Vital Records and Obituaries
Vigo County, Indiana
Site is part of
The INGenWeb

The former Vigo County Site had
a nice collection of obituaries that were submitted over time. Because
email addresses change, and the format of the submissions was not
consistant, it was necessary to combine all of the information into one
file that can be searched.
It can be found here.
Historical Obituary
In 1853 George Adams Smith died of consumption. He was born in Terra
Haute, Indiana, and learned the trade of his Father a brick mason. He
was too weak, physically, to labor successfully at that, and quitting
it, commenced the study of law. With only an ordinary common school
education, he made rapid advances in his profession and had he lived
would have attained eminence in it. He was an indefinable student, a
clear and logical thinker, and exulted in the acquisition of knowledge
especially in that of his profession. He was a good, pure and an honest
man. The people of Butte lost one of then-brightest ornaments, and
every member of the Bar a friend, when they were compelled to murmur
their farewell over his grave.
Butte County, California
Illustrations: Residences,
Public Buildings, Mills, Mines, Etc
With Historical Sketch of the
Oakland, Cal: Smith &
Elliott, 1877
Page 10
Vital Records
Vital Records ~ Births, Marriages & Deaths
Genealogy Trails
Vigo County Births
Marriages [1800-1810] ~ [1818-1830]
Unsourced Vitals
Birth, Marriage, Death & Divorce
WPA - Deaths
& Miscellaneous Vigo Deaths
[WPA Project was never finished] Please do not use the links, they are
invalid & Ms Yates is no longer associated with the Vigo GW. |
Vital Records ~
Births, Marriages & Deaths
Family Search
Indiana Births &
Christenings [1733-1933]
Indiana Marriages
Indiana Marriages
Indiana Deaths
Records from Newspapers
Newspaper Articles:
Deaths, Funerals, Obituaries, Accidents, Crimes [Genealogy Bank, Misc
IN Papers]
Set 1 [1800-1870] ~
Set 2 [1871-1880] ~
Set 3 - [1881-1890]
Marriage Licenses & Miscellany [Genealogy Bank]
1810 > 1900 ~
1800 > 1900
More will be added to this section as they are located, abstracted and
Wabash Courier
1836 > 1850
Deaths, Obits, Misc Articles
1838>1840 ~ 1841
1844>1845 ~ 1848
~ 1849
~ 1850
Divorces & Misc Court Records ~ 1819 > 1937 |
Vital Records: Odds & Ends
Vigo County Clerk ~
Ordering Vital Records
Vital Records ~ Wiki
Vigo County Marriage
Database [Includes Images] 1818 - 1958
IN State
Library Website ~ Databases
Marriages through 1850
Marriages: 1993-2004
Bumgardner Funeral Home Records
Montpelier, Indiana
Volume I
12 Sep 1907 - 15 Apr 1916
(Blackford, Wells, and Vermillion Counties)
Transcribed by Pat Asher, November 2013 from digital copy made
available by Internet Archive, https://archive.org/details/bumgardnerfunera01indi |
Section for
"What's New"
Mortality Schedule
Full Searchable with Images
Veterans & Widows / Civil War
Social Security Applications & Claims
"Born in Vigo County, IN"
This index was created from a database on

"The Fine Print"
Vigo County Coordinator: Martha A Crosley Graham
The INGenWeb State Coordinator is Denise Wells.
Our Assistant State Coordinators: Lena Harper & Jeff Kemp
If you are interested in volunteering for this project, please review our "Volunteer" page and contact us!
There are many ways to participate. If you have an idea or comment please let us know.
Information contained on all of the pages within the Vigo
County portion of the INGenWeb may be used for personal genealogical and historical
Please be considerate of copyright information and give credit
where credit is due: Donated data will remain with the County in the
event of the resignation of the County Coordinator. Any person
donating information in the future retains the right to request
return of same.
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Site Updated: 29 February 2016