
Vermillion County Genealogy

Biographical and Historical Record of Vermillion County, Indiana

514 - History of Vermillion County

and Mrs. Curtis are the parents of five children -- Adelbert S., George E., Oral, Jennie B. and Mary Ann, In politics Mrs. Curtis affiliates with the Republican party. Both himself and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist church, and among the most respected citizens of Clinton Township.

THOMAS B. MYERS, one of the most active and enterprising young farmers residing in Clinton Township, Vermillion County, was born in the same township, April 20, 1852, his parents, Thomas and Mary J. (Henderson) Myers, being natives of Kentucky. They came to Vermillion County, Indiana, when young, with their respective parents, who were among the early pioneers of the county. The paternal grandparents of our subject soon after settled in Edgar County, Illinois. Thomas B., the subject of this sketch, was but four days old when his father died, his mother dying the following April. Their eldest child, Alexander J., six years our subject's senior, is now a resident of Clinton Township. From a babe our subject was reared by Josiah Henderson, his maternal uncle, in whose family he found a good home until past the age of twenty-four years. He was then married February 22, 1877, to Miss Emma Holmes, who was born in Fayette Township, Vigo County, Indiana, April 7, 1855, a daughter of John S. and Lydia (Groves) Holmes. Her father died at his home in Vigo County, where her mother still resides. Since their marriage, with the exception of two years spent in Edgar County, Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Myers have resided in Clinton Township, Vermillion County. Two children have been born to them, of whom only one is living -- Charles M., who was born June 23 1878. Their youngest child, Glennie G., was born December 28, 1879, and died December 6, 1884. Mr. Myers is the owner of an improved farm of 100 acres, located in Fayette Township, Vigo County. Since 1883 he has managed, on a lease, one of the best farms in Clinton township, owned by Mrs. A. L. Whitcomb, located two and a quarter miles from Clinton, and containing 400 acres of valuable land. In connection with his general farming Mr. Myers deals quite extensively in stock, buying and selling, as well as buying and feeding for market. Both Mr. and Mrs. Myers are members of the Christian church, and among the most respected citizens of Clinton township. He is a member of the Odd Fellows order, belonging to Amant Lodge, No. 356, I. O. O. F., and has held several minor offices in the lodge. Mrs. Myers is a member of the Rebecca Lodge at Clinton. In politics Mr. Myers casts his suffrage with the Democratic party.

HEZEKIAH CASEBEER, a prominent citizen of Helt Township, residing on section 9, is a native of Ohio, born in Coshocton County, December 30, 1844. His father, David Casebeer, came to Vermillion County in 1850, and in 1854 settled with his family in Helt Township, and here our subject was reared to manhood. He was early inured to hard work, beginning when a mere lad to assist in the work of the farm, receiving but limited educational advantages. He enlisted in the war of the Rebellion in Company C, Eighteenth Indiana Infantry, and was in the service of his country over four years. He participated in a number of important engagements, including the battles of Pea Ridge, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hill, Black River Bridge,

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siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Winchester, Cedar Creek and Fisher's Hill. He was united in marriage, July 5, 1869, to Miss Hannah Mitchell, a daughter of Henry Mitchell, deceased. Of the five children born to them only two survive, named Luke and Mamie. One daughter, Effie, died in her fourteenth year. Mr. Casebeer learned the carpenter's trade when a young man, an occupation he has followed for twenty years. During the past ten years he has operated a saw-mill and threshing machine, meeting with good success. He held the office of constable three or four years. He was elected to the office of coroner, but declined to serve. He is now holding the office of justice of the peace, serving with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.

JOHN HOOBLER was a Unitarian preacher, a man of limited education; still he was upright and honest in all things, and represented his county both in the Senate and Legislature.

JUDGE A. HILL, of Perrysville, was a Canadian by birth, He accumulated considerable in land and money. He was a man of many excentricities of character, and while not generally liked by his neighbors, was highly respected. He represented his county in the Legislature, and was familiarly known as "Judge" by having been associate judge when it required three men to fill the judge's bench. He married Miss Mary Groenendyke, of Eugene, whose family was one of the old pioneers, and to-day well and favorably known among the representative families of the county. Mrs. Hill died early, leaving a daughter, Ellen, who was the pet of the Collett and Groenendyke families during her childhood. She married P. C. Rounceville, of Camden, Arkansas, and during the stormy times of war was in the rebel region. She and husband are buried at Eugene. Their two sons, living in La Fayette, Indiana, are the heirs of the Hill farm. Judge Hill is buried in the Groenendyke, burying ground in Eugene.

HENRY C. EATON, M. D., who has been a resident of Vermillion County since the fall of 1851, was born in Lawrence County, Illinois, July 1, 1829, a son of Alvin Eaton, who was a native of Canandaigua County, New York. His mother was also a native of the State of New York. The parents of our subject had a family of six children of whom only two are living, Henry C., and his twin brother, Charles G., who is a resident of Helt Township, Vermillion County. The boys were left orphans at an early age, when they were bound out to different parties, our subject going to live with a man named Samuel Harris. Mr. Harris removed to Rockville, Indiana, in 1836, and there our subject was reared receiving his education in the schools of that town, and working the farm of Mr. Harris from the time he was old enough until his fifteenth year. He was married September 13, 1858, to Miss Almeda Jenks, her father, John Jenks, being one of the early settlers of Vermillion County. Of the six  children born to this union four are yet living -- Wilbur F., of Helt Township, married Mrs. Alma (Patrick) Wishard, and has three children -- Mary E., wife of Harvey Thomas of Helt Township,