at this point and ordered to Petersburg to take command of the Second
Division of the Tenth Army Corps, where he was engaged daily and nightly during
the siege of Petersburg, losing nearly one half of his whole effective force,
crippling him to such an extent that his division was relieved by Miles's
division of Hancock's Corps and his division was placed in reserve for a few
weeks. When reorganization took place, his corps, together with the eighteenth,
were ordered to make another attack on the defenses of Richmond, which they did,
fighting form daylight until 4 p.m. carrying all the enemies works up to
Chapin's Bluff, making three separate charges during the day. Foster's division
losing between 800 and 900 men, killed and wounded. After the loss of so many
men the Tenth and Eighteenth corps were consolidated as the Twenty-Fourth corps
under the command of Major General Ord with General Foster chief-of-staff. This
position he held until the withdrawal of his old division to join General Terry
in his expedition against Fort Fisher. Foster was then assigned to the command
of the First division, Twenty-Fourth Corps, (Terry's old
Two Forts Stormed:
On April 2nd
during the general assault on Lee's army at Petersburg, nearly all the outer
line of works were carried by noon, except two strong redoubts which occupied a
commanding position, named respectively Fort Gregg and Fort Whitworth. General
Grant decided that three should be stormed, and about 10 o'clock Foster's
division of the Twenty-Fourth Corps swept down upon Fort Gregg and after a most
desperate hand to hand fight, carried it. When Mr. Lincoln heard of the assault
he telegraphed that the last stronghold around Petersburg had been carried by
Foster's division of Ord's corps, after a most desperate struggle. The men
fought twenty-four minutes after reached the parapet of the fort, all the sally
ports being securely locked and the garrison ordered by General Lee no to
surrender under any circumstances. Foster lost 164 men killed and wounded. Th
assault was made under the immediate eyes of General Grant, Ord and Gibbon and
for the great victory Foster was Breveted Major General, his brigade commanders
were presented bronze eagles to surmount their flagstaffs, and honor rarely
granted to any troops and only for extreme bravery.
The assault was
made under the immediate eye of General Grant and for this great victory Foster
was breveted Major General, his brigade commanders, brigadier generals, members
of his staff were all breveted and his assaulting regiments were presented with
bronze eagles to surmount their flagstaffs.
Had General
Foster accepted the commission in the regular army that was offered to him as a
result of this brilliant action, it is said that with the promotions that
followed by reason of seniority he would have held at the present time the
position now held by General Miles, that of Lieutenant General.
After the capture of
Fort Gregg, Foster was warmly complimented by General Grant, who, with his
staff, rode up to General Foster at field headquarters immediately after Fort
Gregg had surrendered.
"General Foster," said
General Grant, "you never made a mistake. You are a great general."
Lincoln's Telegram:
When Mr. Lincoln heard
of the assault he telegraphed to the country that the last stronghold around
Petersburg had been carried by Foster's division of Ord's Corps.
In Pursuit of
During the
remaining days of the struggle General Foster was in command of his old and
reliable division in the pursuit of Lee to Appomattox Court House.
The important part General Foster took in the last seven days of the war is vividly described
by an old comrade who was prominent officer with Sheridan. He said: "The most
active and efficient general officer in command of a division in the two corps
of the army of the James then under General Ord was Brevet Major General Robert
S. Foster of Indiana, commanding the First Division, Twenty-Fourth corps,
commanded by Major General Gibbon of the regular army."
It was the
memorable night when Sheridan was in front of Lee's army at Appomattox and
expected an attack form Lee early the next morning. General Sheridan was so
anxious to bag Lee that h sent an officer of find the army of the James under
General Ord, with the following dispatch: "If the army if the James can be here
by daylight, we will bag Lee."
General Foster
was the first to receive the dispatch and forwarded it to General Gibbon in
command of the corps. "We will resume the march." Said Foster to his staff
officers. The word was not long getting to the rank and file and they were soon
plodding along with renewed energy in the hope of ending the struggle.
His division
marched until 11 o'clock, when orders were received to lie down and rest until 2
o'clock and for the division commanders to resume the march at that hour without
further orders.
