History of Wayne County, Indiana; Thaddeus W. O. Braffett, Auditor Wayne County, Ind., was
born in Bradford County, Pa., April 12, 1829, a son of Alfred and Eliza
(Long) Braffett, his father a native of Pennsylvania, of French descent,
and his mother a native of Vermont, of English descent. In 1831 his
parents removed to Ohio, settling near old Fort Black, built as such
by General William Henry Harrison, near New Madison, Darke Co., Ohio;
subsequently moved to Braffettsville in the same county, and in 1839
removed to New Paris, Preble Co., Ohio, where his father died in the
year 1865, and where is mother still lives, now in the eightieth year
of her age. Our subject is the second of five children. He received
a commercial school education and followed merchandising with his father
until the year 1855. In 1857, having lost his wife, he went to California
and spent three years in the mining interest, returning in 1860. In
January, 1861, he went to Geneseo, Ill., taking charge of a wholesale
and retail drygoods and agricultural house. When the first gun was fired
on Fort Sumter, he at once offered his service to the Government as
a private soldier and enlisted in Company B, Ninth Illinois Cavalry;
was promoted to Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain of his company. The
regiment went into camp at Camp Douglas, Ill.; from there to Benton
Barracks, St. Louis, Mo., and later was ordered to Pilot Knob, Mo.,
where his regiment was first engaged in battle with the guerrilla bands
of the Rebel Colonel Pickett; the regiment, with others of infantry,
was placed under the command of General Steele, and took up marching
orders to join General Frank Siegel at Pea Ridge, but with guerrilla
bands and bushwhackers in front impeding the march, the battle of Pea
Ridge was fought before General Steele's arrival. They were then ordered
to Jacksonsport, Ark., where, after its arrival, communication was cut
off by the rebels, but the timely arrival of General Curtis's command
from Pea Ridge relieved them from all being captured as prisoners of
war. Under General Curtis the command was ordered to Little Rock, Ark.,
having to fight their way all along the line of march for two weeks.
With superior numbers of rebels in front, the line of march was changed
to Helena, on the Mississippi River. From constant exposure, forward
marches and attacks by guerrilla banks in front and rear, the little
army of General Curtis was badly cut to pieces. On arriving at Helena
they went into camp on the low grounds and disease easily took hold
of the men, and of those left, one-third of Captain Braffett's company
died. After two months in camp, the regiment was ordered to Memphis,
Tenn., Captain Braffett contracting the malaria disease that carried
so many of his company to death; laid at Helena for two months almost
dead, but rallied sufficiently to return to his home, then at New Paris,
Ohio. After a short furlough he again returned to his regiment, but
the old disease again took hold of him and prostrated him lower than
ever. On account of this disability, he reluctantly tended his resignation.
He was discharged in January, 1863, returning to his home, then in Richmond.
In 1865 Captain Braffett was elected Assistant Clerk (by the Republicans)
of the Indiana House of Representatives, also Assistant Clerk of the
special session of that body in the same year, and Journal Clerk of
the Indiana State Senate in 1869. Subsequently he became the traveling
agent for the wholesale grocery house of William Glenn & Sons, Cincinnati,
Ohio, whom he represented for several years and afterward connected
himself with the New York house of Francis H. Leggett & Co. In 1880
he resigned his traveling agency and was appointed Deputy Clerk of the
Wayne Circuit Court, which position he held for three years, having
been (in the meantime) elected Auditor of Wayne County, which responsible
office he is now filling, having entered upon his duties Nov. 1, 1883.
Captain Braffett is a Mason of high rank, having taken all the degrees
conferred by that order in the United States (save the Thirty-third
degree). He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
He was married in 1849 to Sarah A. E. Ireland, of New Paris Ohio, who
died in 1855, leaving three children. One son and daughter reside in
Cincinnati, Ohio, and one daughter in Richmond; all married. In January,
1862, Captain Braffett, while in the army was married to Miss Lizzie
J. Mitchell, of Oxford, Ohio. They have three children---two sons and
one daughter (unmarried). They reside at No. 36 South Thirteenth street,
Richmond. Captain Braffett and family are active members of the United
Presbyterian church.