The first Saturday and seventh day of May 1870, a meeting was held at Parr school house and the churches called on for help responded as follows:
Eagle Creek -- Eld. William Baker, A. F. Uitts and John H. Baker Brown's Wonder -- Samuel West and Evan Evans Little Flock -- Nicholas Yount Providence -- Eld. Jesse Jackson, William J. Tyner and Benjamin Southard Mt. Carmel -- Eld. George Weaver, John Hanger and Henry CaudellThe council organized by choosing Eld. William Baker moderator and William J. Tyner, clerk. Letters of recommendation were presented by twelve (12) members of Eagle Creek Church; Articles of Faith and Rules of Decorum were adopted and the Primitive Baptist Church of Antioch was organized.
Meetings were held at Parr school house until a building was erected two miles north of Big Spring (in the southwest corner of section 12, township 19 north, and range 2 east, on 25/100 acre which William A. Bell had deeded (for $35) April 5, 1870 to the trustees of the Old School Baptist Church (James Hooper, William Richardson and Thomas J. Jones) and their successors in office. On September 30, 1899 Anson M. Bell and Mary M. Bell (owners of 80 acres in the southwest corner of section 12, which William Bell owned in April 1870) deeded an adjoining 1/4 acre to the trustees of the Regular Old School Baptist Church (George W. Whitehead, James A. Nay, and Joseph A. McGee and their successors in office) for $40. "And should said church ever cease to use said real estate as a site for a house of worship for themselves then said real estate to revert to whoever may at that time be the owner of the south 1/2 of south, 1/2 of southwest 1/4 of said section 12, township and range aforesaid." The original building was remodeled in 1938-39 and electricity put in. The original building was erected in 1872.
Charter Members
William P. Jones - William Richardson Minerva Jones - Cordelia Richardson Thomas Jones - James Hooper Martha J. Jones - Harman Newman Benjamin M. Richardson - Nancy Wheeler Anna Richardson - Elizabeth BaileyArticles of Faith
1.We believe in the one only true and living God, and that there are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, Word, and Holy Ghost and that these three are One. 2. We believe Scriptures of the old and new testament to be of divine authority and the only infallible rule of faith and practice. 3. We believe in the fall of man, and that Adam's family are sinners by nature and have neither will nor power to save themselves from their condemned and sinful state by their ability which they possess by nature. 4. We believe in election by Grace according as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be Holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ unto Himself according to the good pleasure of His will. 5. We believe that sinners are justified by the righteousness of God which is in Jesus Christ imputed to them by a supernatural operation of the Spirit of God through faith unto salvation. 6. We believe that baptism and the Lord's supper are ordinances of Jesus Christ appointed in His church and none but true believers are fit subjects for either, and Scriptural form of baptism by immersion. 7. We believe no minister has a right to administer these ordinances only such as have been regularly baptized, called and come under the imposition of hands of a presbytery by the authority of the Church of Jesus Christ. 8. We believe in the resurrection of the bodies both of the just and the unjust, they that have done good unto the resurrection of life, but they have done evil to the resurrection of damnation, and that God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by Jesus Christ and the joys of the righteous will be eternal, and punishment of the wicked everlasting.Rules of Decorum
1. The business of the church to be done on the first Saturday in each month beginning immediately after worship. 2. A moderator or moderators to be chosen by a majority of voices and until another is chosen he is to preside in the church while at business. He is to keep order, but always under control of a majority of the church. He is to withhold his own opinion until all other members who wish to speak have spoken except by the request of the church. He shall take the voice of the church when called upon for that purpose. 3. When the church has met after worship the members of Sister Churches to be invited to seats of council may give their light on any subject but shall not vote in the decision of the case. 4. The moderator shall then inquire, are all in fellowship or "has any one a matter of complaint to bring forward" that has been treated in Gospel Order. 5. The door then to be declared open for the reception of members. 6. The unfinished business "if there be any" shall now be attended to. 7. Any brother with a motion or speech to make in the church shall arise from his seat and address the moderator with brotherly respect. A motion thus made shall not be attended to without a second. 8. No brother to be interrupted while speaking except if he depart from the subject in which case the moderator, or any other member, may call him to order, of which point of order the Church shall judge when appealed to for that purpose. 