BYERS, John D - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: New Richmond Record 25 March 1915 p 1

John Byers, a highly respected farmer of Jackson township, living near Odell, took his own life by shooting himself in the forehead with a 22-calibre rifle at about 6 o’clock Sunday evening. Mr. Byers labored under the belief that he was a sufferer from cancer of the stomach, and this is attributed as the cause of his rash act. Mr. Byers had remained about the home all day Sunday. In the evening his wife had gone to gather the eggs when she heard the sharp report of a rifle and rushed into the house to find her husband on the floor of the kitchen', dead, and with a bullet hole in his forehead. Dr. Baker of Odell had passed the Byers home but a few minutes before and Mrs. Byers called the neighbors and had Dr. Baker return to the Byers home. He found Mr. Byers dead, and that death had been instantaneous. Mr Byers was 57 years old and his entire life was spent in Tippecanoe county. He was a sou of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Byers end was well and favorably known. He is survived by a widow and one son, Delphus Byers, 18 years old, and his venerable father, who is 94 years old. He also leaves a brother, Owen Byers, and the following sisters: Mrs George Lane, Miss Belle Byers and Mrs. William Grannon, of Lafayette and Mrs, William Miller, He war a brother-in-law of Lee Dundan, of LaFayette. Mr. Byers was a member of the Odell lodge of Odd Fellows, and was a good citizen.

Source: New Richmond Record 25 March 1915 p 2

“Shawnee Mound news” – The report Sunday evening that John D. Byers had committed suicide caused many a comment unexpected.  His funeral was held yesterday forenoon at Odell.  Interment at West Point. – kbz

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