Switzerland County

McCreary Related Birth Records

Certificates of Birth
Switzerland County Board of Health
Vevay, Indiana
Submitted by Barbara Weaver


Name - Ethel McCreary
Was born in - Markland, IN on  April 1, 1896
Child of - McCreary, Allie and White, Nancy
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number  2064   Book 2, Page 28

Name - Mathew Williamson McCreary
Was born in -Switzerland Co., IN on  February 7, 1900
Child of - McCreary, Henderson and Williamson, Lena
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number  2600; Book 2, Page 72

Name - Robert Thomas McCreary
Was born in - Markland, IN on  August 18, 1898
Child of - McCreary, H.S. and Melick, Mary A.
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother- Indiana
Certificate Number 2404; Book, Page 56

Name - Unnamed McCreary
Was born in - Switzerland Co., IN on  June 7, 1900
Child of  - McCreary, Alva and Stoops, Lettie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother- Indiana
Certificate Number 2682 - Book 2, Page 79

Name - Irene McCreary
Was born in -  Switzerland Co., IN on  November 20, 1900
Child of - McCreary, Eugene and Kirkpatrick Lillian
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number 2754; Book 2, Page 85

Name - Gladys, McCreary
Was born in - Switzerland Co., IN on  September 21, 1901 
Child of - McCreary, Alva and Stoops, Letta
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number  2934; Book 2, Page 100

Name - Unnamed McCreary
Was born in - Florence, IN on   August 22, 1902
Child of - McCreary, Wilson and Keith, ?
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number  3091; Book 2, Page 113

Name - Freda Irene McCreary
Was born in - Markland, IN on  April 1, 1902
Child of - McCreary, H.S. and Melick, Mary Augusta
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number  3056; Book 2; Page 110

Name -Unnamed McCreary
Was born in - Markland, IN on April 16, 1903
Child of - McCreary, Harry and Melick, ?
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number 3236; Book 2, Page 125

Name - Paul McCreary
Was born in - Markland, IN on  November 27, 1904
Child of - McCreary, Henderson and Williamson, Mary
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number  3471; Book 2, Page 148

Name - Dilver McCreary
Was born in - East Enterprise, IN on November 22, 1904
Child of - McCreary, Eugene and Kirkpatrick, Lillie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number  3466; Book 2, Page 148

Name - Unnamed Tucker
Was born in - Vevay, IN   on  April 25, 1905
Child of - Tucker, Geo. W. -  Laborer - age 22 - (race) white  and Browning, Eva - 4th child of this mother - age 25 - (race) white
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Kentucky
Certificate Number  3562; Book 2, Page 155

Name - Ethel McCreary
Was born in - Switzerland Co. IN on  May 20, 1907
Child of - McCreary, Alva and Stoops, Lettie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number  4036  Book 2, Page 185

Name - Unnamed McCreary
Was born in - Markland, IN      on  February 23, 1907
Child of - McCreary, Eugene and Kirkpatrick, Lillie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Certificate Number  3989  Book 2, Page 181

Name - Charles Russell McCreary
Was born in - Switzerland Co., IN  on  December 12, 1910
Child of - McCreary, Elmer and Furnish, Mary
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Kentucky 
Record was filed  01/27/1911
Certificate Number   170; Book 3, Page 44

Name - Bertha Blanche McCreary
Was born in - Switzerland Co., IN  on  October 16, 1910
Child of - McCreary, Allie and Stoops, Letta
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed  10/27/1910
Certificate Number 128; Book 3, Page 40

Name - Warren McCreary
Was born in - Switzerland Co., IN on  January 25, 1911
Child of - McCreary, Omer and ?, Lettie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed  02/06/1911
Certificate Number  17; Book 3, Page 45

Name - Wesley McCreary
Was born in - Switzerland Co., IN    on  November 23, 1912
Child of - McCreary, Eugene and Kirkpatrick Lillie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed  11/20/1912
Certificate Number  153; Book 3, Page 70

Name - Robert Level
Was born in - Switzerland Co., IN   on  September 30, 1912
Child of - Level, Leslie and Scroggins, Blanche
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Kentucky
Record was filed  10/04/1912
Certificate Number  128; Book 3, Page 68

Name -  Kirby Tucker
Was born in - Switzerland Co. IN    on  April 16, 1913
Child of  - Tucker, Vernon - Farmer - age 38 - (race) white and Scudder, Edith - 2nd child of this mother - age 23 - (race) white
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed  04/18/1813
Certificate Number  47; Book 3, Page 75

Name - Leara M. McCreary
Was born in - Vevay, IN     on  November 11, 1913
Child of - McCreary, Newt and Sturgeon, Rosetta
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed  11/17/1913
Certificate Number  18    Book  C-2, Page 11

Name - Unnamed McCreary
Was born in - Switzerland Co., IN on  February 28, 1913
Child of - McCreary, Omer and Crum, Lettie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed  02/28/1913
Certificate Number  28; Book 3, Page 74

