BROSE, Pearl Rush
Source: Attica-Fountain-Warren-Democrat 7 Sept 1922 p 2
Mrs. Pearl I. Brose, wife of William Brose, a farmer who resides near Pond Grove, Warren County died Saturday afternoon at 2:15 o’clock at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Lafayette. Death was caused by a complication of troubles, following a long illness. The deceased was born in Warren County April 7, 1879 and practically her entire life was spent in the vicinity in which she was born. She was a member of the Christian Church and was an active worker in that organization. Besides the husband she is survived by two children, Earl and Thelma, both of Warren County. She also leaves two brother, Wilbur and George Rush and a sister, Mrs. Laura Cottrell of Otterbein. The body was removed to the family home Sunday morning and the funeral was conducted Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the ME Church in Otterbein. Burial was made in the Pond Grove cemetery in Warren County.