Painful March
General Foster
was in front; in five minutes after halting, the column was asleep. Foster and
two of his staff did not sleep, but remained awake preparing for the early
morning struggle. At 2 o'clock sharp the First Division of the twenty-fourth
army corps was in line and the painful march was resumed. When the other
divisions awoke it was 3 o'clock, having been overcome with sleep and trusted to
staff officers to awaken them. The early dawn was just peeping over the hills in
the east when Foster found himself in the vicinity of General Sheridan's
headquarters. Riding ahead a half mile he with his staff reined up in front of
the dashing leader's headquarters and reported. Sheridan was lying down, but the
moment he heard Foster's voice and that part of the army of the James was with
him. Sheridan jumped up and rushed out to Foster grasping his hand, expressing
his delight, exclaiming "God bless you, Foster: you have saved my army" While
Sheridan was giving instructions General Gibbon rode up and approaching General
Foster said: "Foster I am thankful one of my division commanders did not sleep
over, as all the rest of us did."
The first
division was quickly put in position in the rear of Sheridan's cavalry long
before the other divisions came up, the cavalry was attacked by Lee's infantry
and driven in, leaving Foster's forces to withstand and attack by all that
remained of Lee's army.
The most that
Foster's forces could do was to hold the enemy in check, which was splendidly
done, until the remaining divisions of the army of the James could be hastened
to his support, but in holding the ground his men had been roughly handled. When
the long line of infantry was developed by the withdrawal of Sheridans cavalry
Lee was astounded at the fact and saw at once that the end had
With Sheridan
and the army of the James in his front, and the army of the Potomac in his rear
and right flank, there was no other alternative but to surrender. A flag of
truce was displayed and in the gray dawn of the beautiful Sabbath morning, April
9, 1865, a score of shots form a battery with Foster's division proclaimed
"Glory to God. Peace on earth, good will toward all
Crisis at
The great
problem will never be answered as in what might have been the result has Foster
slept and reported to Sherdian an hour later after the cavalry had been driven
in. In all probability the surrender of Lee might not have been made at
Appomattox and the date might not have been April 9 1865.
It is a significant
fact that during General Foster's army service he never lost a battle of
skirmish and was successful in all his expeditions in front of Richmond and
elsewhere. It seemed that he had a charmed life.
At the close of
the war General Foster was ordered to Washington on duty as a member of the
military commission convened for the trial of the conspirators and assassins of
President Lincoln. He resigned September 1865, and returned to his former home
in Indianapolis Indiana. Soon after his return he was appointed Lieutenant
Colonel of the Twenty-Seventh Regiment United States Infantry Regular Army but
declined the honor, preferring civil life to that of the military.
Grand Army of the
As an important
fact in the history of the organization of the Grand Army of the Republic,
General Foster must go on record as the original organizer and first to give the
great order a permanent existence, while Major B. F. Stephenson of Springfield,
Illinois was the author of the ritual and patriotic mover in the order.
Foster was the
first to put the theories into practical shape, which was done after first
receiving the initiation and full instructions from the author of the
organization. Foster was in fact, the first to perform the duties of
commander-in-chief and the first department commander of the Grand Army of the
Republic, as the following will show from a true statement of facts, that are
fully authenticated.
Meeting at
During the
summer of 1866 and immediately after the close of the war and the mustering out
of the vast army of volunteer soldiers of the union army a number of comrades
met in the city of Indianapolis to devise ways and means for the organizing the
ex-soldiers of the union army residing in Indiana into a society or union for
mutual protection and to give aid and assistance to their comrades who were in
need and worthy of attention. They had been in correspondence with parties in
Illinois regarding an organization intended for the benefit of ex-soldiers of
the late war which was strongly recommended to them by prominent ex-soldiers of
that state. General Foster was selected to go to Springfield to investigate and
report upon the character and supposed efficiency of the soldier organization
being formed in that state. He went to Springfield during the month of July
1866, and there met Major B. F. Stephenson who had been a surgeon in and
Illinois regiment.
