Wanted Notices
The Evening Herald newspaper will present a listing of wanted or lost & found notices of local citizens of Montepelier.
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Herald Want Column, Jan. 1, 1906
FOR RENT---Three large rooms. R. J. Crosbie
WANTED---A girl to do housework. John Emslwiller
WANTED---To trade good house and lot for twam of good work horses. H. C. Brannum
LOST---Pocket or bill book containing several $20 bills and one $10 bill Book was red and was worn and torn at one end. A reward of $25 will be paid for its returned to the owner or to this office. C. W. Williams.
LOST OR STRAYED---Black and white dog answering to name of Jack. A reward will be paid for information as to his whereabouts. C. M. Johnson, Roll, Ind.
The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,
January 1, 1906, p. 3, c. 5