Genealogy - Gibson County Indiana

Cemeteries of Union Township

Click on the alphabetical section(s) to the right of the cemetery name to see the listing.

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Alphabetical Listing(s)

Notes and Information.

Blythe Chapel

A     B    C-F    

G-L   M-P      Q-S     T-Z    
  Unidentified & Misc Views

Complete listing with headstone photos; one unmarked grave included.  Last updated August, 2021 by George Pickersgill.

   aka McIntire

A-O     P-Z

Complete listing with headstone photos. Last updated July 2023 by George Pickersgill.



Listing with headstone photo.  Headstone photographed about 2004 by Ernie Lasley and updated by Daniel L Elliott 5 Mar 2010.

Holy Cross

A-E    F-J     K-M
N-R    S     T-Z

Complete listing with headstone photos.  Last updated Jul 2023 by George Pickersgill.


aka Knoles


No information available on burials; no headstones were discovered at the indicated location.

Mount Moriah

A   Ba-Bn    Bo-Bz   C-D  E-F   G-H   I-L   Ma-Md  Me-Mz   N-R  S-T   U-Z

Complete listing with headstone photos. Last updated July 2023 by George Pickersgill.


 N & W

Photographed 18 March 2016. This listing of names was copied from an earlier listing for this cemetery published by The Gibson County Historical Society in 1996.  Two burials from the 1996 list could not be located.

Port Gibson


Photography pending.



Listing with headstone photos.  Headstones photographed 8 Apr 2008 by Martha Earls.  Author of the old transcription is not identified.

St. Lucas

A-J  K-L   M-Z

Complete listing with headstone photos. Last updated June 2023 by George Pickersgill.

St. Paul's

A-F    G-J    K-L  
M-R   S-Z

Complete listing with headstone photos. Last updated June 2023 by George Pickersgill.

Spillman on Mt. Moriah.


See the Mt. Moriah Cemetery.

St. Bernard
  aka Snake Run

A-D    E-G     H-J
K-O     P-S     T-Z

Complete listing with headstone photos. Last updated June 2023 by George Pickersgill.

Walnut Hill
  aka Genung

Aa-Al   Am-Az   Ba-Bb   Bc-Be   Bf-Bn   Bo-Brn   Bro-Brz   Bs-Bz    Ca-Cl   Cm-Cz   Da-Dd   De   Df-Dz   E   Fa-Fq   Fr-Fz   Ga-Gi   Gj-Gq   Gr   Gs-Gz   Ha   Hb-Hh   Hi-Hn   Hoa-Hol   Hom-Hoz   Hp-Hz   I   Ja-Jn   Jo-Jz   Ka-Kl   Km-Kz   La-Ld   Le-Ln   Lo-Lz   Ma-Mb   Mca-Mch   Mci-Mcz   Md-Mn   Mo-Mz   N-O   Pa-Pl   Pm-Pz   Q   Ra-Rh   Ri-Robh   Robi   Roc-Rz   Sa-Sh   Si-Sl   Sm-Ss   Sta-Sto   Stp-Stz   Su-Sz   T   U-V   Wa-Wall   Walk-Weh   Wei-Whh   Whi-Wilh   Wilk-Willia   Williab-Wood   Wooe-Wz
X-Z     Unidenified

Complete listing with headstone photos. Last updated August 2023 by George Pickersgill.



Updated listing with headstone photos.  Headstones photographed 20 Apr 2010.

   aka Dewig & Deweiss


Listing with headstone photos.  Headstones photographed 16 Nov 2009.