Huntington County References and Resources

Huntington County Funeral Homes


Early Biographies from:

History of Huntington County, Indiana 1914

Biographical Memoirs of Huntington County 1901

History of Huntington County, Indiana 1887

Research Help

Need help finding that elusive relative in Huntington County? Give the Indiana Room at the library a try. Distance is not a problem. They'll handle your research via the US Mail. Drop them a note with specifics. Enclose a large SASE. There may be a nominal fee for copies.
Their address is:

Huntington City-Township Public Library
Attn: Indiana Room
255 W. Park Drive
Huntington, Indiana 46750

They will not respond to email or phone requests.

Requests for birth and death certificates:

Huntington County Health Department
354 N. Jefferson St., Suite 201
Huntington, IN 46750
(260) 358-4831
Fax: (260) 358-4823


Vital Records Department
Indiana State Department of Health
2 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 233-2700

Marriages, Wills, Guardianships, and Divorces:

Huntington County Clerks Office
201 N. Jefferson St.
P.O. Box 228
Huntington, IN 46750
(260) 358-4817

If you have collected research material, please consider making it available on-line. If you've ever visited a genealogical website because you were unable make the trip in person, you may have wished more information was available. Those visiting this site are probably wishing more material was available. Lets try to make these wishes come true.

This page maintained by Mark Mann.

Return to the Huntington County Main Page.

Page created on February 28, 1999

Last updated on