Antioch or Poplar Grove Baptist Church
The above church is located in the southwest part of Harrison Township, and about one and one-half miles south of New Brunswick. A log house was first built here many years ago (1856) by the M. E. Church, and occupied by them for several years, until they organized at Brunswick Baptist when the Baptist brethren occupied it and organized a church, with the following as some of the first members:
George Johnson and wife,
William Joseph and wife,
John D. Fear and family,
Jacob Dimsmore and wife,
Elisha Higgins and wife,
Robert Walters and wife,
Elizabeth Myers. Among the ministers are the following:
John Clemens, Joseph Hoover, John Case, John Joseph, George Dodson, Peter Keeny, Fanklin Keeny. The first clerk was
Wm. Perkins, the present one
J. H. Dimsmore. The present house was built in 1867; cost, $1,000; will seat about four hundred persons. Adjoining on the north and east is the cemetery, which is one of the most popular burying places in the county. Antioch has been for years one of the most popular preaching places in this part of the county. We are indebted to
Noah Chitwood and
James Myers for the above.
Source Citation: Boone County Church Histories [database online] Boone County INGenWeb. 2006. Original data: Harden & Spahr. "Early Life and Times in Boone County, Indiana." Lebanon, Indiana. May, 1887.