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Local Events

The Evening Herald newspaper will present a listing of local brevities of distance and local citizens of Montepelier.

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Local Brevities, Jan. 1, 1906


Miss Edna Pugh spent Sunday with Bluffton friends.

D. M. Fisher, of Pleasantdale, is very ill and is not expected to live.

Dure Sludoler of Eaton was the guest of Miss Nellie Thomas Sunday.

Get six of those new bread checks for a quarter at Howell's steam bakery.

Miss Mae Murlin returned yesterday from a week;s visit at Paqua and Ada, Ohio.

Miss Marie Nill returned this noon from Ossian where she has been visiting relative.

Roy Zeigler and family, of Muncie, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Zeigler.

Gertrude Griffin went to Muncie this morning where she will visit with Miss Alva Lou Owens.

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Pontius have returned home from a week's visit with relatives in Ft. Wayne.

James Ratiff of New Castle has been here spening a few days with friends returned home this noon.

Mrs. Arthur Cooley, of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, will arive here tomorrow for a visit with her sister Mrs. Guy Brackin

Miss Martha McDonald who has been spending her vaction at her home in Swayzee, Ind., returned home this noon.

Nate Certian who has been spending a week with friends and relatives in Balemeount, Ill., returned home Saturday evening.

And Mrs. L. D. Weber have returned home to Meadville, Pa. after a week's visit with their son Walter d. Weber and family.

Misses Blanche and Grace Maddox who have benn in Muncie for the past few days the guest of Miss Alva Lou Owens returned home today.

Mrs. Goldie Corn will play several [illegible] on the harp at the Presbrytian social at home of Mrs. B. I. Wolfe Tuesday night.

Harry Reed and Arthur Reed and their wives of Kokomo, arrived this morning for a days visit with friends. Harry was formerly employed in the press room of the Herald office.

Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Twibell entertained for dinner yesterday at their pleasent country home, Mann Lacey and family, Mrs. A. Lacey and family, Clyde Shields and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayes and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bouge of Harford City.

Saturday morning at an early hour the ice cream factory belonging to Henry Roush and Luther Thornburg two former Montpelier young men now located in Bartlesville, [illegible] was discoved on fire, but word from Luther is that their loss will not exceed $25 on account of the good work of the fire department.

Miss Daise Emshwiller left on the 10:56 car this morning for Layfayette where she has accepted the position of assistant insturctior to the Pharmacy Department of Purdue University, for the remainder of the term Emshwiller will probably not ... [remainder was illegible]

W. H. Thoraburg made a business tip to Hartford City this morning.

Chas. Awkerman, of Bluffton, was here yesterday afternnnon calling on friends.

Don Ollphant, of Eaton, was teh guest of Miss Laura Clevenger yesterday.

Frank Castor, who has been employed in Marion retruened home Satuday evening.

Kent Moody, of Garrett, Ind., is here making a few day's visit with Sam Pugh and wife.

Wm. Kimes and family went to Fort Wayne this noon where they will viist with friends and relatives.

S. Drennen was loading a car of handle timber for shipment to Bluffton over the interurban this morning.

Miss Chlia Moore who has been making a week's visit with friends in Pennville and Portland returned home Sunday.

Mr. W. C. Boring and son, of Rockford, Oh., are here making a few day's visit with Nate Certian and family.

H. C. Gast and family returned from Lafayette Saturfay where they have been making a week's visit with William Gast and family.

Social and musical at home of Mrs. Bert Wolfe Tuesday night, Refreshments 10c. Under auspices of preshyterian ladies.

The first section of the Christian Aid Society of the Christian church will meet with Mrs. Wood on west Huntington street Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock sharp.

Mrs. A. C. Taylor, of Spartcusburg, Pa., arrived here this morning will make a month's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Sam Wearley and her son, E. L. Taylor and family.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Myers, of Sagloaw, Mich., who have been spending Christmas week with Dr. F. A. Marsland and wife returned home this morning Mrs. Myers is a sister of Mrs. Marsland.

Mrs. Glen Ayers who has been visiting in Fort Wayne for a few days returned home Saturday evening. She was accomplanied home by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Russell who will make a few day's visit in this city.

Chas Leonard, of Hartford City, called on friends here last eveing.

John Keller is in Union City today looking after business interests.

Ross Davis of Hartford City, was here last evening calling on friends.

James Carr, of west Huntion street is reported to be seriously ill.

Ross Daivds, of Montoeville, Ind., was here Sunday calling on Miss Ethel Broderick.

See T. S. Crosble's new ad in this issue. He quotes prices which will interest you.

Herman Trotter, of Eaton, was here last evening the guest of his parents Rev. Trotter and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McGeath, of Parker City, are visiting relatives in Montpeleir and vicinty.

Mrs. Perry Rhoton and daughter Lena, of Muncie were guests of Mrs. Lena Rhoton during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Mac McGeath have returned home from a week's visit with relatives to Elwood and Piota, Ind.

Richard Davis and Josepn Davis and their families of Muncie were spending a few days with their brother, M. G. Davis.

Miss Bessie Scott returned to Marion today after spending the holiday with her parents Miss Scott is a teacher in the Marion schools.

Mrs. Bertha Dakin of Syrcuse, Ohio and Mrs. I. W. Luther of Portland were guests of their brother S. W. Pontinus and wife over Sunday.

Frank McGeath and famil of Hartford City are spending the day here with relatives Mr. McGeath is a teacher in the Hartford City school.

Mrs. J. A. Givson and son Harold and Miss Addie Gibson of Fetinlia Canada arrived here Saturday night for a visit with Mrs. d. L. Scott of Green street.

Misses Tid Chapman Mabel Evangood, Mabel Rhaton of Hartford City, and elizabeth and Lenara Smith of Schmit were guests of Miss Jean Lacey Saturday evening.

Mrs. Howard Carman, of Prairies Depot, Ohio, is the guest of her son D. E. Carman and family. Mrs. Carman is on her way to Battle Creek Mich., and stopped off here for a short visit.

Frank L. Townsley of Chicago is the guest of his brother I . D. Townsley and family for a few days. Mr. Townsley is a student in the Chiago college for physicains and is also an assistant instructor in the institution.

The Evening Herald, Monteplier, Indiana,
January 1, 1906, p. 3, c. 3, 4 & 5


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