3 January 1902 | 10 January 1902 | 24 January 1902 | 4 August 1911 | 18 August 1911 |
Armstrong, Olive Calvert | King, William | Norris, Albert | Bryant, Nancy | Bailey, Maria |
Dawson, William | Money, Vern | Mrs. Thomas Coffing | Walters, Solomon | Bruce, Sarah |
Tharp, Earl | Norris, Richard | Deeter, Earl | ||
Green, William H. | ||||
Trimble, J. Marion |
Coordinator - Dustin Nelson dumnelso@imail.iu.edu
State Coordinator: Lena Harper gostraka@yahoo.com
Asst. State Coordinators: Karen Zach & Jim Cox karen.zach@sbcglobal.net
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator