WW-I_B_Salem Cemetery - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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WW-I_B_Salem Cemetery

BIGELOW, Floyd E. - 1895-1918

CARLSON, Hansel - Pvt US Army - 1894-1976

FAY, Elston Ebus - Wagoner Co A 112th Ammo TN - Oct 12, 1893 - May 2, 1964

FOX, Lester - Pvt Co H 77th Inf - June 21, 1895 - Dec 3, 1969

JONES, Lewis E. - Pvt Co. 70 Arty CAC -- Nov 15, 1889 - Oct 13, 1965

McMURTRIE, William T - Sgt Util Det Const Div QMC -- May 7, 1892 - Dec 1, 1963

OTTERMAN, Harry J. - Sgt Co B 546th Engineers - Feb 26, 1895 - Dec 22, 1961

SWADLEY, Ellis C. -- WWI - 1889-1974

VanLAERE, Pete -- Pvt US Army - WWI -- Dec 30, 1893 - May 28, 1976

WATKINS, Ralph H. -- Pvt WWI -- 1901-1976
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