
Vermillion County Genealogy

Biographical and Historical Record of Vermillion County, Indiana

494 - History of Vermillion County

Biographical and Historical Record of

Those yet living are -- Mrs. Sadie Wolf, living in Clinton Township; Mrs. Hattie Alexander, of Springfield, Illinois, and Mrs. Laura Porter, of Clinton Township. Mrs. Henderson died December 25, 1879, aged fifty-three years. She was an affectionate wife and mother, and a consistent Christian, and died in the faith of the Christian church. Mr. Henderson is a member of the Christian church. In politics Mr. Henderson was formerly a Whig, and was one of the organizers of the Republican party in this county. He now classes himself as an Independent. He always manifests a deep interest in the welfare of his township or county, and any enterprise calculated to promote their advancement has his encouragement and support.

JOHN W. WHITED, residing in Dana, Vermillion County, is a native of Indiana, born in Shelby County, the date of his birth being January 16, 1858. He is a son of Azariah and Louisa (Warner) Whited, who are both deceased, the father having been born in Shelby County, Indiana. The mother was a daughter of Alexander Warner. John W. was reared to the vocation of a farmer on his father's farm, and in his youth he received his education in the common-schools of his neighborhood. In 1868 he went with his parents to Harrisonville, Missouri, but in the fall of 1870 returned to Indiana, the family locating in Clay County, where the father died March 9, 1876. The mother of our subject survived until February, 1881, when she died in Owen County, Indiana. During his residence at Dana Mr. Whited has by his genial manners and fair and honorable dealings, won the confidence and respect of all who know him. He is a young man of public spirit, and takes an active interest in the advancement of the town in which he makes his home. The parents of our subject had a family of nine children, eight of whom still survive, their names being as follows -- John W., Alex, Chauncey, Alice, Laura B., Robert, Emma and Jesse.

JEROME M. JENKINS, one of Clinton Township's leading young men, was born in Clark County, Ohio, July 21, 1859. His father, Abraham M. Jenkins, was a native of Virginia, remaining in his native State until eighteen years of age. He then became a resident of Ohio, and January 31 1856 he was married at Springfield, Clark County, to Miss Mary A. Abrams, a daughter of James Abrams. She was born in Dutchess County, New York, in 1831, coming to Ohio in the year 1852. In April, 1865, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, with their only child, then in his sixth year, moved from Ohio to Edgar County, Illinois, and in the fall of the same year they settled on section 12. Clinton Township, Vermillion County, Indiana. The father lived to improve this place, and bring his land under good cultivation. He died in August, 1881, aged sixty-one years. Quiet, unassuming, industrious and strictly honorable in all his dealings he gained the confidence and respect of all who knew him. In politics he was in early life a Whig, and later affiliated with the Republican party. He was for many years a consistent member of the Methodist church, as is also his widow. Jerome M. Jenkins, whose name heads this sketch, received his education in the schools of Clinton Township, and made good use of his educational advantages. Like his father, he is Republican in his political views, and takes an active interest in political and public affairs, and is ranked

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among the leading men of the younger class in his party. Although reared on a farm, he is not fond of a farmer's life, and is preparing himself by attending commercial schools, for an active business career. He resides with his widowed mother on the old homestead on section 12, Clinton Township, their farm containing 103 acres of valuable land.

JAMES R. DUNLAP is a native of Vermillion County, Indiana, born at Perrysville in September, 1838, and is a worthy representative of one of the pioneer families of the county. His father, John Dunlap, was a native of Ireland, born June 8, 1808. He came to America when a young man, locating first in Canada, removing thence to Cincinnati, Ohio. He was a tailor by trade, an occupation he followed many years. He was married in Cincinnati, to Miss Nancy Dean, who was also a native of Ireland, born February 14, 1812. Of the four children born to them only two, James R., the eldest, and Mary J., are living, the latter on the old homestead in Perrysville. Susan and Daniel are deceased. The latter was a gallant soldier in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting in the Eleventh Indiana Infantry, in which he served two years. He was a young man of excellent business ability, which fact was recognized by General Rawlins, under whom he served as clerk nearly two years, during the latter part of his term of service. He died in 1865, of disease contracted in the service. John Dunlap made his home in Cincinnati for a number of years, and in 1837 came to Perrysville, Vermillion County, where he worked at his trade for a time. He then engaged in the mercantile business, his stock consisting of ready-made clothing and gentlemen's furnishings, keeping the first store of the kind in Perrysville. He was a long one of the prominent business men of the town, and was very successful in business, acquiring a competence. He died February 1, 1878. For several years prior to his death he had suffered greatly from rheumatism. His wife died July 25, 1879. Both were worthy and consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In early life the father was a Democrat in his political views, but later became a Republican, and was ever after a warm advocate of the principles of that party. James R. Dunlap, whose name heads this sketch, was reared in Vermillion County, and received a good business education under his father, in whose store he served as clerk. He engaged in the mercantile business for himself at Urbana, illinois, in 1858, which he followed until August, 1862, when he enlisted in Company G, Seventy-sixth Illinois Infantry. He served with his regiment about nine months, when he was detailed for service in the Signal Corps. After being under instruction at Memphis, Tennessee, for three months, he reported to General McPherson, on whose staff he served as signal officer. After the death of that gallant officer he served in the same capacity under General Frank P. Blair. He was with Sherman on his march to the sea and through the Carolinas, during which expedition he had charge of about thirty men and subordinate officers. His position in the Signal Corps, though arduous, was a desirable one. His duties necessitated a vast amount of riding, probably not less than 17,000 miles during his term of service. After the war he was associated in business with his father for a time. In 1868 he was married to Miss Mary Russell Bell, a daughter of William M. Bell, an early settler of Vermillion County. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap have had born to them ten children, of whom nine are living -- Louis