St. Joseph County Schools
Here are some pictures of Schools within St. Joseph County
(Click on the pictures to go to enlargements)
Mary Phillips
Mishawaka, IN
Mike was able to identify the following:
Front row: Peggy Sinkovics (far left); Sue Sierens (2nd from left).
Middle row, seated on chairs: Suzanne
Green (2nd from left), Mark Oklak (3rd from left), Cosimo Natali
(5th from left), Mike Natali (far right).
Back row: Brenda Reynolds (far left).
Contributed by: Michael Natali (03/30/2010)
Can you contribute more identifications?
Contributed by: Sharon Vanden Bossche (Added 11/28/2009) (Updated 09/12/2010)
Kindergarden Class of 1956 (above)Identification:
Back Row Left to Right: Sandra Boswell, Nancy Engle, Linda Thompson, Cathy Cunningham, Phillip Hosea, Vicki Long, Christina Baker, Jackie Nelson, Miss Nancy
Middle Row L-R: Janet Johnson, Terry DeMay, Karen Dzroner (sp), Randy Farmer, Debby Parnell, John Longraf, Cindy Waidner, Gene DeFrew, Sharon Gill, Gergory Bock, Paula Price
Bottom Row L-R: Ann Finers, Gary Foutoion (sp), Glenda White, Ronald Williams, Karen Nickerson, Greg Francis, Jan Miller, Joey Writ, Maryann Barrier.
These were the names my mother wrote on the back of the picture in pencil no less and it was hard to read. Corrections are appreciated.
Submitted by: Greg Lee (09/08/2010) (Updated 09/12/2010)
Front row, left to
right: Diana Roberts, Danny Culp,
Alan DeMaegd, Linda Noyer, Casey Major.
Seated in on floor, behind front
row: John Prahl, Ronny Whitney,
Larry Lawson, Albert Van Laeke.
Seated on chairs: Tom Swadener, Shirley Freshaur, Ken Brugh, Peggy Huff,
Thomas Szerence, Carol Ann Nix, David Kelley.
Back row, standing: Steven Zimmerman, Candice Fisher, Michael Divietro,
Linda Zarochin, Doug Overman, Deborah Callsen, Dennis Drudge,
Greg Lee.
Names are submitted by: Peggy Huff
Submitted by: Tia Rodriquez (06/13/2015)
![]() |
5th Grade Class 1960 - 1961 |
Top row, left to right: Doug Overman, Nancy Kraft, David Anderson, Linda
Johnson, Doug Welsh, Cindy Waidner, Lester Blakeman, Cindy
Second row from top: Kathy Higgins, Ken Brugh, Mrs. Doan, Mr. Cox, Doris
Third row from top: Jack Rhodes, Mary Nell Brown, Dennis Graber, Vicky
Long, Terry Van Gundy, Frances Barfell, Danny Culp, Glenda White.
Fourth row from top: Susie Sierens, Gary Emerick, Diana Roberts, Randy Smith,
Debbie Caulsen, Terry Conway, Paula Price, Greg Lee.
Bottom row: Martin Welsh, Jerry Johnson, Jane Amos, Cosimo Natali,
John Bontrager.
Submitted by: Greg Lee (09/12/2010)
One known member (Georgia Gill) if you know others please send names.
Submitted by: Sharon Gill Vanden Bossche (12/28/2010)
One known member (James Gill) if you know others please send names.
Submitted by: Sharon Gill Vanden Bossche (12/29/2010)
If you have more pictures of Schools for the St. Joseph County area, that you would like to submit, please send them to the County Cooridinator Please note in the heading that they are School pictures for St. Joseph County. Thank You
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Started: Saturday, November 19, 2005 09:32:41 AM
Updated: Saturday, June 13, 2015 10:17:01 PM