He found in
Major Stephenson, a grand and enthusiastic friend of ex-soldiers who had devised
a form or organization, which while simple had enough mysterious and ritualistic
ceremonies to make it attractive. He was extremely in earnest in his description
of his favorite plan for the organizing all the ex-soldiers of the union army
into one grand brotherhood for the mutual protection and benefit. He
communicated to General Foster the work in all its details, and administered to
him the obligation taken by all who enter the grand army, and General Foster
became a full fledged member of the G.A.R., but he was a veritable member at
large, without a department and without a post. He gave General Foster copies of
all the rituals, blanks, etc., that he had printed or written, with full
authority to organize the order at any place he though proper, saying "I am very
glad to have someone take hold of this plan and work it up, as they do not
manifest much interest in the order here in Illinois."
General Foster
returned to Indiana and immediately organized a post of the grand army in
Indianapolis, designated, as post No. 1, and at the same time organized the
department of Indiana, of which he had the honor of being selected department
commander. He sent inspectors throughout the state to organize posts and to
muster in all ex-union soldiers who had an honorable discharge and who expressed
a desire to join the organization. Ex-soldiers set up the type and printed all
the literature, blanks, etc., kind patriotic friends furnished ample funds for
the work of the organization, and within ninety days we had over thirty thousand
members in the Grand Army of the Republic. In addition the department mustered
ex-soldiers of Ohio, Pennsylvania and new York and issued to them charters
authorizing the mustering of different posts in these states because there was
no other department to apply to but Indiana for a charter.
First National
The first
national encampment of the G.A.R. was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, in November
1866, at which General John M. Palmer of Illinois presided. At this encampment
General Stephen A. Burlbut of Illinois was chosen National Commander and General
Foster was selected as Junior-Vice-Commander.
The department of
Indiana did not report to Stephenson or any one else until after the national
organization in November 1866. But the work of organizing posts was carried on
actively, and when the Pittsburgh convention of soldiers and sailors met in
Pittsburgh in September 1866, The Grand Army of the Republic in Indiana send
delegates as representatives of 30,000 members in that department. The Indiana
department established headquarters at the Monongahela house and the first flag
denoting G.A.R. headquarters and the first G.A.R. badge worn by a G.A.R. man
distinguished those headquarters and Indiana soldiers at that convention. During
all this time all correspondence seemed to indicate that Indiana was regarded as
the only department organized body of the G.A.R. of the United States. The
department officers of Indiana in July, August, and September 1866, never heard
of any state or post organization in other states. No other G.A.R. organization
than the Indiana department was represented at Pittsburgh.
Claim of Doctor
headquarters, however, always recognized the head in Dr. Stephenson and the
right in him to claim for his state the paternity of the order and the propriety
of his taking the initiative in calling a convention to establish a national
organization was not questioned by Indiana. At the same time, the first
encampment was held in Indianapolis because the Indiana department was
recognized as the first state organization.
This is the history in
brief of the beginning of the Grand Army of the Republic in Indiana in 1866, and
there is but one conclusion that upon the evidence herein set forth and on file
at department of Indiana headquarters, the organization of what today is known
as the Grand Army of the Republic was born to the soldiers and on its way to a
national existence form the moment General Foster left the presence of Major B.
F. Stephenson, August 1866 with the draft of the first ritual and constitution
in his possession. It is also made plain that the Grand Army of the Republic, as
a national body, was first organized in the city of Indianapolis, Indiana by
General Foster who was first department commander as well as acting
commander-in-chief for nearly four months.
Loyal Legion
He had also been
commander of the Loyal Legion of Indian, and was a member of General George H
Thomas Post No. 17, Grand Army of the Republic, of the Society of the Army of
the Potomac; the Union Veterans Legion; the I.O.O.F and the Scottish Rite
He had also
served as an alderman; as city treasurer; president of the Board of Trade for
several years; as United States Marshall under Presidents Garfield and Arthur
for the district of Indiana; as a director of the Northern Prison, and as
Quartermaster-General of Indiana.
Proclamation: Announcing the Death of General Robert S. Foster, Quartermaster
The following
proclamation has been issued by Governor Durbin:
The melancholy
duty devolves upon me of announcing the death of General Robert S. Foster,
Quartermaster-General of Indiana, which occurred at his home in Indianapolis at
3:45 PM on Tuesday March 3rd.