Name - Dorazette McCreary
Was born in - Vevay, IN      on  December 24, 1914
Child of - McCreary, Robert and Jones, Matilda
Birthplace of Father - Owen Co., KY
Birthplace of Mother - Vevay, IN
Record was filed  12/26/1914
Certificate Number  18; Book C-2, Page 13

Name - Cecil Level
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN   on  December 1, 1914
Child of - Level, Leslie and Scroggins, Blanche
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Kentucky
Record was filed  12/02/1914
Certificate Number  155; Book 3, Page 98

Name - Unnamed McCreary
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN  on  June 28, 1915
Child of - McCreary, Omer and Crum, Lettie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed  06/30/1915
Certificate Number  79; Book 6, Page  3

Name - Mattie L. Wagner
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN  on  January 9, 1916
Child of - Wagner, William R. - Laborer - age 43 - (race) white and McCreary, Angeline - 12th child of this mother - age 37 - (race) white
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed 01/09/1916
Certificate Number  5; Book 6, Page 17

Name - Herbert Wagner
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN  on  October 9, 1917
Child of - Wagner, W.R. - Carpenter - age 45 - (race) white and McCreary, Angie - 13th child of this mother - age 40 - (race) white
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed  10/11/1917
Certificate Number  148; Book 6, Page 63

Name - Raymond Lloyd McCreary
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN on  April 9, 1919
Child of - McCreary, Floyd Chandler and Ricketts, Bernice Marie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed  04/11/1919
Certificate Number  44; Book 6, Page 97

Name - Unnamed McCreary
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN on  January 29, 1925
Child of - McCreary, Esther
Birthplace of Father -
Birthplace of Mother - Kentucky
Record was filed on 01/30/1925
Certificate Number  14; Book 4, Page 17

Name - Margaret McCreary
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN   on   March 24, 1925
Child of - McCreary, Edith
Birthplace of Father -
Birthplace of Mother - Gallatin Co., KY
Record was filed on 04/28/1925
Certificate Number  45; Book 4, Page 19

Name - Geneva Lee Tucker
Was born in Vevay, IN       on  December 25, 1928
Child of - Tucker, Geo. D. - Laborer - age 29 - (race) white and Romans, Muriel - 1st child of this mother - age 21 - (race) white
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed on  12/26/28
Certificate Number  12; Book C-2, Page 29

Name - Donald C. Tucker
Was born in Vevay, IN      on  August 23, 1931
Child of - Tucker, Geo. Dewey - Laborer - age 38 - (race) white and Romans, Muriel - 2nd child of this mother - age 24 - (race) white
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed on 09/19/1931
Certificate Number ____   Book C-2, Page 31

Name - Unnamed McCreary
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN  on  February 9, 1933
Child of - McCreary, James and Whitham, Esther
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed on 03/01/1933
Certificate Number  381; Book 7, Page 21

Name - Mary Ann McCreary
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN  on  November 30, 1935
Child of - McCreary, James N.  and Witham, Esther Mary
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed on 12/10/1935
Certificate Number 113  Book 7, Page 46

Name - Unnamed McCreary
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN  on  September 2, 1937
Child of - McCreary, Raymond and Scott, Eunice Nadine
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed on 10/02/1937
Certificate Number  207; Book 7, Page 60

Name - Harold Raymond Level
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN  on  January 28, 1937
Child of - Level, Cecil and Sigmon, Marie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed on  01/30/1937
Certificate Number  130; Book 7, Page 55

Name - Ruby Kayron Wagner
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN on  November 22, 1938
Child of - Wagner, Raymond - Farmer - age 30 - (race) white and Wilson, Pauline - 4th child of this mother - age 25 - (race) white
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Kentucky
Record was filed on  12/05/1939
Certificate Number  110; Book 7, Page 71

Name - Paul David Levell
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN on  July 29, 1941
Child of - Levell, Cecil and Sigmon, Marie
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed on  08/01/1941
Certificate Number  72; Book  5, Page 17

Name - Janice Lou McCreary
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN on  August 28, 1943
Child of - McCreary, Warren and Selig, Edna
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed on  09/04/1943
Certificate Number  57; Book 5, Page 34

Name - William Robert Wagner
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN   on  August 19, 1944
Child of - Wagner, William R. - Military - age 31 - (race) white and Tice, Ida E. - 2nd child of this mother - age 33 - (race) white
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - West Virginia
Record was filed on  09/19/1944
Certificate Number  52; Book  5, Page 40

Name - Darlene Sue Tucker
Was born in Switzerland Co., IN    on  April 10, 1946
Child of - Tucker, George Dewey - Farmer - age 47 - (race) white and Romans, Muriel ? - 4th child of this mother - age 39 - (race) white
Birthplace of Father - Indiana
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed on  05/04/1946
Certificate Number  77; Book 5, Page 47

Name - Rex Christopher McCreery
Was born in  Rt. 1, Florence, IN on  August 4, 1963
Child of - McCreery, Edgar V. Jr. and Ward, Ollie Mae
Birthplace of Father - Kentucky
Birthplace of Mother - Indiana
Record was filed on 08/04/1963
Certificate Number   8-18-63; Book 8, Page 5