BARKER, Glen Clifton - letter - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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BARKER, Glen Clifton - letter


Source: letter from Glen to his cousin Hazel, my grandmother Hazel Morgan Smith (I'm sooo glad my grandmother was a hoarder (I am too :) otherwise, we would not have these nifty letters to read - KBZ

-- dated Jan 7, 1918 -- Camp Taylor, Ky - I will try and answer your letter as I am not doing anything. I just came from the Hospital Sunday and was marked quarters for 13 days. I am feeling good and hope that you folks are all well at this writing. The measels did not hurt me much only made me sick for about one day. Well, Hazel, when i got back from thehospital, my company shifted to New York and to George there was thirty one of the boys that I came with from my county and I am the only one that is left here in this camp. Well, there is not much news to write at this time. Well, suppose that Carl is having a good time in France. For this time well Hazel I hope him all the good luck that is going and that he will return soon with the medals of bravery and that this war will close soon with our victory - that is what we are out for and we are going to have it or there wont be a dutchman left in the east. Well have you talked over home lately to the folks. I am going to try and get a pass home if I can in the neare future think that I can sense them boys are settiling planes (?). Well it come a nice rain here last night and looks awful rainy yet think that it will rain tonight. Suppose that you folks are planing big for farming and that you are planting corn. Say I sure would like to see you pitch hay when it is 104 in the shade. Well Hazel I will close for this time hoping to hear form you soon. Tell me all the news from Glen B. P.S. I will have my picture taken and send you one of them to go with the three soldier boys. My address: 1 Bo 1 Batalion 159 Depot Bregade Camp Taylor Ky - write address plainly.
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