Genealogy - Gibson County Indiana

Cemeteries of Patoka Township

Click on the alphabetical section(s) to the right of the cemetery name to see the listing.

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Alphabetical Listing(s)

Notes and Information.


A   B   C   D-E   F-G   H-I   J-K   L   Ma-Mb   Mc-Md   Me-Mz   N-R   Sa-Ss   St-Sz   T-V   Wa-Wh   Wi-Wz    X-Z & unidentified

 Complete Listing (1150+) with headstone photos.  Cemetery last updated in 2021 by George Pickersgill.


Bald Hill


Text version only; no headstones remaining.



Listing with headstone photos.  Headstones photographed 15 Oct 2010 by Daniel L Elliott.

(aka Enon)

A-E    F-O    P-Z

Listing with headstone photos.  Headstones photographed 1 Dec 2009 by Daniel L Elliott.  Author of prior transcription is unknown.  Additions and corrections were made to earlier listing.

(aka White Church)

Aa-Al   Am-Az   Ba-Be   Bf-Bq   Bra-Bri   Brj-Brz   Bs-Bz   Ca-Cl   Cm-Co   Cp-Cz   Da-Dd   De-Dz   E   F   Ga-Gk   Gl-Gz   Haa-Haq   Har-Haz   Hb-Hn   Ho-Hz   I-J   Ka-Ke   Kf-Kz   La-Ld   Le-Lz   Ma-Mb   Mc-Md   Me-Mn   Moa-Mon   Moo-Mz   N-O   Pa-Pg   Ph-Pz   Ra-Rn   Ro-Rz   Sa-Sh   Si-Sn   So-Ss   St-Sz   Ta-Th   Ti-Tz   U-V   Wa-Wg   Wh   Wi-Wn   Wo-Woods, J   Woods, K-Wq   Wr-Wz   X-Z & unidentified

Complete Listing with headstone photos.  Last updated April 2023 by George Pickersgill.

Halls Hill


No information available on burials.  Only general location known.


 A, H

Photographed  March 2016.

Hight Chapel

A-L    M-Z

Prior listing by Georgia McEllhiney, photographed and updated by Daniel L Elliott, September 2020.



Photographed and transcribed 2 Dec 2009 by Daniel L Elliott.



Photographed by Ernie Lasley 8 Mar 2003.  Source of original transcription is unknown.



Original listing by Ernie Lasley, photographed and updated by Daniel L Elliott, 10 Mar 2010.

(aka Hitch)


Listing with  headstone photos.  Original transcription by Galen Wilson in 1974; updated 1 Mar 2010 by Daniel L Elliott.  (Photos by Galen Wilson and Randy Furhman and Daniel L Elliott.)


(aka Lithers)


 Photographed 13 Apr 2011 by Daniel L Elliott.



Text version only; headstone has not been located.

Maple Hill

A   Ba-Bh   Bi-Bq   Br-Bz   Ca-Cn   Co-Cz   Da-Dh   Di-Dz   E   F   G   Ha-Hd   He-Hn   Ho-Hz   I-J   K   L   Ma-Md   Me-Mn   Mo-Mz   N-O   P-Q   R   Sa-Sg   Sh-Sl   Sm-Ss   St-Sz   T-V   Wa-Wh   Wi-Wz   X-Z & Unidentified

Complete listing with headstone photos. Last updated May 2023 by George Pickersgill.

Marsh Creek
(aka Woods)

A-R    S-Z

Listing with headstone photos.  Headstones photographed 12 Nov 2009 by Daniel L Elliott.
Prior transcription by Ernie Lasley.



No information available on burials.



Original listing by Dorothy Kirby.  Photographs from multiple sources; see listing.

Oak Street
(aka Potter's Field)


No visible burials as of 31 Aug 2009. This was a pauper cemetery for indigents.
 Location photographed 31 Aug 2009 by Daniel L Elliott.

Princeton I.O.O.F

Aa-Ao   Ap-Az   Ba-Bh   Bi-Bq   Br-Bt   Bu-Bz   Ca-Cg   Ch-Col   Com-Cq   Cr-Cz   Da-Dh   Di-Dz   E   Fa-Fk   Fl-Fz   Ga-Gq   Gr-Gz   Ha-Hd   He-Hh   Hi-Ht   Hu-Hz   I   J   Ka-Kh   Ki-Km   Kn-Kz   La-Lh   Li-Lz   Ma-Mb   McA-McD   McE-McZ   Md-Mn   Mo-Mz   N-O   Pa-Pg   Ph-Pz   Q   Ra-Rh   Ri-Rz   Sa-Sg   Sh-Sj   Sk-Sm   Sn-Sth   Sti-Sz   Ta-Tn   To-Tz   U-V   Wa-Wg   Wh   Wi-Wn   Wo-Wz   X-Z    Unknown

 Complete Listing with headstone photos. Last updated April 2023 by George Pickersgill.

Sand Hill

A-B   C-D   E-G    H    I-L   M-O    P-R   S-V   W-Z & Unidentified

Complete listing with headstone photos. Last updated Oct 2023 by George Pickersgill.

St. Joseph (New)

A-B   C   D-F   G-H   I-J   K   L   M   N-Q   R   S   T-V   W-Z

Complete Listing with headstone photos. Origianal listing by Georgia McElhiney. Includes burials (and existing stones) from the Old St. Joseph Cemetery which was moved to this site in 2006. Last updated Jun 2023 by George Pickersgill.

St. Joseph (Old)


Original listing by John Henninberger.  Headstones photographed 15 Oct 2010 by Daniel L Elliott.  Last known burial here was in 1902. This cemetery, including all known graves and existing stones, was moved to the New St. Joseph Cemetery in 2006.



Listing with headstone photos.  Headstones photographed 15 Oct 2010 by Daniel L Elliott.



No headstone can be found: photographed Apr 2011 by Daniel L Elliott.

(aka Baptist, Colored, or Indian Creek)


Complete listing with headstone photos. Last updated Oct 2023 by George Pickersgill

Original listing by Georgia McEllhiney. 
This is an inactive cemetery. Last burial 1940s.

Wallace, Roger Farm


Listing with headstone photos.  Headstones photographed 15 Oct 2010 by Daniel L Elliott.


A   Ba-Bk   Bl-Bz     Da-Dh   Di-Dz   E   F-G   Ha-Hh   Hi-Hz   I-J   K-L   Ma-McC   McD-Mz   N-O   P-R   S   T-V   W    X-Z & unidentified   

Complete listing with headstone photos. Last updated Oct 2023 by George Pickersgill.

(Click here to read article about the cemetery from 14 Oct 1908.)


(aka Poor Farm)   

A - W

Listing with headstone photos.  Headstones photographed 8 Apr 2008 by Martha Earls.  
James Wheeler, Revolutionary War Veteran is buried here.