"Among the successful agriculturists of the younger generation of native sons of Vermillion County stands Dana F. Wright, owner of a valuable and carefully tilled farm in Clinton township where he is well known as a husbandman and stock raiser and as a public spirited citizen, a worthy representative of two of the old and highly honored families of this locality.
"Mr. Wright was born in Clinton township, Vermillion County, Indiana, Jan 30th, 1874, and he is the son of Lucius H. and Elizabeth Porter Wright. In early life the father moved to Iowa, where he remained for some time, then moved back to Indiana and devoted his life to agricultural pursuits, settling in Clinton township where he remained the balance of his life. His family consisted of six children, namely; Jeanette, who married Frank Bumgardner, of Clinton township; Johanna and Lelia both live in Vigo County, Bertha is deceased; Dana F. of this review; William is deceased.
"The father of the above named children was educated in the common schools of Indiana, though his early schooling was interrupted, for he was compelled to go to work when but a boy, he being one of a family of eight children, and he had to assist his father clear and tend the home farm and help make a living for the family. During the Civil war he was a soldier in the Union army, having enlisted in Company C, Eighteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, early in the war, and he saw much hard service in the Army of the Cumberland, proving himself a loyal and gallant soldier. The death of Lucius H. Wright occurred on Dec. 13th, 1901, at the age of sixty years. His widow is still living, making her home in Vigo County, with her daughter, she is now sixty seven years of age.
"Dana F. Wright grew to manhood on the home farm and there he assisted with the general work about the place when he became of proper age, and he received his education in the common schools, attending the Clinton High School for a short time. After leaving school he took up farming, in which he has been successfully engaged. He is now the owner of a finely improved and very productive farm of eighty acres in Clinton township, where he carried on general farming and stock raising and on which he has a very comfortable home and substantial outbuildings.
"Mr. Wright was married on August 29th, 1899, to Glennie Reeder, daughter of Joseph Wesley and Ann Elizabeth Reeder, a highly respected and well known family of this county. A complete history of the Reeder family is contained in the sketch of Valzah Reeder, appearing elsewhere in this work. Two children have been born to the subject and his wife, namely, Harold E., born Oct. 4, 1901, and Hershel O. born March 9th, 1905. They are both at home. Politically Mr. Wright is a Republican, and in religious matters he belongs to the Methodist church."