Submitted by: Todd Nowicki
Rzepka, Gruszka, Kolczynski, Kizer, Kudak, Graf, Swiatkowski
Clara Rzepka: (South Bend News Times 7/29/1929)
Electrician Falls from Pole After Touching Wire
Six persons were dead Monday, the result of automobile accidents,
drownings and electrocution over the weekend in South Bend and
the vicinity. Twenty-four others were injured in a number of
automobile accidents Sunday in and near the city. The dead
are: CLARA RZEPKA, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Rzepka, Terre Coupe, Ind., killed in automobile collision.
(jump to later part of article) The little Rzepka girl was killed
instantly shortly before 9 oclock Sunday morning in an
automobile collision at Fassnacht avenue and Brookfield street.
The child was thrown from a sedan driven by Alfred Gruszka, 18,
1701 Florence avenue, when it turned over after being struck by
another closed car driven by Irene Kolczynski, 18 1014 Diamond
avenue. Others Injured Mrs Josephine Kizer, 69,
1014 Diamond avenue, a passenger in the Kolczynski machine who
received a deep laceration on the right knee and a sprained right
wrist, and Mrs. Leo A. Kolczynski, who sustained a cut on the
right hand, were taken to the St. Joseph hospital in the city
ambulance by Officers William Hudak and Adolph Graf. Mrs.
Kolczynski, mother of the driver, was released after treatment
and attendants at the hospital Sunday night reported that Mrs.
Kizer was in satisfactory condition. Clementine Gruszka,
20, and Irene Gruszka, 20, sisters of Alfred, and Henrietta
Rzepka, sister of Clara, suffered only slight bruises in the
accident. Irene Gruszka said Sunday night that her
brother, driving west on Fassnacht avenue, had approached the
intersection at a slow rate of speed after crossing the
railroad and speeded up in an effort to avoid the Kolczynski
machine which she said was traveling north on Brookfield street
at a high rate of speed and did not stop to give the right of
way. Crashes Into Tree The Kolczynski car struck
the left side of the Gruszka sedan and rolled it up against a
small tree. The two Rzepka children had come to the city
to spend the week-end with the Stanley Gruszka family and were on
their way to the West End Meat market, 328 N. Olive street,
operated by Mr. Gruszka. Clara was born Feb. 13, 1922 at
Terre Coupe, Ind., and had lived there all her life. Besides her
parents and sister, Henrietta, she is survived by another sister,
Irene, and three brothers, Henrick, Clement and David, all at
home. The body may be viewed at the residence. Funeral services
will be held at the St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic church, Terre
Coupe. The Rev. Michael Swiatkowski, pastor, will officiate and
burial will be made in the St. Joseph cemetery, South Bend. The
funeral hour has not been decided. Clara was a seventh grade
pupil at District No. 7 school. (balance of article