Warren County, Indiana


Warren County, Indiana resources needed!

If you own any Warren County resources or references, please let me know. As you can see, the bibliography is FAR from complete. Feel free to contact the owners for more information on the resources below.  Owners may be able to provide you with information on the author and publisher
and on how to buy your own copy of these materials and MAY be willing to do a BRIEF check of the resources so you can tell if the resource relates to your research interests. They are NOT offering to
do large amounts of research.

Please put WARREN COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your e-mail to insure the 
message is not overlooked or accidentally deleted.  In the first line of the message please put the 
name of the book for which you are requesting information.

The following books and resources are owned by the person linked here. If you own any Warren County 
books and will do look-ups, please let me know. Please consider being a lookup volunteer.
As you can see, volunteers are needed. If you or your group have a Warren County reference resource
for sale, I will be happy to link to your ad or provide the information here.

Feel free to request a look-up from the following books. Follow the rules as stated or you may not 
receive a reply.   I receive many e-mails per day. I delete without opening messages whose subject
are not of interest to me personally.

Please understand that the lookup volunteer WILL NOT do extensive research. The intent of this 
project is not to provide you with photocopies or scanned images, but to answer simple questions 
pertaining to the contents of the particular book or reference material. If you request a lookup, don't
forget to thank your volunteer for their time.

The Warren Co., INGenWeb page supports copyright and fair use standards.

Resource Comments Volunteer
  • Warren County Cemetery Inscriptions
  • Riverside Cemetery (Births & Deaths)
  • Warren County Death Index
  • Veterans Buried in Warren County 
  • Volumes 1-3; by Jenkins
  • 1945 through 1997; by Wilson
  • Up to 1920
  • Also Fountain County 

  • Mary E. Wilson
    Births, Deaths, & Marriages, Warren County  Microfiche  Mary E. Wilson
    State / County Indices: 
    IN: 1790-1870
    Selected Counties 
    Other States Available
    Lou Mozingo
    Index of individuals appearing in newpaper articles 
    from the Warren Republican (1854-1901)
    Other county newspapers available. Genealogical Roots in Newspapers
  • Warren County Cemetery Inscriptions
  • Warren County 1865 Plat Map Index 
  • Volumes 1-3; by Jenkins
  • Indexed by Township and name
  • Rosella Jenkins

    Warren County Genealogist as listed on the Indiana Genealogical Society site

    County Genealogist

    Terri Wargo
    3404 W. 575 S.
    Williamsport, IN 47793
    Phone (765) 893-4623
    E-mail wargoterri@gmail.com