WATTS, James Miles - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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WATTS, James Miles

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Review, Oct 8, 1918 p 2

The following letter has been received in Covington by Mrs. Cordelia
Watts who now lives on Rt 3 out of Covington regarding her son, Pvt
James M(iles) Watts who was reported Missing in Action July 20 and from
whom no definite word had been previously received.  This letter was
certainly welcome news to the parents and friends of this boy, who were
in grave doubts as to his safety, but it is partially explain now, and
their minds can be at rest, knowing that he is alive and well.  The
letter follows:

On Active Service with the Amerian Expeditionary Forces Sept 5, 1913

Dear Mother: I will now try and write you a letter, as I have not
written for some time and expect you will be more than glad to hear from
me.  I am well and having a good time.  Hope you and dad are both well
and enjoying yourselves.

I have not received any mail since I left my company which was July
13th.  I have been in a hospital since I left my company but think I
will return to it soon.  I am on detail now, working in a Red Cross
recreation hut and I sure like it, as I have a chance to help others and
to learn to speak some French.  I am sure trying to learn French.  I can
understand quite a bit of it but can not speak very much yet.

Tell dad that I said hello and would like to see him.  Oh, I would like
to see all of you and hope to soon.  But now do not worry about me, as I
will come home some day and I will have oh, so much to tell you of my
experiences which I can not tell you now.

Will close now and write more soon.  From your loving son, to dear old
mother and dad.  With love to all, PRIVATE JAMES M. WATTS Co .G 28th Inf AEF

OK - censored by EA Hurtbut, 2nd Lt ASLC.

Another letter was received by the family last week from Henry E. Watts
who is stationed in Florida, stating he was well and getting along fine.

Note: James Miles Watts did indeed return from the war and led a long
life - kbz.
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