Submitted by: Mary Jo Koran
SBT 6/25/1928
Betty Lou
May 12, 1928 -
June 25, 1928
Betty Lou
Swiental, six week old daughter of Mr. & Mrs Peter Swiental,
of 508 N Johnson Street, died in the residence this morning at 7:15
o'clock after a two weeks illness.
The child was
born in South Bend May 12. The body may be viewed in the
home. Funeral services will be held in St Stanislaus Roman
Catholic Church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev.
Roman Marciniak, CSC, the pastor, will officiate and burial will
be in St Joseph's Cemetery.
SBT 6/26/1928
Funeral Notes
Funeral services
for Betty Lou Swiental, infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Swiental, 508 N Johnson Street, were held this afternoon at 2
o'clock in St Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church. The Rev.
Roman Marciniak, CSC, the pastor, officiated and burial was in St
Joseph's Cemetery.