General Foster
was one of the most conspicuous survivors of the civil war. He was closely
identified with Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Thomas and others who achieved
immortal fame as victorious leaders of the mighty legions of the North marshaled
under the flag of the Union. At the beginning of the sectional conflict Robert
S. Foster raised a company of volunteers and was there upon commissioned captain
by Governor Morton. His subsequent achievements in the science of arms was
characterized by a series of brilliant victories, which were rewarded by
well-earned promotions, until he was finally brevetted Major General. Before he
had reached the age of Thirty years he was commander of a division. And in all
of the many notable engagements in which he bore a conspicuous part it is
recorded to his credit that he never lost a battle or a skirmish, Going into the
war almost at its beginning. He was present at the surrender of Lee at
Appomattox, where he shared the honors of the victorious hosts, and was
personally complimented by President Lincoln.
Position of Public
In civil life
General Foster occupied many positions of public trust. He had an unusually high
sense of honor, his integrity was never questioned and he was generally beloved.
He as a stranger to intrigue and although his courage had been tested and proven
on may fields of carnage, his great nature was marked by unvarying kindness and
He was a native
of Indiana and thoroughly loyal to its every interest. He achieved distinction
by the force of merit, but secure in all the honors he had so worthily won, he
was so modest that he rarely made reference to the distinguished services he had
rendered his country during the period of the Nations' direst
As a soldier and
as a citizen he was a model type of sturdy American manhood, and the people of
Indiana, I am sure, will mourn with those of us who knew him best in doing honor
to his precious memory.
I, therefore,
recommend that during the time his body lies in state at the Capitol that public
business be suspended, so far as practicable in order that proper respect may be
paid to one who has served his county with patriotic fidelity in the discharge
of every responsibility imposed upon him.
Winfield T.
Daniel E
Secretary of
Under Military
Auspices: Body of General Foster to Lie in State in Rotunda of Capitol.
The funeral of General
Foster will be under military auspices, becoming his rank as brigadier-general
and quartermaster-general of the National Guard of Indiana.
The body will lie in
state under the rotunda of the Capitol from 11:30 AM Friday until 1:45 PM of
that day, draped in the American colors.
Brigadier-General McKee
has issued an order calling out the Second Regiment of the Indiana National
Guard and a platoon of Light Artillery. The regiment consists of four
Indianapolis companies and companies from Franklin, Lebanon, Greenfield,
Danville, Winchester, Union City and Martinsville.
On Friday morning the
home battalion under the command of Major H.T. Conde will escort the body from
the family home, 704 North New Jersey Street to the State House. This battalion
and Battery A to which will be added the other companies of the Second Regiment
will escort the body at 2:30 PM from the State House to the residence, where a
service will be conducted by the Reverend M.L. Haines.
Fire Minute
From the house to the
cemetery the same troops will serve as escort. The artillery will fire minute
guns as the funeral cortege enters the cemetery. When the body has been placed
in the grave a volley will be fired. The ceremony will end with the sounding of
taps. Four close friends of General Foster will form a part of the escort from
the house to the State House and return. These are David Wallace, Rufus K.
Syfers, Jefferson Claypool and A.P. Hendrickson. There will also be a detail of
the Governor's staff in carriages.
General Foster was
member of the Scottish Rite Masons, but the body will not turn out, as the
funeral is to be purely a military one.
At a meeting of George
H, Thomas Post G.A.R. held last night, General George F. McGinnis, John M. Paver
and B. A. Richardson were chosen to prepare a memorial on the death of General
State to Pay
A bill introduced by
Representative Sherman to appropriate $600.00 for the expenses of the funeral of
General Foster was passed in both Houses of the Legislature today, under
suspension of the rules.
I have done a little research on line and here is what I have
found on the family of Gen. Robert S. Foster. Parents Riley Shaw Foster
born in New York in 1810 and Sarah Wallace born in New York in 1812. Riley Shaw
Foster died in Indianapolis in 1844 his wife Sarah Wallace Foster died in
Indianapolis in 1900. Their children were Robert S. Foster, Chapin Clark Foster,
Edgar John Foster, Wallace Smith Foster and William Riley Foster. This is taken
from records at This family shows in the 1850 Census in Vernon
Township, Jennings County, Indiana. Would love to have more information on this family if
anyone is reasearching them.
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