WWI-DR-WATTS, Mack - James Mack - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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WWI-DR-WATTS, Mack - James Mack


JAMES -- Mack -- WATTS

WWI Draft Information

Serial #: 846

Age: 30

Resides: 5th, Covington, Fountain, Ind

Birth: Sept 27, 1886

Birth Place: Allen County, Kan

Occupation: Engineer

Employer: Neal Gravel Co

Place of Employment: Covington, Fountain, Ind

Nearest Relative: Mother (no name given)

Resides: RR #2 Covington, Fountain, Ind

Claim Exemption of Draft: Left Hernia

Height: Medium

Build: Slender

Eyes: Light Blue

Hair: Light

Signed: Elmore Arter

Date: June 5, 1917

Where: Covington, Fountain Indiana

Signed verifying information: Mack Watts
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