Full Christian and Surname of the man is: Ora Miller
Color: White
Where Born: White Co.
When Born: Feb. 24, 1883
Present Residence: Otterbein, Ind.
Present Occupation: LaborerFull Christian and Surname of Father: William Miller
His Color: White
His Birthplace: Ohio
His Occupation: Farming
His Residence: DeceasedFull Christian and Maiden Name of Mother: Ellen Gates
Her Color: White
Her Occupation: Housewife
Her Birthplace: Tippecanoe
Her Residence: DeceasedGroom's first Marriage? Yes
Signed: Ora Miller![]()
A. Hickman deposes and says that she has personal knowledge of the facts above stated and that they each of them are true.
Signed: Agnes Hickman![]()
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5 day of June 1913
Wm. M. Jackson, Clerk Circuit Court
Full Christian and Surname of the woman is: Pearl Hickman
Color: White
Where Born: Peoria, Ill.
When Born: 1889 Oct. 16
Present Residence: Otterbein
Present Occupation: ClerkFull Christian and Surname of Father: William Clarkson Hickman
His Color: White
His Birthplace: Rainsville
His Occupation: blank
His Residence: DeceasedFull Christian and Maiden name of Mother: Agnes Alexander
Her Color: White
Her Occupation: Domestic
Her Birthplace: Peoria
Her Residence: OtterbeinBride's first marriage? Yes
Signed: Pearl Hickman![]()
A. Hickman deposes and says that she has personal knowledge of the facts above stated and that they each of them are true.
Signed: Agnes Hickman![]()
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5 day of June 1913
Wm. M. Jackson, Clerk Circuit Court
©1998 Adina Dyer