Bend Tribune, 26 Dec 1936, Sec 1, page 10.
Stanley Zielinski
Mrs. Mary Zielinski, aged 48, of 910 West Fisher street, died at 6:40 o’clock
Thursday evening in Epworth hospital following three weeks illness of
pneumonia. She was born in South Bend March 4, 1888. Surviving are a
stepmother, Mrs. Helen Golubski; her husband, Stanley Zielinski; a son, Alex,
six brothers, Michael, Joseph, Frank, Arthur, Charles and Leo Golubski, and two
grandchildren, all of South Bend. The body may be viewed in the home. The
funeral will take place at 9 o’clock Tuesday morning from St. Hedwige’s Roman
Catholic church with Rev. Francis X. Luzny, C.S.C., pastor, chanting the high
requiem mass. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s Polish cemetery.