9. No brother shall speak more than twice on any one subject without leave of the church, nor shall there be any ungenerous reflection on a brother who has spoken before. 10. In all cases where there is a choice to be made, it shall be by private ballot except otherwise ordered by the unanimous consent of the church. The one that receives the highest number of votes to be declared elected. 11. All business brought into the church shall be decided by a majority of the members, except in the great affair of receiving members into the church in which unanimity is required. 12. The moderator, clerk, and trustees to be chosen annually at the May meeting. 13.It shall be the duty of the clerk to record all the acts of the Church from time to time, file all papers and letters belonging to the same. At the close of each meeting read the minute subject to any amendment the Church may direct, write letters of dismission when authorized by the Church, keep record of all the members names, when and how received, and when and how dismissed and discharge all other duties common to the office of the clerk. 14. That brotherly love may continue the direction given in the 18th of Matthew by the Savior are to be followed in all cases so far as possible in treating with our Brethren and in all uncommon cases, the church to be the judge and all public transgressions acknowledgments shall be made to the Church. 15. All business transacted by motion and second shall be recorded. 16. If any member be absent from three successive meetings of business of the Church unless sufficient cause be known, it shall be the duty of the Church to make inquiry of the cause. The Church was a member of the Conns Creek Association. Their first meeting was with Bethel Church, Johnson Co., Sept. 2-3-4, 1870. Wm. P. Jones, J. Hooper and Harman Newman were messengers. The last time the church convened with the association was Aug. 25, 26, 27, 1939. This was the last meeting of the Conns Creek Association.Present members of the Church are as follows:
Gladys Denny -- 1917 Orpha Sparrow West -- 1927 Esther Ballard Williams -- 1927 Homer J. Cox -- 1931 Raymond C. Jones -- 1931 Mable Eberwein Cox -- 1931 Hazel Jones -- 1931 Florence Jones Newby -- 1933 Ruth Cobb Godby -- 1934 Vivian Bouse -- 1934 A. B. Ballard -- 1934 A. T. Ballard -- 1935 Ruth Cox -- 1938 Arnold Cox -- 1938 Mildred Mellette -- 1941 Elmer Mellette -- 1941 Charlotte Shook Greene -- 1947 Harvey Greene -- 1947 Deloris Lindenmayer -- 1948 Kenneth Lindenmayer -- 1957 Elizabeth Jones -- 1957 Elizabeth Jones -- 1957 Cheryel Greene -- 1958 Opal Whitehead -- 1962 Keith West -- 1967 Irene West -- 1967Present Officers of the Church are as follows:
Pastor -- Elder Cecil Fuson Deacon -- Bro. Elmer Mellette Clerk -- Elder Raymond C. Jones Moderator -- Elder Cecil Fuson Trustees -- Bros. Elmer Mellette, Kenneth Lindenmayer and Homer J. Cox The following Elders have served as Pastor of the Church: First Pastor -- Eld. Jesse Jackson, 1870, jointly with Eld. Joel Kemper Eld. Jesse Jackson and Eld. Wm. P. Jones -- 1872-1874 Eld. Wm. P. Jones and Eld. A. B. Nay -- 1875-1876 Eld Wm. P. Jones and Eld. T. J. Jones -- 1876-1900 Eld. Geo. Wright assisted Elder T. J. Jones -- 1901-1902 Elder T. J. Jones served -- 1902-1913 Elder S. J. West to assist Eld. T.J. Jones -- 1913-1917 Elder L. B. Reagan on 3rd Sunday each month -- 1917 Elder T.J. Jones served -- 1876-1927 Elder S. J. West -- 1927-1941 Elder G. B. Greene assistant -- 1935-1941 Elder Noah Ford -- Pastor -- 1941-1949 Elder Noah Ford honorary Pastor and Elder Levi Williams, Pastor -- 1949-1952 Elder Ernest Bradley -- 1952-1953 Elder Cecil Fuson -- Oct. 1953 -- Still serving Elder Raymond C. Jones and Elder Homer J. Cox are now serving at the third Sunday meetings. The following were clerks of Antioch Church: William Richardson -- May 1870 to July 1870 Thomas J. Jones -- May 1870 to May 1875 Jedson Wheeler -- June 1875 till death Mar. 1891 Enoch R. Worley -- June 1891 to May 1902 Jonathan E. West -- June 1902 to May 1912 Frank Mellette -- June 1912 to May 1917 Emmaline Wheeler -- June 1917 - May 1926 Flora Kraus -- June 1926 - May 1932 William Sparrow -- June 1932 - May 1934 Raymond Jones -- June 1934 - Still ServingElders of Church Ordained:
Eld. Wm. P. Jones -- June 6, 1872 Eld. Thomas J. Jones -- June, 1876 Eld. Rudolf Calhoun -- July 3, 1897 Eld. Samuel J. West -- Oct. 5, 1912 Eld. William Hooper -- July 3, 1897 Eld. Raymond C. Jones -- Dec. 29, 1945 Eld. Homer J. Cox -- Dec. 29, 1945 Eld. Harvey Greene -- April 18, 1959Deacons Ordained:
Thomas J. Jones -- 1872 Benjamin Southard -- 1874 George W. Whitehead -- 1877 J. E. West -- 1907 W. W. Hughett -- 1912 Fred Shook -- July 1943 Elmer Mellette -- July 1943 There have been 177 members in the 100 years of the Church. Communion Services are at the May and November meetings. We feel that we have been blessed of God that we might have love and fellowship among ourselves, and all of God's people. And, we trust that His blessings continue to be with us. We pray that God will continue to look upon us with favor and that we may meet and worship and praise His Holy Name. Source Citation: Antioch Primitive Baptist Church History. [database online] Boone County INGenWeb. 2001.